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student in high school
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Japanese name: Aki
i won tons of awards in school
Anime Fan Since
September 2005
Favorite Anime
naruto, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, gravitation (anime and manga), saiyuki (just manga), one peice, samurai champloo, dnangel, shaman king (anime and manga)
not really anything
listening to music, anime, ddr, reading mangas, drawing, jumpin on tramoline, neopets, ddr, harry potter books, surfin the web, field hockey, track, golfing, and did i mention ddr
ddr, art (drawing and shading... i mostly draw anime), being smart, doin tricks on the trampoline.... much more
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/11/07:
What shape are you? A triangle, a circle, a rectangle, a square, or a Squiggle?
You are a circleThe circle is an ancient symbol. It is the most used shape in religions. Circles are the people who seek harmony. Circles are the caretakers, the peacemakers, and the nurtures of the world. Circles simply need to help. They love people with problems! They are the huggers and the smilers. The circles motto is "forget your troubles and just get happy!" Circles are the teachers and office workers who put smiley faces on things. Circles are the sales associates who always say, Have a nice day. Circles are talkative, self-critical, warm, caring, sensitive people. Circles are real people persons, with lots of friends. Circles love to gossip, but generally not maliciously. It is just that everybody tells them everything! Circles cannot stand conflict. They are joiners and often belong to many clubs or organizations. If we consider how circles think, they are both linear and non-linear, left brained and right brained; they can think in both styles and are the only shape that has this duality. Circles combine their thinking styles in a unique way that makes them somewhat intuitive. They have a sixth sense when it comes to communicating. Why? Because they can read people. They are the best communicators of all the shapes. Jimmy Carter is a circle. Please rate. you don't have to message! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.
Your angel seeks for serenity. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values peace and serenity more than most things in this world. You might not work well in hectic areas, but you most likely work well in quiet areas, or with soft music playing. You are calm and graceful, with a warm smile on your face a lot. In love, you seek someone who also manages to make you laugh, but can stay serious. Someone who can relate to you relaxed ways. You like to write, and read, you most likely will be a writer when you grow up! Writing a book? Message me, though I don't think I can help! =P
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Result Posted on 07/11/07:
::Who Is Your Gaurdian Angel?::{8 Unique Results}
.::Nikolai::.Your Gaurdain Angel is the ever calm, peacemaker, Nikolai! The Gaurdian is the oldest and wisest(In experience not physical apperance) of the eight, holding a great deal of thought and ponderment in his rahter idealistic mind. Nikolai tends to choose the humans that lean towards the peaceful, day dreamers. Of course who isnt attracted to those who share so many charicteristics with themselves? Nikolai tends to be the least 'observant' of the Gaurdian, typically because he can easily be lost in his thoughts or daydreams. That being said he also tends to grant the biggest gifts and be the most forgiving of the eight. Being the content humanoid he is, Nikolai generally sticks to one look. Tall, around 5'11" with ebony hair falling just above his deep blue eyes. You lucky go with the flow people! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/04/07:
What Color Sharpie Are You? (25 Different Colors) Updated Again!

Aqua Sharpie Element: Air Sense: Sight Gemstone: Aquamarine Some Qualities: Motivated and Self-ExpressiveFact: Legend says that sailors wore aquamarine gemstones to keep them safe and prevent seasickness.
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Result Posted on 05/18/07:
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)
Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.
Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.
Result Posted on 03/28/07:
You Are a Jam Cookie
On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.
Result Posted on 02/09/07:
 | You scored as Crow. You are the Crow. You are able to discover your own character and help others find themselves as well. You are very creative in the field you are in and tend to be the intelligent one of the bunch.
Crow | | 83% | Fox | | 83% | Horse | | 75% | Eagle | | 75% | Salmon | | 67% | Ram | | 58% | Deer | | 50% | Bear | | 50% | Dog | | 50% | Dragon | | 50% | Wolf | | 42% | Stag | | 42% | Bull | | 33% | Snake | | 17% |
Which animal totem best suits you? created with | |
Result Posted on 01/20/07:
Result Posted on 01/18/07:
What's your personality like? (detailed +stylish banners)
 Romantic/DreamerWell,don't you have quite an imagination? You're an idealist and posibly romantic,you also don't like when people set limits for you. Many people like you changed the course of history, but unfortunatedy you sometimes lack in the action department. If someone looked closely in your eyes they would see a rejection of the nowadays harsh world (that you might or might not noticed by now). Any level-headed person would advice you to come back to earth and stop missing important moments of life,but I'm advicing you to never give up your imagination,only use it to better the boring or rough parts of life!P.S: If you're willing,please take a look at my other results and if you feel that the quizz and I deserve it,rate! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/23/06:
Your Power Color Is Blue
Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
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