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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Would someone pass the cheese?
Another meaningless title! Go me!
I wasn't able to get my pics up today, only cause my disk is gay, and won't work. (bastard.....) So, I have hopes of getting it up......uh.....well.....I'm not sure when.....But they'll get up eventually! (remember, they're on DeviantART now. Click the little link at the top!)
Oooh! I saw a really cute guy at the craft store today! I might (attempt) to draw him as a char.......Hehe......
And wish me gewd luck on exams this week! (i'll need it since satomi don't study........)
God damn am I bored............I could rant on and on........But I don't think you all would wanna listen to me.........Or do you?
If ya'll (hehe...ya'll....) wanna hear my rants and raves, press 1
If ya'll don't, press 2
If you want a cookie, press 3
If you want sex, meet me in the Dayz Inn, room 82
If you want a mongoose, press 5, 8, and 67
If you want to learn about Life, the Universe, and Everything, press 42
If you want to see fucked up random pictures, press 485, 56uq38, and xy69843
If you have read all of this, press X
If you want all of this, press q-w-e-r-t-y
That's all for now! Thank you London, we love you! goodnight!
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
X-Mas Break! Yay!
I'm finally on X-mas break! It came really fast too! Usually, it all, "Why?! Why isn't it break yet?!" But it was more like, "Woah, break already? Damn..." Ah but it's nice. I get to sleep in!! We have snow, but it's melting......evil snow. We're "supposed" to get ten inches, but you never know.
The site is undergoing a few changes. I'm working on a new welcome sign, with Chin Isou! Gotta love that guy! And I've got a link to my deviantArt site. I'm too lazy to put them up here, so they're all there. ALL of them. Hehe...
I've been listening to Green Day lately. Awesome songs. *listening to it now* {3 I couldn't feel any better right now! So happy, lot of energy!
Now I must go burn off the ecess energy, and run around a tree. I shall see you all later! And have a Merry X-mas!!
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Monday, December 13, 2004
The Whole ER Experience in 5 Hours
Sorry, I would've updated sooner, but I've felt like crap the last few days. I meant to do it last Sunday, but I passed out at the mall. I was waiting for my lunch, and my legs started to hurt, then my head, and everything just irised out. (like when a scene in a movie changes) Then I woke up, cause I felt my head hurting. I thought I was at home, sleeping, and dreaming that it was Sunday. But then my vision and hearing came back, and I realized that I -was- at the mall. So the EMT took me to the hospital, and the ride there wasn't all that fun. I was strapped to the gurney, and they had to test my blood-sugar. But, they didn't tell me they were gonna put an IV in. (they had to put it in my hand, since they couldn't find the vein in my arm) So I'm still hurting, and the guy is saying that the needle is out, but it still hurts, and -then- he said that there was a tube in my vein. Oh yeah, -that- was fun. Then I arrived at the hospital, and I had a defunked bed, so they got me a new one. I had my pride trampled on, cause I had to wear a gown. Nice little thing. Then I got another EKG, a cat-scan a little while later, and had blood drawn. That was a lot of fun too. Oh yeah, a urinalysis. If pissing in a cup isn’t demeaning, I don’t know what is. But all in all, I’m ok, nothing wrong. So no need to worry! Satomi is alive and well! (Just have a cough) :3
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
You're gonna do WHAT to Bob the turkey?!
A happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
(Bob's gonna be ok, right?)
And sorry I haven't been able to post or make it round to your site. But I will! I now have the winter bg up. (finally)

And I belive I asked if foxes fall in love? And the answer is yes! I have fallen in love with my beloved friend! I've yet to tell him though. I'm going to wait till we can talk, rather than emailing him.
Another of my friends likes me, but I had turned him down. So, he's been calling me a whore, and saying I'd screw anything. And he doesn't even have the guts to say any of this to my face. At least I've got other friends to tell me these things.
And with November almost over, are you ready for X-mas? I swear it gets earlier every year. Do you all know why Santa is so fat? It's cause he eats the bad kids he catches out of bed. But just the naughty ones. >:D
I belive that is all for the updates. So, go eat some turkey, if you really wanna kill poor Bob, take a nap, and have a good vacation!
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Lost in a Development? Oh Yeah!
Yes! I managed to get my friends and myself lost! It -was- a really big housing development though. We passed the entrance two or three times. So, we waited for a half an hour or so. Mom didn't show up, so we walked -all- the way to my grandpa's. The whole thing took about an hour and a half.
And now, for my costume!

It turned out a lot better than I thought it would. It's hard to see the horns, but they're there.
I've had quite a wander lust lately too. I really don't like my school, or most of the people there. *outcast* So, I cower from them, and curse at them in Japanese. ^^; It's mean, bu fun!
So, I have a whole bag of candy I must hord and eat! Ja ne!
"I saw Elvis! He was sitting next to bigfoot on the UFO!!"
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Do Foxes Fall in Love?
My friend has been lending me Kare Kano! It's very good! Which leads to the title, I think I might be in love. It's kinda hard to tell...There's this guy in California I met over the net, and I really wanna meet him! We call each other on the phone, but I wanna see him! But, I'm stuck in Ohio.....Damn this sucks...But whenever I'm reading, I think about him. It's kind of embarassing admiting it.
So, in case I can't post later...

I finished my costume! I still need to take pics. It's been raining, so I really can't go outside. It's so fun! So, get out there and get some candy! Just don't eat the ones with needles and razor blades in them. Those are the that candys bite back!
And that is my update! I've also got new pics up! About time too! So, enjoy the holiday!
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
And so, the maniac fox-girl returns!
Yup. I'm back. sorry, but you just can't get rid of me. I -did- find out my final score in the 1st round of the YGO regionals. I placed 136 out of 208. X3 Much better than usual! So, the drinks are on me!

Not too much else going on in the world of Satomi....My friend is doing much better! But her stupid 5th period teacher keeps changing which lunch period she has. It pisses me off!!! I need to see my friends!! And that is why they made sporks. For getting revenge......*evil glare* Muahahahaha!
In better news, I got to see my very first fight at skool!!!! It was pretty cool. Sam got paul in a headlock, and when the teacher tried to break it up, Sam swung at him and went back at Paul. I even got called down to one of the higher-ups to tell what happened. Quite interesting!
I'll put new pics up eventually. I've been very lazy and out of sink lately...So, I'll post when I get them up.
Now, for my bishie of the moment:
Dracula! From Van Helsing!

"Tall dark and handsome? Nah, I prefer tall, pale, and inhuman."
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Just some Cosplay
I got bored the other day, so I was messing with my wig and some of my other stuff. So, have fun looking at me!

Oh! I also went to the YGO regionals! My record was 3-5!! Yay! I did much better than normal!
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Gifs For You To Steal!!!!!!

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Updates! Get Your Fresh New Updates!!!
Yes....I really don't like my Bio teacher.....

He just really bugs me. plus he gives out too much homework. I shall kill him.......with a dull spork!!! (I've got one right now!)

I have played Yu Yu Hakusho. And it kicks ass. I DEMAND that YYH fans get it!!!! Veeeeerrrrrryyy fun!!!!!!! No blood though.....that was dissapointing.......But still damn good!!!!
I'va also been having trouble with my friend. She's tried to commit suicide several times......I'm trying -really- hard to help her. She's seeing a shrink, and is on meds, but they're not helping.

I'm really worried about her. I've never had to deal with something like this.....I mean. yeah, sure, my other friends have problems, but not like -this-. I'm going to have a talk with her at school. She just doesn't realize how improtant she is in this world........
Ahh........A kinda sad post, yes.....But I needed to get that out. I feel a lot better. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should do, please tell me. I could use the help. Thanks for listening.
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