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Umm sitting at home trying to think of how to draw a picture for a contest.
Member Since
Student, artist, Senior Otaku, writter, daugher, aunt, sister, dark, and as preps call me EMO KID.
Real Name
Yume (my name on here now...) heh she is from my FF VII fan manga... XP because I am a obsessive fan girl right now.. Or you can call me Emo Kid like everyone at my school does not because of the preps...
| sasukesangel
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Updated and New Mello Banner for DarkXBlood!!
 | ~Chimoko~
Well I am back... mostly... Yeah...
I have been having the worst artist block eva! Lol yeah.. ^_^ I am trying to get out of it and yeah... not working out so well... -_- I hate it when this kinda stuff happens to me... T^T I can't stand it!! AHHHH ~runs around the room several times before someone throws a shoe at me~
Well I am totally digging Noein now.
See that is the picture... Lol... the boy is Yu ~say it like you say well You~ and the girl is Hakura ~kinda like a mixture of Sakura's first and last name (From Naruto)~ Lol yeah... I have so crazy thoughts when it comes to the night... lol yeah..
Well umm Bleach club... ahh yes... we have 3 captains open.. PM ChainedDarkness about that... and I am doing Vices... Lol the ones that have been taken are:
All the other vice captains are FREE!
Lol yes... Umm yeah... Well Ummm that is all for now.. lol ^_^'

Here is the banner and link to the Official fan site that I did... *shifty eyes* I did all the typing.... and I have now finished it either... I still have a lot to do... soo yeah..
Well that is all for real this time.
 Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
The Club that me and ChainedDarkness Started.....

Just click on it to get to the site.... that I!!!!!!! Worked so hard on..... 10 hours.... 10 effin Hours..... I hope that you guys like it... If you want to Join PM ChainedDarkness about the Captains... and PM me about Vice Captains... Also she is gonna get Recruits too.... Soo yeah... But that is after everyone is taken and we have gotten it rolling... soo yeah.... Look at the site to see who is taken and who is saved and who is free... Well that is all now...
Well I am outta here to go to bed... it is 6:00 AM in the morning and I need to go to bed... Night... morning... whatever.... TT_TT
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Good bye for now it it is only for a little while. ~Other sites to take care of~
 | ~Chimoko~
Well I am having too much drama and stuff with this site. Because I am Chimoko on this one. I will be at one of my 2 other sites I will sign your guess book when I feel like talking again. I will also be on just to update on this one with art and stuff. That is if I don't just go to DeviantART. If you want to contact me from here get an AIM and add me as a friend. Other than that when all the drama cools down I will come back to this site.
That is all I will talk to you guys later.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
New site and post box... Lol
 | ~Chimoko~
Well this is just so that I can change my post box and stuff... Lol well yeah...
Umm well I still have a lot to do...
Art Trade
Charlie Manson
Frankie Elric
Contest prizes
Hikaru Hitachiin
Mr. Satan17
See I still have lot.. ;_;
Can't I just go cry in my emo corner... I have to much to do and I dun wanna do it... Ohh well...
I will have to talk to you all later... >_> I have help my mom fix dinner... soo yeah...
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
 | ~Chimoko~
Umm yeah well I had to fix my site... Umm well it was not working right well on my side that is... Soo yeah...
Well I am have to say that I was not too happy with my Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus game... You wanna know why?
1. I thought when I finished the game that I died... After all that I die just to save the world! =_= I was screaming in my pillow and cussing like no tomorrow. Then I saw the pictures come up and I was like "is is is it an epilogue?" and it was and I was like "W00T!! I didn't die for nothing after all!!! But it ended in a lame way... which I am not gonna spoil for the ones that I have not finished or have not played the game... Lol
2. I got the game for Christmas and you know what I went and looked at how much time it took me to beat the game... on the Hardest level... Only 17 hours 25 minutes and 55 seconds.... Not even a whole day! I like played for 10 straight hours when I first got it and that sucks!
I beat my other (newest game) Haunting Ground which is rated M for mature because of sex, nudity, EXTREME violence, and Suggestive themes... Such as clothes and behavior. I beat that in like 3 days!!!! But there is like 4 different endings that you can get on that game... and I go the one that rocked!!! ^_^ BTW the game only lasts 3 days because it is a time limit game!! ROFLMAO!! It was scary it had me on the edge of my seat! You are Fiona Belle an 18 year old college student that was in a car wreck with your parents and they are killed but you survive some how and end up at the Belle Family Mansion and are held prisoner there and you have to get your way out in 3 days or less or something horrid happens! *I got out in 2 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds!!! Lucky me, huh? When I saw that I was like "0_0 HOLY SHEET!!!" Ohh and if you play that game listen to Breathe no More by Evanscense (sp?) It makes it even more spookier than what it is!
But my worst games list is:
Metroid Prime (Teen)
Need for Speed 2 Most wanted (Teen)
Mario Sunshine (Everyone)
Best games:
Haunting Ground (Mature)
Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus (Teen)
Final Fantasy X (Teen)
Soul Caliber 2 (Teen)
Mortal Combat Deceptions (Mature)
Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (Teen)
Grand Theft Auto San Andres (Explicit Version *Higher than Mature rating* No longer sold in stores)
Lol yup there you go... Lol
Well I am outta here!!
Create your own Flashy Text
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
 | ~Chimoko~
Umm yeah well I had to fix my site... Umm well it was not working right well on my side that is... Soo yeah...
Well I am have to say that I was not too happy with my Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus game... You wanna know why?
1. I thought when I finished the game that I died... After all that I die just to save the world! =_= I was screaming in my pillow and cussing like no tomorrow. Then I saw the pictures come up and I was like "is is is it an epilogue?" and it was and I was like "W00T!! I didn't die for nothing after all!!! But it ended in a lame way... which I am not gonna spoil for the ones that I have not finished or have not played the game... Lol
2. I got the game for Christmas and you know what I went and looked at how much time it took me to beat the game... on the Hardest level... Only 17 hours 25 minutes and 55 seconds.... Not even a whole day! I like played for 10 straight hours when I first got it and that sucks!
I beat my other (newest game) Haunting Ground which is rated M for mature because of sex, nudity, EXTREME violence, and Suggestive themes... Such as clothes and behavior. I beat that in like 3 days!!!! But there is like 4 different endings that you can get on that game... and I go the one that rocked!!! ^_^ BTW the game only lasts 3 days because it is a time limit game!! ROFLMAO!! It was scary it had me on the edge of my seat! You are Fiona Belle an 18 year old college student that was in a car wreck with your parents and they are killed but you survive some how and end up at the Belle Family Mansion and are held prisoner there and you have to get your way out in 3 days or less or something horrid happens! *I got out in 2 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds!!! Lucky me, huh? When I saw that I was like "0_0 HOLY SHEET!!!" Ohh and if you play that game listen to Breathe no More by Evanscense (sp?) It makes it even more spookier than what it is!
But my worst games list is:
Metroid Prime (Teen)
Need for Speed 2 Most wanted (Teen)
Mario Sunshine (Everyone)
Best games:
Haunting Ground (Mature)
Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus (Teen)
Final Fantasy X (Teen)
Soul Caliber 2 (Teen)
Mortal Combat Deceptions (Mature)
Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (Teen)
Grand Theft Auto San Andres (Explicit Version *Higher than Mature rating* No longer sold in stores)
Lol yup there you go... Lol
Well I am outta here!!
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