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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Ahhhh.....not a lot Happnin
Other than the usual boredom, I'm hoping my mom'll let me go to the Yu-Gi-Oh! regionals. If I make the top 5, I can go on to the nationals!! As Big Joe so cleverly put it, "If I won, I'd shit myself." But she probably won't if there's no adult going. Of course there's one going!!! Hell, Eric's (the guy who runs the tourny thing) going and he's like, 27!!! (sure doesn't look it though) Ah, well, it might take some heavy begging, but I'll get in!!!!! Never give up! Never surrender!!!!!
I have also gotten the YYH game for PS2!!!!! *happy dance* I'm gonna go play it as soon as I'm done here.
I've also developed a way to glomp Faust if I should ever happen to see him. I'd break my arm (or whatevers available), then go ask him to help me. Once he's done, glomp him while he's off-gaurd!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!! The perfect plan!!
I've also gotten my scanner to work! Now my pics won't look like shit!! Horray! *slams flag into scanner* Oops.......Yeah.......
And that's the word from your local fox girl. Thank you, and good night!
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Beware the Evil Alliances!!!

And now, this news flash!
Leprechauns, gnomes, squirrels, and flys have banned together to take over the world!!! Beware....
Yup. I've been writing poetry lately! Here's one of them, for anyone who's interested:
I, the Beast
As I stare into the dark depths
I see the eyes of the beast
Locked in a stalemate
We sit and stare
I tilt my head
and the beast does the same
I slowly blink and wave my hand
And it mimics me
It seemed to be a reflection
Dopplegangers of a sort
Still we stared
Locked in our stalemate
And as I looked into the mirror
I soon realized
That the beast was me
Like it? Lemme know! And that's all for today. Please stand for the pledge: 'I pledge alligance, to the Earth, one planet, many gods, and to the universe in wich she spins.'
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Return of the Fox Girl!
Sorry for making you all wait! I haven't been able to get on. i've been sick all week. Very tired.

I almost lost my voice on Tuesday, and it carried over the next day. I've had a runny nose all week too. But now I'm on some meds, and I'm getting better.
Schools been, well, school. Boring as usual. I'll have some pics up hopefully by tommrow.
Study! Study! Study!

I'm making some progress on my costume as well! Dad just got me a wig. (hurray for e-bay!) Now I gotta style it. I still gotta make horns......
There you have it folks! You know the drill, "If you love something, set it free, or cripple it so it can't get away."
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
La la la! Feeling better!!

Yes! I'm feeling -much- less murderous! Happy dance time!!

(as you can see, I'm having fun with gifs and html) :3
And now! I've got a new anime man I'm stalking! Faust VIII from Shaman King! Here's a piccy!!

Yeah, so, anyway, back to normal. I don't know when I'll be able to post again. Mom found out I was sneaking on the computer at night. So, Satomi's kinda grounded. Worst still, she put a new password to sign on the 'net. Grrrr.....(I -still- don't know how she found out ><)
I'm gonna go to my friends tommrow! I kinda know where she lives, but, yeah. I'll get there one way or another. So, happy Labor Day to you all! Enjoy the day off!
This is Satomi saying, "I must embark on a quest. I must find Faust, and glomp him! I will not return untill I'm sucsessful! I'm off!!"
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Yes, I'm here! I woulda updated on Fri., but my gay skool blocked MyO because it has "message/bulleten boards" Screw you Cloverleaf........
But man! I don't know if I'll make it though the skool year!!! My locker and classes are at totally seperate ends...it really sucks...... And to add to my misfortune, there was a pep assembly. It was really hot, loud, mind-racking, did I mention it was hot?? I was seriously on the verge of a mental-breakdown. I looked something like this:

Well, I don't have the ears and tail, but, you get the point.
So, let's take some time, and stare at the man I worship!

Ahhh.......-much- better! I will also have a pic of Youko in my gallery soon!
And that's all she wrote! This is Satomi saying, "Need...to....kill......the damn.....preps!!!!! Anyone gotta knife??"
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
So Tired.....
I hate getting up early for school...The fact that I don't get to sleep till late doesn't help either. But, all in all, schools been alright. Haven't had any problems. The only -real- problem is all the preps....damn they're scary!!
But lucky me! I've got most of my classes with my friends! Yay! They messed up my math class though. I got the same teacher as last year. Since I failed, they were supposed to put me in a different class. It should be corrected on Monday. Hell is I know. My school's lame.
I should have some more art up eventually. Ideas have been popping up like mad! It's been Neopet pics at the moment, but I'll have some other stuff soon.
That's all for now! This is Satomi saying, "Why do I need to take English class? I'm never going to England...."
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Warrior of the Moon, Ambrose
I'm sure you're wondering who Ambrose is. He's a demon who was sent by the gods along with his brother to protect and serve the Pharoh Escalus. (So, yeah, they're Egyptian) He riens over the World of the Moon, and his brother, Adrien, riens over the World of the Sun.
You can see a pic of him in my gallery! It looks so good because I scanned it at my dad's. I WILL get my scanner working as soon as possible.
Also, i've been working on my Halloween costume. I'm gonna be Ambrose! (Exept I'l have more clothing than in the pic.) I'll be sure to post a pic of me in costume! I hope it turns out ok!!
This is Satomi saying. "Trick-or-Treat! Even though it's not Halloween!!"
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Schools, back in session.........
This was my last full week of summer vacation. And man it sucks! The only good thing is I get to see my friends again.
I did get my bus schedule in the mail, but not my class schedule. Why? Because my school is really lame. So, mom's gotta drive me up there to find out my homeroom. Then I'll get my sched. the frist day. That is gonna be such a pain in the ass.....
I hope I'll have classes with my friends this year. At least lunch! I don't wanna be left alone with the scary preps!!! *me hiding in the corner of the lunchroom* "Go away! Hisssss!! I'll bite you!!" Yup, that'll be me...
I'll try to get on the computer as often as possible, but I never know. Tp those of you going back to school too, I wish you luck! Hopefully it won't suck!
This is Satomi saying, "Nooo!! You can't make me do equasions!!! Neveeeerrr!!!!"
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Why Does Ohio Suck so Much!?!?
The weather here has been hot/cold off and on the past week. But I did sleep good last night! My neighbors have been quiet!! Amazeing! I don't think I've complained about them here. I wouldn't want to bore you. They're supposed to move, but I'm not sure when. Just as long as I don't hear the bass of the music in my house! A while back, the parents weren't home, so they had a party. I'm supprised the stuff didn't vibrate off the walls. I hardly got sleep that night. And the dogs have been quiet too.
And, enought ranting about that. I'll be posting some art today! YAY! I've been working on pics of my Neopets lately. I have so many ideas buzzing around....If only I wasn't so lazy!!
I haven't been to work lately either. I was supposed to work last Friday, but they cancelled because it was supposed to storm. And I switched to that day from Saturday to go to the card tourny. -But- my dad forgot to come get me, and didn't call 'till later that night. I was already at my friends house when he called. He just gave a bunch of bull-shit excuses. I -did- get an hour in on Sunday, untill it rained, no I mean down-poured...Oh well. Hopefully I'll get to work tommrow.
I belive that's all I have for today! This is Satomi saying, "Damn you Ohio!! You've screwed me over again!!!"
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Bad Luck Today? Not me!
I had quite a good day today! Me and mom went to the mall. I got a plushie of Menchi from Excel Saga! *cuddles Menchi* She's so cute! I also bought us cotton candy! The kind from the fair pales compared to the stuff from the mall! So fluffy, and sweet!!
I also hope to drag dad to see the Yu-GiOh! movie soon. I got an "Exclusive" card pack at Target. It has 3 monsters, 1 trap, and 1 magic. It also came with 3 of the Sphinx's. Though you need the Pyramid of light to play them, and they're around 10 stars, they're cool to have for your collection.
The weather in Ohio sucks. It was supposed to rain, but it didn't, so it was cold all day. It's kind of a good thing, cause I sleep good on nights like this! :3 I'd hate to be in Florida now! The hurricane did a lot of damage. I hope my uncle is alright! And I hope everyone else in Florida are alright too!
That's all for tonight! This is Satomi saying, "Come back with my emergency food supply!! I need my Menchi!!"
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