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myOtaku.com: sasukesangel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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bobbob (03/31/07)

wicked awesome site. the best ever. i'm not just being nice. i like blood too. kids call me emo too. i also like the taste of blood. not to sound wierd though but it tastes good. sorry off topic. well i added you.

TheDarknessWolf (03/29/07)

Hey sorry that i didnt sign ur gb when i knew u were blueeyesangel's friend. the backround looks cool. i like ur drawings and they inspire me..... im gonna add u to my friends list. i hope i can be ur friend....ja ne.


Kurai Nakigo (03/28/07)

time for kawaii pets!

(^ ^)

( -.-)

* o"o *

hope you enjoyed em!


Team Plasma N (03/28/07)

*appears out of the mist* Hi there!!! Its nice to meet you I am going around signing guestbooks trying to find new friends and all I really don't have many. Well I am new to the site. But I like yours and I am a true Naruto fan!^^ Please stop by my village sometime my friend and add me too I will be doing that for you as well! *does ninjitsu and dissappears* bye!

Kar (03/26/07)

Your site is amazing. Plz sign my gb.

NaruHina12 (03/24/07)

HI!!I love your site it is fucking awesome!!!You said you hate you hate the preppy happy go lucky kind of girl and so do i but i still have friends who are kinda like that.You also said youlike the site of blood and i as well. I haven't told much people about it but yeah.My site kinda looks preppy but I am not the one who made it.On another hand, I wanted to know if you would like to be my friend? If you don't mind I am going to add you.God bless.

zabuzasbedbuddy (03/23/07)

hello lynn!nice site! o^-^olove the pics!

xupmunky (03/22/07)

i like the site

AzureSano (03/21/07)

I was browsing through some profiles, and when I got to yours, my brother started laughing like crazy. He must've seen your avatar. XD Easily entertained, I know. ^^'

But I like it too, so I started looking around, and your profile looks really good! ^^ I'll be adding you if you don't mind, so I can go here more often. :3

sickofcrying (03/20/07)

hehe i like your site love the songs ^^ adding you bai!

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