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New York City
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high school student
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I was once a size zero, I have my permit, I won a spelling bee in 7th grade.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inu Yasha, Alice 19th, anything Miyazaki, Naruto, Witch Hunter Robin, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira,.hack, Megatokyo, and erm..........tons more
Move to Tokyo, become a rockstar, have my name remembered forever, learn a bunch of yoyo tricks and become a master yoyo-er.
drawing anime, reading mangas (and other books), watching anime (and other movies), writing, video games, computer, listening to music (punk rock, indie rock, emo, ect.), and cosplaying
drawing anime, playing guitar and other such instruments, triple rolling my tongue,
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
do you believe in what you see? motionless wheel, nothing is real. wasting my time, in the waiting line. do you believe in what you see?
I've just spent $90 on a whole lot of anime that I don't need. CRAZY!
So, yeah. I bought InuYasha Affections Across Time (the first movie) and I loved it. I also bought Samurai X Reflection (director's cut. score!)
Then I spent $40 of the whopping $90 on InuYasha manga (15-18).
I had ten dollars left so my sister and I got daring and went into Claire's and bought fifteen of these little flower pins and clips (they're then they sound. honestly.) for $5. And we split a cherry (I think it was strawberry actually) smoothie.
My dad was considering getting me the R.O.D. boxed set for $45, but I talked him out of it (don't ask me why. I'm just like that. I don't enjoy taking advantage of other people when it comes to their own money being spent on me on some DVD set that they probably will never even see. Although my dad has taken a sudden curiosity to my anime addiction. I think he's happy about it. He went to Japan, and I think he enjoys the Japanese culture as well. Somehow, I think he thinks that he is responsible for my liking of anime, and now he somehow wants to take part in it.)
My sister spent a whopping $30 on cds. She bought the newest Bright Eyes cd and The Damnwells, both of which are respectable, likeable, HOT bands. We stopped by Hot Topic as well because my sister wanted to check out their pins. So I looked around at all the poser clothes and then I found happiness. A DeathCabForCutie Transatlanticism shirt! Too bad it was $20. I also found a cowboy bebop shirt, another surge of happiness, joy, and bliss. Too bad I was broke.
Then I went crazy at Wal-Mart and bought a bunch of beads. I've decided that I'm going to be that girl who makes all of her friend's bracelets. I bought some awesome plastic glow in the dark ones. BOO YEAH! SCORE!
I've found out a surprising, disturbing fact about wal-mart today. I'll share it tomorrow. I'm tired of typing.
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
so i woke up this morning to my dad in my room. he said it was 9:00.....and he was leaving for band practice. thats about all i heard. i had the covers over my head.
i think he stole my deodorant stick and threw it away. now i'm stuck with the nasty one that smell slike chlorine. its really disgusting......i'm starting to think that its better to smell like BO than that stuff.
so i woke up......and walked around the house in my underwear, air guitar star t-shirt, and my eskimo moon boots. nobody was i took advantage of the moment.
it was kind of nice that my dad said goodbye before he left. normally i just wake up to an empty house on weekends.....i've kind of gotten used to it.
i grabbed the jar of peanut butter and a spoon, a package of cinnamon, blueberry, and strawberry pop tarts (even though i only ate one of the cinnamon pop tarts.) and i filled my nalgene bottle with grape juice. then i went up to my mom's room and watched mulan 2 and ate.
now i'm on my computer.....writing this. someone just imed me......and i dont' know who it is. i like it when people do that though. so...i encourage more strangers to IM me. i won't get mad or yell at u...i'll talk to u. i like talking to strangers. somehow.....they always have more interesting things to say then the people who i already know (besides jeph of course.....she's always a live wire.)
i should probably go put some pants on.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
hola mi amigos
wow, its been forever.
millions of "sorry"s to everyone.
well, lots of stuff has happened since i last posted....although most of it hasn't been quite that amazing.
i had my midterms.......which i did fairly well lowest was a 70 in algebra.
i got a new pair of pants.......
someone who i loved very dearly and respected very much died.
i devided that i don't hate that asshole zac. instead....i like him. not in a like-like way. but i respect him for some unknown reason. i hope that maybe we'll get a chance to sit down and talk about bands and life.
my sister was just found out by my mum who read her journal. so...if my sister is grounded at home...then i'm grounded at home. because she's kind of my ride everywhere. if she doesn't have a party life...then neither do i. er....not that i ever did.
i'm trying and failing miserably to become the popular girl of the freshman class. i'm not very well liked....and i'm not from i might as well give up. but i'm determined for some reason.......
i made a friend in my histor class. she's really rad. we laugh about the fact that we hate everyone in our history class except for rob......and thats it. i used to like natasha.....until she ganged up with aimee and became a bitch. yuck. so she totally ignores me in science class and talks to aimee. okay, i don't really care. but then in history class she's talking to me.
*le sigh* confusing. i don't understand teenage girls.
well......whoever reads this......a special "merci" to you. and if you comment......a tres special "merci beaucoup! tu as tres belle!" to you. and my frenchness.
au revoir

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Saturday, January 1, 2005
you've been the only thing thats right, in a life time
i really need to start on that p.e. essay. i've been slacking off super bad...and thats no good.
i still have no idea how to work my cd player that i got for xmas. its so confusing.
my photobucket account is acting stupid as well. grrr.
i think i have a cavity..which isn't good because a. it hurts and b. my mother will go nutters.
i have a dentist appointment on the 5th. damn. how i hate the dentist. before when i was younger it was no big deal...but then i started getting cavities.
so yay....its 2005.
i'm not too excited for the new year. i can't think of anything promising happening then.
i stayed up really late last night. and i watched the ball drop in new york city. someday i'm going to spend my new years in new york city. that would be fun. it certaintly looked like fun.
i think i'm going to go search random people's sites. i havent done that in a while.
and i'll leave u with some pics that i like. enjoy.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Things are gonna be getting a lot more interesting now.....
Oh, snap! Look what i can do now! yeh..i have a photobucket account. whoohoo. i'm proud of it though.
i'm so tired, i went skiing today. *yawn* and it took a lot out of me. thats why i'm backing down on the party that i was just invited to. i can't do it....too tired. must sleep.......NOW!
*falls asleep at the keyboard*
that wouldn't be good. then i'd press all sorts of keys. hsdgsdjifasodislch
hehe, SO CRAZAY!
well, i don't have much to say.
sorry about the lack of posts. i have FOUR, count 'em, FOUR other online journals that i must update EVERY SINGLE DAY!
well, not really. i let them slide most of the time. and update them when i feel like it. like right now.
well, enjoy this post. IT COULD BE THE LAST!
ta-ta for now mi amigos.

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Saturday, December 25, 2004
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
forget what they said in Soho, leave the
*hugs myotaku*
i love this place....
*hugs all of her friends on her buddy list*
i love all of u.....
i just like this place a lot. its so simple....and pleasant.
wow..i have 4 online journals. someone just kill me before i get to number 5.
i don't know why...but i like having them. that way..i'll be known worldwide around the web. u know?
hmm....that way i'll be meeting millions of people...without leaving the comforts of my own home. i mean..i like travelling. but i don't really meet many new people when i travel. on the web however, i know so many peopel that i wouldn't have known otherwise.
i so love online journals.
thats all i have to say'yeah
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
i'm still wearing her watch....
i am P.O.ed right now.
my toilet just clogged up from toilet paper, and i had to unclog it of course! ergh!!!
i got a 90 on my math quiz! yay!
weeelll....actually i deserved an 80 because i got 10 points off on one question, and 10 points off on another question. so...she added the points up wrong. ^_^
i know its being dishonest.....but its a much better grade! and i want to pass math! so don't look at me like that, i know any of you would do the same thing.
i just watched the first 5 episodes of Love Hina. lmao, funny stuff.
i love keitaro, i would totally date him. and su is hilarious, omg!
i borrowed love hina from lewis....why did he have it? its a shojo, c'mon! lmao!
i also borrowed the first five mangas of naruto. thats also good. the fight scenes are a little too much for me (its hard to keep up with them is what i mean), but besides that they're very good. i'm so in love with their trainer (the elite ninja.....i forgot his name.) and sasuke. *omgblushloveofmylifeandverygoodlookingandmysteriouswithblackhairandkickassninjaskillz!*
speaking of ninja skills
this girl was holding onto the back of my backpack, and i told her to let go, otherwise i'd have to bust out my kick ass ninja moves. she laughed at me.....and then said that she had kick ass moves as well. ch'yeah right.
i took many years of karate, i was a high green belt!
but anywho........
what more to say?
i love you all like crazy
i'm very busy right i can't view ur new entries just yet, but i will. kk?!
omg....i wish my life were an anime. that would be so rad!
lol, right now i feel like some hyper, kawaii japanese school girl type of character. ^_^
ja ne!
*peace sign*
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Friday, December 10, 2004
smile like you mean it
sorry about the lack of posts lately. i've been busy, what with my LIFE and my other online journals. *sigh* french teacher is getting all mad at me because i'm mad at him because he's acting like an asshole because i'm acting like a brat because he's assiging too much homework. whew.
*sigh again* saw him today. i was watching ferris bueller on the couch with some other peoples who i don't know.....and he came over and sat down on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COUCH BECAUSE THAT WAS THE ONLY FREE SPACE.
i have the killers cd. yay! i'm in love. especially with track three.
i went over to lewis's (my sis's bf.....ooooh)and looked at his anime collection in his room, and then ate his pop tarts, and played with his paint ball gun (its super cool! i felt like oren ishi-i, omg!) and then watched his television. yay! bruce lee in a yellow jump suit, what could be hotter? hehe........but he's so ooolllld now. poo.
so yeah, i now know where they got the yellow jump suit in kill bill for uma thurman, like, omg! *twirling of the hair*
this girl in my study hall (aisha) gave me one of her bracelets. i don't know why.......but it matched my shirt. color coordination.....something that i suck at.
i failed my math quiz, my vocab quiz, my p.e. quiz, and my french quiz. poo, i suck.
atleast i got to play badminton today. huuzah! i rule!
and its the weekend. double huuzah!
"its friday i'm in love." sang that today.......people looked at me and someone asked who i was crushing on. ch'yeah........BRANDON!
yes, i know that i've said a million times that i'm going to get over him....but he has such pretty hair.
i saw someone in the hallway on my way to history that i had never seen before. how could i miss such a beautiful face as that?!
so yeah...kicked myself acouple times and then oggled at him. he's gorgeous....
he looks so emo like....and he has the potential to have kick ass hair. but i doubt he's worth the thought. its only potential....who cares about that anyways?
well, tata
i must go... *whooshes off*
lmao, i never do stuff like that.
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
hey emo kid, check it out
i have an lj account, finally.
so yeah...i encourage u all to check it out. my user name is pinkhairedaimee. its kind of impressive.....ish
well, i'm impressed by it.
my computer is insane, and should be broken into tiny pieces because it is aggravating me. i keep having to restart it.
as of now nothing is going on. i plan on finishing this book about some kid who can travel to different parts of the world during different time periods. its neato toleato.
also i plan on finishing my homework.
and eating all the candy in the house....cuz there's too much..... ........and it needs to be consumed before it takes over.....
nothing is going on at my house. except the power went out twice.
my mum is gone.
my sis is in her room.
my dad is somewhere...
and i'm on the computer eating cheezits and watching my life go by.
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