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myOtaku.com: SaturnSakura

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3v1l m1nion (09/06/06)


This is 3v1l-m1nion. I had to get a new account because I used some screwed up html on my old account. I will be useing this one untill (if I ever) get my old account back. If you think you can help me in any way please pm me. Also, please come to my new site and add me/sign my guest book. I'm going to readd you if you don't mind! Thanks. :3

Ja matta ne!

arwenundomniel (08/31/06)

Hey girl!!
I love your site!!
Thanks for commenting on my stuff. I much appreciate it!!! ^-^

KiKi 777352 (08/30/06)

hiya!^_^ I luv ur comic"The search 4 Ramen" Hey do u know how to work a scanner?[cause i don't^^'] Well gonna add u as a friend! Laters!


brand12 (08/28/06)

hi iam brand12 nice site

cute-fox (08/27/06)

love your comics i check every other day for them by the way my name is mrs.uchiha, mrs.elric, or bunny boo baby could u sign gb plz and thanx

alternativeloser (08/23/06)

Yeah, um, I'm not sure how you were dissing me for not visiting my site. I'm not online much so, I wouldn't have noticed...Nice of you to see me as a friend and even go through the trouble of actually looking up who I was....Yeah, I'm sure I'll be one of the stranger outcasts you'll meet...
Good luck on your goals, not that you really need it much, you're quite talented...

Grif 2.0 (08/13/06)

Nice site ^^ I'll add you as a friend.If you want you can PM me anytime at all,thats if you want but be warned I'm strange ^^ ttyl I hope.


"We'll say goodbye, Lost Heaven.
How we longed for Heaven.
We're letting go of something we never had.
Time goes so fast, Heaven is lost."
Lost Heaven

Psygirl21 (08/09/06)

HII! Cool site! The bg is pretty cooL! Naruto is awesome! ^-^ I hope it's ok if I add you as a friend! Byez! ^-^

Jes17 (08/05/06)

Hey love the whole "outsider" thing. I feel like that all the time but, people call me everything eals. well hope we can be friends?

dragonhunter1042 (08/02/06)

hey names richie awsome site you have you should stop by mine sometime im a add you as a frnd pm me sometime well ttyl

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