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Friday, March 2, 2007
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guess what!!! i just found somebody with the same birthday as me! are birthdays are exactly the same!!! so yea i just thought you guys should know that!
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hey everybody! whats up? um my special guest today is...*looks for person* gaara!!!!!
me~hi gaara
me~well lets see what happened today...
gaara~your friend bernie broke up with your friend kathy
me~oh yea!!! but i think she is really sad.
me~dont be so mean!!!*slaps gaara*
gaara~ *falls to the floor*
me~omg!!!!!gaara!!!!!!!!!! im so sorry*goes on the floor to check on him*
gaara~*grins* kidding! *reaches up to kiss me*
stop right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay gaara wait till im done with the post!!!
sorry all hyped up on sugar. i might use that in my story. laterz!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
hi everybodys!!! yea im actin retarded cause i had too much sugar. its driving sasuke bonkers!
sasuke~ pleez sit down misaki
me~ no im too hyper *bounces off wall on to sasuke*
sasuke~gahh!!!! *grabs me and ties me to bed*
well i got to go laterz!!!!
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
hi everybody!!! grrr! i've got alot of homework. hmmm......is there anything else to talk about?
sasuke~how about the fact that your friend got a boyfriend?
me~ oh yea by best buddy kathy got a boyfriend yesturday!!! except he's a retard cause it took him so long to figure it out
sasuke~aren't you gonna tell them about how he mphhh
me~*covering sasuke's mouth* shhh!!! thaey dont need to know about that!
well thats all folks see you tommorrow!!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: gaara
Likes: me,sand,cookies,andcookies and cream ice cream
Dislikes: ummmmm....mean people
Owner: misaki
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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hola ppls!! im feelin alot better today. except now my body is all sore. so yea i posted some new fan art. have a nice day!
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
i added a piccy today!!!!! i don't know when it will be up but it should be soon! achoo!! damnit im still sick. you aren't doing a good job of taking care of me naruto!
naruto-well i told you im not good at this kind of thing
me-so call someone who is.
naruto-im trying. here drink this *hands me some soup* you should go back to bed
me-but i don't wanna!
naruto-go to bed and maybe i'll call your favorite person over to take care of you.
me-okay! *jumps into bed* nite!!
so yea im gonna go to bed for a little bit.
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Damnit! im sick! i think its cause of all this cold weather. i live in florida for gods sake! its supposed to be warm! oh well. *cough* *cough*
naruto-are you okay
me-yea im fine....
naruto-*feels forehead* no your not go to bed!
naruto-*shakes his head*why did i have to get stuck with you today?
me-cause everyone else went to go do stuff
naruto-well get in bed. i'll call in a replacement cause i don't know how to take care of a sick person
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Friday, February 23, 2007
yea... a random quiz
What Do The Naruto Charaters Say And Think About You? (For Girls)
 Your guy: Gaara of the Desert/SandWhy he likes you: Because you are strong, inside and out.What Sasuke says: "She is every strong."What Sasuke thinks: *She will be one of the most tough competition*What Naruto says: "Everyone thinks she's stronger then me!"What Naruto thinks: *She is pretty cool and strong, but stronger then me??What Neji says: "She is very powerful."What Neji thinks: *She will be unbeatable when she gets older.*What Kiba says: "She's pretty and strong."What Kiba thinks: *She's hot man! Why's she with Gaara ?*What Shikamaru says: "She's strong."What Shikamaru thinks: "She's strong."What Rock Lee says: "She's pretty!"What Rock Lee thinks: *I haven't even tried to ask her out. I'm afraid she might throw me or something.*What Gaara says: "She's...interesting."What Gaara thinks: *I finally found someone I can fully trust.*What Kakashi says: "She has the most potential. Well, besides Naruto, but that's because he's the worst."What Kakashi thinks: *She should come to the Bakini Bash!*What Choji says: "Sjkdjfakdf ad fja el rjai jf adjfaire hjfaizdjva eir ntaoij."(Translation: Do you want some strawberries?? Cookies?? lol, jk!! She is really really strong. She's got the power, and faith in herself.)What Choji thinks: *She scares me.*What Kankuro says: "She is definatly going to be a challenge."What Kankuro thinks: *Really strong. In Sasuke's league.*What Kabuto says: "She is really bright."What Kabuto thinks: *The very best to work for Orochimaru. With her at his side, he is totally unbeatable.*-Girls-What Sakura says: "She's really cool!"What Sakura thinks: *Why is she so much stronger then me??*What Ino says: "She's got it all..."What Ino thinks: *How did she get it all??*What Hinata says: "She really is nice."What Hinata thinks: *She's so powerful...*What Temari says: "She is very strong. A hard one for me to fight."What Temari thinks: *I wonder if she'll teach me some taijutsu moves...*What Tenten says: "My weapons are nothing against her."What Tenten thinks: *How does she do it??* Take this quiz!

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