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New York City
Member Since
high school student
Real Name
I was once a size zero, I have my permit, I won a spelling bee in 7th grade.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha, Alice 19th, anything Miyazaki, Naruto, Witch Hunter Robin, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira,.hack, Megatokyo, and erm..........tons more
Move to Tokyo, become a rockstar, have my name remembered forever, learn a bunch of yoyo tricks and become a master yoyo-er.
drawing anime, reading mangas (and other books), watching anime (and other movies), writing, video games, computer, listening to music (punk rock, indie rock, emo, ect.), and cosplaying
drawing anime, playing guitar and other such instruments, triple rolling my tongue,
Kon'nichi wa
My name is Aimee, I'm introverted and I'm an artist. I don't acknowledge Valentine's Day and I'm an emo girl. I'm also an otaku. Me= superanimeaddictedfruitcake. I <3 my camera like nothing else in the whole wide world. I'm 15 years old, I have black hair and I'm a rockstar in the making. I have no religion, I'm a hopeless romantic, I've never been kissed, and I'm learning french. I doodle a lot, from paper to my shoes to walls to people to myself. I so <3 my PS2 and videogames. I never use my telephone, I daydream a lot, I own a pair of tango shoes, I suck at flirting, I never listen to the radio, I don't support the football team, I want to date a guy in a marching band, I was once a genius, I make up music videos in my head, and I bite my nails and lower lip when I'm nervous. I like to stick my tongue out at people when I'm frustrated, and I never act my age. British accents are hot and Karen O is my hero.
I love to draw and watch anime and read manga. My ultimate goal is to live in Tokyo, Japan.
Besides anime, I like music (punk rock, indie rock, emo, ect.), my computer, video games, strawberry milk, RPing and RPGs, cosplaying, the movie Kill Bill, Japanese culture, travelling, vintage lunch boxes, antique shopping, downloading mp3s, good fan art, playing my music really loud, and playing my electric guitar.
I'm not too fond of sports, gym class, shoe stores, stereotypes, artificial sweeteners, Sundays, teen magazines, scratched cds, or reality television.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
pfft.....c'mon, what's a million years?'s been awhile, hasn't it.
Well, I've done a lot and I've seen the world. I'm going to be a very popular and well known actress thanks to this movie whose plot I find to be complete bollocks.
I've had a girlfriend before a boyfriend. This summer has been the best one of my life. I've done so much, met so many people, and I've totally changed. I've realized the secret to life, and I think my sister has too. We've become better sisters (if that's even possible) and sophomore year is going to rock.
I've forgotten all my passwords to all my other online journals, except for this one. So I guess the pictures that I will hopefully (cross your fingers) be uploading of my trip to the Dominican Republic will be shown here. It'll be like a movie. And it'll be fun.
I'm worried about school. What if all my friends have become too cool for me? What if I don't have lunch with anyone that I know. And I sit alone? What if I"ve reached some kinds of far off thoughts that they haven't even begun to consider.....and we can't relate to anything.
I'm worried that all my friends will not love me anymore.
I love you all. More of this to come later.
I love you CHRISTINA!!!!!!!! Sorry for taking so long dahling.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
So right now I'm learning spanish on cd.
perdon senorita? hablo ingles?
look at me go!
I'm going to work on being better at this site and posting more.
I guess I just got picked to Beta the cosplay site.
So what do I do?
So, back to my spanish.
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Featured Quiz Result:
well, i do like the get up kids, and i do like drummers. mental problems? possibly