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Umm sitting at home trying to think of how to draw a picture for a contest.
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Student, artist, Senior Otaku, writter, daugher, aunt, sister, dark, and as preps call me EMO KID.
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Yume (my name on here now...) heh she is from my FF VII fan manga... XP because I am a obsessive fan girl right now.. Or you can call me Emo Kid like everyone at my school does not because of the preps...
| sasukesangel
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/01/07:
The good guys hate me and the villans want me...... SWEET!!!!!!
What Would the Naruto Characters Think About You? [ Twenty-two characters offer their opinions. Females only. ]
Naruto: I'll beat her one day, dattebayo!Sasuke: She's a loser who hangs around with my brother. They both must die.Sakura: Sasuke doesn't like her so I don't like her either.Inner Sakura: HOW COULD SHE DO THAT TO MY SASUKE?!Shino: .......Kiba: Doesn't know you.Hinata: I'm afraid of her...Neji: She's....very strong.Tenten: Doesn't know you.Rock Lee: I don't like her because she insulted Gai-sensei.Shikamaru: Another Akatsuki member? How troublesome.Chouji: ;;Is too busy eating to answer.;; ....Who?Ino: She scares me.Gaara: I resent her, but I admit that she is strong.Kankuro: She scares me.Temari: I wouldn't want to fight against her.Kakashi: She had potential, but she betrayed our village.Jiraiya: She must be stopped.Orochimaru: Why did she have to join up with Itachi? She could have been on my side.Tsunade: I agree with Jiraiya about her for once.Itachi: Very strong indeed......Kimimaro: She's strong, but I must kill her if she doesn't change her mind about leaving Akatsuki to join Orochimaru. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/01/07:
Yay when I am a leaf ninja I am Itachi X3
What Leaf Ninja Are You ???
 Itachi Age: 18 in Part I, 20 in Part II Status: Active Eye color: Black, Red with Sharingan Hair color: Black Height: 175.2 cm2 Weight: 57.1 kg2 Birthday: June 9 Blood type: AB Registration #: 012110 Ring: 朱 (Shu, scarlet/bloody) Position: Right ring finger Partner: Kisame Hoshigaki Seiyu: Hideo Ishikawa Voice actor: Skip Stellrecht (flashbacks in episodes 29 and 30 only) Debut: Chapter 139; Episode 80 Unique traits: Mastery of the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan, extremely skilled with genjutsu Noted even within the Bingo Book (a list of powerful ninja who have been marked for assassination), Itachi Uchiha (うちはイタチ, Uchiha Itachi?) is an S-Class criminal and a Konohagakure missing-nin. He is currently partnered with Kisame to capture Naruto.He graduated at the top of his Academy class at age 7, had mastered the Sharingan by age 8, became a Chunin at 10 and was previously an ANBU squad leader at the age of 13. He was, until recently, the only known living person who possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan. Itachi has told Sasuke that if Sasuke were to obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan, the people able to use it will total three.He left Konoha about five years prior to the setting of Naruto, after slaying his whole clan with the exception of Sasuke Uchiha, his little brother. At 11, even Orochimaru feared him. Orochimaru had planned to use Itachi as his next host, but Itachi had become too powerful for even Orochimaru to handle, which is why he turned his attention to Sasuke.The reason Itachi killed everyone in his clan except for Sasuke remains unclear. When questioned by Sasuke, he replied, "To test my 'utsuwa'." In Japanese, 'utsuwa' (器) can mean "vessel," or "container," but it can also mean "ability," or "tool." Orochimaru uses this word to refer to the bodies he takes over with his Living Corpse Reincarnation. In this respect, Itachi's words can mean anything from him having a past connection with Orochimaru, to him simply wanting to test his own power, or to his plans to join Akatsuki and forsake past relations. To make matters even more ambiguous, the first person pronoun Itachi used can also be used as a vulgar second person pronoun, so he could also have meant that he wanted to test Sasuke's 'utsuwa,' although this is unlikely, given his previous remarks about his 'utsuwa'. In context, Itachi was more than likely referring to his own power. Itachi also briefly makes reference to some ultimate purpose behind the Uchiha clan, but what this is has yet to be revealed.Itachi, especially after slaying his entire clan, appears aloof and nearly emotionless. While Sasuke's flashbacks reveal a somewhat more loving and personable brother, Itachi later implies that this too was all just an act: playing the part of the older brother all to test Sasuke's potential. Despite being the murderer of his entire clan, as well as his closest friend, Itachi does not appear to kill simply for the sake of it, but instead seems to use just enough force to achieve his goals. When Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi stood between him and the way to his goal (Naruto Uzumaki), he did not kill Kurenai when given the chance. Likewise, he could have easily killed Kakashi and Sasuke, but instead chose to torture them with his Mangekyo Sharingan so that they would witness his power. As it stands, the only way for one to avoid the Mangekyo Sharingan is to avoid eye contact, and focus on the feet or body, as mentioned by both Guy and Kakashi. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/25/06:
Yup ichigo works for me!
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
yay I am rukia!! I love it!
Result Posted on 12/25/06:
lol that is me! I mean I am pretty damn crazy!
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
Maria is realated to Sasuke!!!! haha Maria have fun with ur uchiha brother..... wait that means that Itachi is ur bro 2.... U can't love him!! lol
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
Cool her brother is Dark Mousy... *looks at Naruto then Dark* I want Dark as my BRO!!!
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
Yay My brother is Naruto!!!!!! Ha Take that!
Result Posted on 12/18/06:
yup sure is me that it is that it is.......
T | Twisted | E | Exhausting | R | Respectable | R | Rounded | I | Irresistible | E | Exciting | | L | Loud | Y | Yum | N | New | N | Neglected | | J | Judicial | O | Overwhelming | N | Nutty | E | Elitist | S | Stunning | Name Acronym GeneratorFrom
Result Posted on 12/18/06:
Ohh that is soooo her!!
How to make a Alysia |
3 parts anger
1 part humour
1 part instinct |
Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little emotion if desired! |
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