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myOtaku.com: satan665

Friday, October 15, 2004

Why Not
I think i can X a few of these that I haven't seen people mark yet, so I did the damn cheesy survey thing.

() I have been drunk
(x) I have kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) I have kissed a member of the same sex
() I crashed a friend's car
(x) I have been to Japan
(x) I rode in a taxi
(x) I have been in love
(x) I've had sex
(x) I've had sex in public (What defines �public�?)
(x) I've shoplifted
() I have been fired
(x) I have cut myself on purpose
(x) I have been in a fist fight
() I've had a 3-some
() I've snuck out of my parent's house
(x) I have been tied up
() I have been caught masturbating
() I have been arrested
(x) I've made out with a stranger
(x) I've stolen something from my job
() I've celebrated New Year's in Time Square
() I've gone on a blind date
() I've had a crush on a teacher
() I've celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
() I have been to Europe
(x) I've skipped school
() I've slept with a co-worker
() I have thrown up in a bar
() I have purposely set myself on fire
(x) I have eaten sushi
() I have been snowboarding
() I have been snow skiing
(x) I have made a snow angel
(x) I have been happy with myself
() I have met a movie star
() I had sex in a pool
() I went to a prom
() I've bungee jumped
() I have been to a pop concert
(x) I have dated someone for over a year
() I sold naked pictures of myself
(x) I have been in a car accident
(x) I have slept in the nude
(x) I've eaten cheesecake
() I've had jury duty
(x) I've hated someone without knowing them
() I have been to Maine
(x) I've shot a real gun
(x) I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles
(x) I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them
() I've done ecstasy
() I've gotten my ass kicked
() I've been caught smoking
() I've milked a cow
() I've got in a verbal fight with a teacher
() I've cheated on someone
() Lied one time in this survey
() Lied more then once in this survey
() Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone
() Partied every weekend for the last month
() Sniffed markers to get high
(x) Slept for more than 15 hours at a time
() Petted a live tiger
(x) Kissed someone in the snow
() Found a four leaf clover
(x) Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door
() Gotten drunk in Germany
(x) Cried in public
() Cried in public in the last 5 days
() Been hit on by a member of the same sex
() Been asked to perform oral sex by a complete stranger
() Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
() Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
() Hates the SuicideGirls.com banner

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