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MS degree in Organic Chemistry
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Cowboy bebop, Haibane Renmei, Samurai Champloo, Gundam Seed, Inuyasha
PhD in chemistry
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Well not a whole lot of anything going on around my end, just a bunch of chemistry and television. I'm planning on seeing the new Ghost in the Shell movie tomorrow, which is opening for the first time in my town/city.
I guess TV is as good a subject as any. I haven't really fallen into the traps of any of the really popular stuff like CSI or the apprentice. I actually find them almost as unwatchable as some of the garbage sitcoms like Will and Grace (eww). My favorite (non-animated) show is Smallville, which took the ultra-corny concept of having Superman during his teenage years and actually built a pretty good show around it. The new season so far has been a bit oversexed, but pretty fun too. All of the actors are pretty good, especially Lex Luthor and his dad Lionel Luthor are great. The last episode had the flash guest star (basically just a kid with super speed who ripped off Clarks dad's wallet) who became "friends" with Clark.
The only other show I watch regularly is Everwood, which is backed with more drama than anything I've ever seen.
Cartoons I LOVE Venture Brothers, and also Aqua teen, Inuyasha, Gundam SEED, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yugioh, the Batman and...well I guess the repeats of Family Guy are still pretty good. Venture brothers really stands out lately, its pretty much a spoof of Johnny Quest (Race Bannon actually was in one episode). It comes with my highest reccommendations.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
And if they catch us, and dispatch us to seperate work camps
Oh yeah! Say Anything is playing in Portland November 6th. I'mma going to get me some tickets today, yes I am. Thanks T, for telling me about this great band.
Oh, I took these really cool pictures of some of my Transformers, if you want to see them give me your email address and I'll send you them through Yahoo Photo. I promise not to stalk anyone.
Oh, and I also voted Sunday for the president. Oregon has mail in ballots which make life really easy for voters.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Ah, finally the Buffalo Bills have blown the stink off themselves and won 1 game against the new worst team in the NFL. For some reason football is the only pro sport I really care about. I guess I just grew up watching it, rather than Basketball of Hockey. So I have a fair bit of guy stereotype in me. Of course to counterbalance that I have a wardrobe and shoe collection bigger than my wife. I'll cry if anyone ever calls me a metrosexual though, I think I'm way too hairy to ever be in that classification though. I only occasionally listen to sensitive girly rock.
Hm, this is starting to sound like a defense of masculinity. Oh, well I guess the biggest stereotype for me to avoid is the nerd. Comics, toys, Yugioh cards, videogames and anime might sentence me to that classicication. I can counter it though with love of sports and football, not wearing a black trenchcoat, no unicycle or desire to ever wear a unicycle, don't own a computer and relatively clear skin. I apologize if I've described anyone :)
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Friday, October 15, 2004
Why Not
I think i can X a few of these that I haven't seen people mark yet, so I did the damn cheesy survey thing.
() I have been drunk
(x) I have kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) I have kissed a member of the same sex
() I crashed a friend's car
(x) I have been to Japan
(x) I rode in a taxi
(x) I have been in love
(x) I've had sex
(x) I've had sex in public (What defines ‘public‘?)
(x) I've shoplifted
() I have been fired
(x) I have cut myself on purpose
(x) I have been in a fist fight
() I've had a 3-some
() I've snuck out of my parent's house
(x) I have been tied up
() I have been caught masturbating
() I have been arrested
(x) I've made out with a stranger
(x) I've stolen something from my job
() I've celebrated New Year's in Time Square
() I've gone on a blind date
() I've had a crush on a teacher
() I've celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
() I have been to Europe
(x) I've skipped school
() I've slept with a co-worker
() I have thrown up in a bar
() I have purposely set myself on fire
(x) I have eaten sushi
() I have been snowboarding
() I have been snow skiing
(x) I have made a snow angel
(x) I have been happy with myself
() I have met a movie star
() I had sex in a pool
() I went to a prom
() I've bungee jumped
() I have been to a pop concert
(x) I have dated someone for over a year
() I sold naked pictures of myself
(x) I have been in a car accident
(x) I have slept in the nude
(x) I've eaten cheesecake
() I've had jury duty
(x) I've hated someone without knowing them
() I have been to Maine
(x) I've shot a real gun
(x) I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles
(x) I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them
() I've done ecstasy
() I've gotten my ass kicked
() I've been caught smoking
() I've milked a cow
() I've got in a verbal fight with a teacher
() I've cheated on someone
() Lied one time in this survey
() Lied more then once in this survey
() Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone
() Partied every weekend for the last month
() Sniffed markers to get high
(x) Slept for more than 15 hours at a time
() Petted a live tiger
(x) Kissed someone in the snow
() Found a four leaf clover
(x) Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door
() Gotten drunk in Germany
(x) Cried in public
() Cried in public in the last 5 days
() Been hit on by a member of the same sex
() Been asked to perform oral sex by a complete stranger
() Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
() Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
() Hates the banner
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The working world is the Noid
Hopefully you remember the 'Noid' from dominos commercials way back when. Well I think that the 9-5 working world is the Noid, ever-present source of annoyance and frustration. I signed myself up for a 5 year graduate school to get my doctorate in Chemistry just to avoid the Noid (starting year 3 now).
Whatever you do, don't rush off and get real jobs, school is way more fun and much less soulcrushing.
On another note, I am finally closing in on tracking down a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne for PS2. There's a super informative thread on it on OB if you want to know the specifics, but I'm excited because it seems like most VG stores around here aren't carrying it. EB games had the strategy guide 2 days ago, and the other store thats usually pretty good only buys games based on the number or people that preorder it. Its super-annoying.
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
The world thats small
Yesterdays presidential debates weren't too bad. I was expecting more of the same ultra-repetitiveness, but I guess that they probably realize that they can only get away with so much of it. It made me feel a little better about voting for Kerry, though I still kinda want to go Nader. The real deciding factor has been that Bush has done absolutely nothing good for our environment. His EPA is a joke.
Anyway, two of the Blogs that I used to go to are gone, so now I'm only going to Shinmaru's and Aleia's, you two got any recommendations for other peoples to start looking at?
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Friday, October 8, 2004
So Tony's site is toast and now Anatema's MyOB site is gone, whats going on?
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Der Wochenende
Finally the weekend of laziness can prevail. I'm sick of doin' work, so this weekend will be a big movie-fest. Hmm, I still do have to go and do laundry..but movies will reign supreme.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Shaun of the Dead. Its supposed to be really good, both funny and scary which should be interesting. I'm a big sucker for zombie movies since 28 days later, and Hollywood just keeps pumping them out for some reason. I think that theres also going to be a new George Romero (Dawn of the Dead) zombie flick on the horizon too. Happy for me!
Spiderman 2 has finally made it to the $1 theatre, so I'm going to check that one out on Sunday. Its also supposed to have been really good and better than the first one. I haven't seen it so far because I HATE Kirsten Dunst with a passion. She really just can't act for shit and I hate the sound of her voice. The guy who plays Harry Osborne is terrible too, I don't have any idea how he keeps getting big movie roles.
Other than that I'll be playing Gradius V and ESPN NFL2K5 and trying to convince my wife that I still pay attention to her (kidding).
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Ratatat show
This was the best show I've seen in a while, and Ratatat played awesome live including two songs I'd never heard before that were not on the album. If you haven't listened to this band yet, you owe it to yourself to check them out. I'm a huge freak for Muse lately but I think this is even better.
By the way, anyone got the scoop on what happened to
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
beat it yesterday!! What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
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