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This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/15/07:
yay! ^______________^
kingdom hearts: who is better for you sora or riku? (girls only)
 rikuhe is the right guy for you. he may have a troubled past but with your help you can help him over come it. just like sora he too has the power to wield the key blade. he will always protect you and love you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
my love *heart heart*
Which Kingdom Hearts II Character Are You?
 You are the cunning and competitive Riku! In the past, you have learned to stick with your friends and that it's ok to need help. You still have some unfinished business, but with your friends you can overcome it! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
What Do The Kingdom Hearts 2 Characters Think Of You? (Girls Only...sorry guys ^^)
 ~Your Theme Song~'I'm a Bitch, I'm a Lover' By Meredith Brooks~Personality~You project a tough and strong disposition, and you don't like to open up to many people. You were betrayed and hurt in your past (example: your world was destroyed). And because of this, you don't like talking about your own past. You brush things off easily and don't really seem to care about things, even though you do. If someone does earn your full trust, you do share some of your secrets...some of them...~Heroes~Sora: She's tough...her world was destroyed about 3 years ago...since then, she's lived in Hollow Bastion. I see her whenever I go there.Kairi: .....who's she?Riku: I met her on the dark side...she's really strong. She realized the mistake she had made, and she reached for the light....I think she lives in Hollow Bastion now....Hayner: She's creepy...Pence: I dunno who she is...Olette: Hm? Who?Leon: She's a good person...she helps a lot with the computer.Cloud: She's my little sister...you should know what I'm about to say (me: that she's adorable?) No, that I will not ever let any guy get near herYuffie: She's a great ninja! I met her Traverse Town. Her world had been destroyed. We were both ninjas and we had tons in common!Aerith: She seems really tough on the outer part...but she is very sensitive when it comes to talking about that past of hers...Tifa: She's really emotional when it comes to her past...Cid: She's a computer wiz....just not better than meh =D~Organization 13~Xemnas: Hmm? Who's that?Xigbar: Oh, I fought her once. If you try to talk about her past, she basically kills you...Zexion had to cover me in bandages for 2 weeks after that....Xaldin: I'M TELLING YPU TO LEAVE ME THE F*** ALONE!!! (me: Aieeee! Don't throw it! Don't throw it!)Vexen: Hmmm? Who's she?Lexeaus: *sleeping* (me: -_-' we've lost him...)Zexion: ...........let me read, dammitSaix: .......WTF is she?Axel: Yeah, _______. She's strange. I talked to her once...she would always change the subject if asked about her family, or her home. Demyx: She scares me....(me: everyone scares you -_-')Luxord: Ah, yes...I met her once, quite an exceptional card player...Marluxia: Who's she?Larxene: I saw what she did to Xigbar! Ha, she's awesome!Roxas: I saw her in the dark realm once. She seems sad and estranged.Namine: She's only strange because of a scar in her past...she fell to the darkness, then climbed back up again. She's truly brave.~Overall~----You were scarred in the past--------Most think that you're strange, but your friends know the real you--------You're an exceptionally strong ninja----BF:Riku {Aww you guys are so cute together} BFF's: Cloud, Leon, Aerith, Yuffie, and RikuEnemies: The evil peeps Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/14/07:
Which Naruto Character are you? (Pics in results!)
 You are Itachi! You are evil and strong. You murdered your family and clan to test the limit of your abilities. You are with the Akatsuki, and seek the sealed demons.You posses the Mangekyou Sharingan.Try forgeting about the past and concentrate on your future... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/14/07:
i got a diff answer the first time {of course the darkest one} but i retook it so i got some ppl to likes me {in the quiz}
What do the Naruto characters think of you and what would you look like? [[With Pics]]
 You are Ayumi! You can control the butterflies of the world, and bless it with your beauty.Granddaughter of the 3rd Hokage, you once were stolen by Orochimaru and his ninja. You were tortured by him and forced to spill secrets you knew of the Hidden Leaf Village. He let you go after being tortured numerous times and telling him hardly anything, other than what he already knew. He decided not to kill you due to your beauty and grace.He became fond of you, and confessed he could never love you, unless in another life...The Naruto Characters think you are:Naruto: She too was tortured by Orochimaru, i will protect you! (Me: I think he likes you!)Sakura: She's okay, but she better stay away from Sasuke!Sasuke: She's kool, and quite powerful!Kakashi: Very Mysterious, but she's kool. She should be with me.. Shikamaru: She is kind to me. When i think of her Beauty, it actually motivates me... But only for a little while...Ino: I don't like the clothes she wears...Choji: She brought me Snacks once, i like her. Kiba: She's ok, but she seems too quiet.Akamaru: *Bark, Bark* (Me: He said Kiba does like you really, he thinks you're hot!)Shino: I love her, she controls butterflies, sorta like what i do right? (Me: No... you control BUGS, butterflies are nicer...)Gaara: She reminds me of... Mother...Kankorou: Very beautiful, but i've never spoken to her. Temari: She's ok, too pretty for my liking...Hinata: She's kind, she knows my secret about Naruto, she helped me speak to him once...Neji: Beauty never helped anyone, look what happened to her with Orochimaru, but still, i like her, she is intelligent in her own way... (Me: OOOOOOH!) ... -_-TenTen: I bet if i looked like that, Neji would notice me more...Rock Lee: I still like Sakura, but she's my second choice...Konohamaru: She's my Sister, but she's kool.Orochimaru: I think i could love her...Kabuto: I spoke to her, during her stay with us, and she is the warmest person. She brought out the better side of Lord Orochimaru...Jiraiya: HOT! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
That is truely,my perfect world. Weird thing is,is that i can picture all of that rather easily
If you could create a world, how would your world look like? (girls only!) (AWESOME PICS AND STORIES AT THE END!!!)
 "I am Makura, the darkness Goddess." Scyth, the shadow fallen God smirked at you, as the two of you made yours way to the temple. There you saw lots of presents, offerings and your creations waiting for you to arrive. When you landed, they all bowed. You walked almong them, your dark dress dancing behind you. Ahead of you, you could see a path made of black stone leading to a all black and grey throne. You sat up there, landind your eyes on your followers. You were not evil, you just liked the darkness more than anyone. Gods and Goddnesses walked away from you, becase they thought wrong, you were not evil.Scyth also bowed infront of you, and with your hand, you reached his chin and made him look at you."Everyone, look at this God."Everyone rested their eyes on Scyth. You could tell he was slightly nervous. "This is the God that saved your lives today. He is the one who saved me and you from myself. If he was not to be here, we would all be dead right now. I wish you to thank him, for all he did, and treat him as he deserves, a fallen God of a new world."Your creations looked at him, confused. Scyth starred at you, dumbfooled. You smiled and continued..."From this day, I will rule this world with the help of Scyth, the God of Shadows. However, you must not forget about who created you in the first place. It is the knowledge that leads you to higher heights. But all the knowlegde has to begin somewhere, and to forget that beginning is to forget who you are." The vampires, demons, black angels, werewolfs and gargoyles,...among others starred at you and with a smile on their face, bowed to the two of you, Makura and Scyth, who was sitting by your side, where appeared another throne. Later that day, Scyth and you were walking throught the dark gardens of the castle when he spoke suddently..."The things you created, they are filled with mystery and darkness, along with shadows. It reminds me of my old world, but much better."You tilted your head to your side, as you listened to him."And if we are to reign this world together, I would like to be bound to you... by love."Your eyes, widened as Scyth said those words. Yes, Gods and Goddnesses do have feelings, which includes love. You starred at his beautiful eyes and knew that deep inside your shadowed dark heart, there was a piece of love for the fallen God that you could not throw away. You ran your hands through his long black hair and said a thing that your heart longed to release..."Yes Scyth...I love you."He smiled and you could swear that his eyes were holding a thousand suns when he said..."I love you too."Since that day, the two of you reigned the world you created together, loving each other for eternity.
Makura, the Goddess of Darkness.Powers: controlling your whole world, along with the darkness within and outside it. Beings you created: Vampires, Demons, Gargoyles, Werewolfs, Dark AngelsSymbol:A crow above a black rose, spreading its wings. Grey background.World:The skies are a pinch black colour. They have little stars all over them, and a huge white and silver moon. however, when you're sad or mad the sky is just black. The earth is filled with mountains and some places, snow. The earth is a dark brown colour. Sometimes it rains, and you can clearly see the river running down the mountains, until they reach an only sea. It is filled with shadows and darkness and the beings that live there feed on the irracional animals fear and blood. You are overjoyed with the things you created and the temple in which you live is made of black stone and it is build on top of a mountain.Family: you are the 3rd eldest sister, and the most feared and unpopular, although there are some of your brothers, like the God of Death, that understands you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
Fits ey?
What kind of angel are you?(mostly girls)
 You're a dark angel, or in other words, a fallen.You were once an angel like all the others, but something in your past made you fall. Someone betrayed you and now you trust no one. You're one solitary being that likes its time to himself.You are often depressed and sad, and you may even cry a bit. The world betrayed you, and now you betrayed the world. No one gets near you, mostly because you dont let them. You're afraid to get too close to people, because you can be hurt again, and you dont want that. Colors: black and greyPower: depression/ somehow peace of mind Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
works for me
What kind of boyfriend are you looking for?(girls, of course, unless you're gay)
 You got the mysterious guy! You are the kind of person who likes mysteries and puzzles. You might be a serious person, and maybe a dark one. You can be a goth. You like the dark, and you do not like to show yourself to others. Since the moment he saw you, he could sense you were just like him and since that day, you've been seen together, talking and walking. Your friendship was growing, and soon was no longer friendship, but love. No one can understand you two. Only you two can understand one another. Before you met him, you were alone, lost between others... By his side, you know you'll never be alone and all your fears break apart. You two depend on each other and are all you're living for.The dark love... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
Which dark lord would SEDUCE you? (girls only; AWESOME PICS!!! STORIES AT THE END!!!)
 ... dark mage. I am the one who controls black or dark magic. I study the forbidden arts, because they are what I am good at. Dark arts are what I live for."A... dark mage? How could that be? There's no such thing as magic!!!"Tsk, tsk, tsk... you should think better,Makura. There are things that you do not know of. This is just one of them. The world's full of magic. People just dont see it, but I know you can, can you not?""Y...Yes. But I'm afraif of i.."You stopped as the mage kissed your lips slowly and passionately. He hugged you and looked at your eyes. Once again you felt entranced by them."Shhh... Calm down. There's nothing to fear with magic. When we use it well, magic is our friend. I know you have magic in you, my little mage. Use it."You felt yourself being lifted from the ground and when you opened your eyes you were near a castle. "Will you come with me, my love? Will you love me as you love magic?"You felt his fingers playing with yours. You could feel some kind of energy running through them. "Yes." you answered. The mage smiled and hushed you into another kiss, as the both of you walked to a life of dark arts and shadowed secrets. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/10/07:
oh how.. 'surprising' x]
You Are 67% Misanthropic
Here's the truth: Most people suck. You are just lucky enough to know it.
You're not ready to go live alone in a cave - but you're getting there.
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