Birthday 1991-02-24 Gender
Female Location well wouldn't you like to know... Member Since 2005-12-26 Real Name Mitsuki
Achievements uh...hmm. Anime Fan Since 2000 Favorite Anime Naruto, FMA, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, DNAngel, e's otherwise, ultra maniac...pretty much anything... Goals singer (japanese and english) and vet. Hobbies singing, drawing...watching anime...hee hee ^^ Talents singing...caring for animals... sasuke fanatic
opening to Neon Genisis Evangelion ^^
YO! Em-chan here! As you can obviously tell...I am NUTZ over sasuke!!! MY SASUKE! ANYONE THAT TOUCHES HIM DIES...*glares at everyone evily* lol...anywayz...sign the guestbook, PM me, do whatever ya want...just nothing to do with my sasuke ((bit suductive))...^^
"listen to your heart" with Naruto and Sasuke *still hugging*
Sasuke: ...
Naruto: hahaha!
GET BUSY (fallout boy)
i love this song sooo much...i think it would make a good song for sasuke to sing to sakura...^^ heh heh...EVIL OLD HAG! *glares at sakura*
"This has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it matters. But we never stood a chance and i'm not sure if it matters, if u are the shores I am the waves, begging for big moons...((bit suductive if u ask me))...i'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town, no. Your secrets out. I know this hurts, it was meant to. But your secrets out and the best part isn't even a good one. And it's mind over you don't, don't matter.
This has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it matters. But it must be said, again, that all us boys are just slaving into microphones for attention, because we're just so bored, bored. We never knew that you were picking apart, oh, i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts. Your secrets out. I know this hurts, it was meant to. But your secrets out and the best part isn't isn't even a good one. And it's mind over you don't don't matter. I used to obsess over living, now I only obesess over you. Tell me you'd like boys like me better, if I took my inner quiz of you. This has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it matters. This has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it matters, this has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it...matters! I know this hurts, it was meant to, ((it was meant to)) your secrets out and the best part isn't isn't even a good one. And it's mind over you don't don't don't don't matter! *talking* I always though of getting out, but not forgetting about all my worst fears are letting out. He said why put a new address on the same old loneliness when breathing just passes the time until we get old on die. Cause talkings just a waste of breath, and living's just a waste of death and why put a new address on the same old lonleiness cause this is you and me, and me and you, until we've got nothing left!"
((ya...the end's a little weird..but i could totally picture it! ^^)) Comments
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