Birthday 1993-11-16 Gender
Female Location U.S Member Since 2006-06-06 Occupation middle school Real Name misaki or bella whatever you want
Anime Fan Since ummm i think. since third grade Favorite Anime naruto Hobbies drawing or hanging with friends Talents i can draw and i can ice-skate sauskelover
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
he's gone
today i found out from my friend Kisana a.k.a. N.O.A.F., that my first friend from the otaku, donny a.k.a. gogetta19, has dissapeared. *starts to cry* all his messages have dissapeared. like *sniff* like he was never here....if any of you know why he left....pleez, pm me as soon as possible. if you're the one who made him leave so help me Kisana and i will go after you! wait... i don't mean that. i just really miss him. well later. Comments (0) |
Monday, February 19, 2007
hola everyone!!!!!!!!! sorry i dont post alot and when i do i apologize for it. so yea. im really bored. there is nothing to do. so yea. thats it. OH im writing a fan manga. i don't no if ill post it cause i dont have a scanner but i'll try.
LATERZ!!! Comments (0) |
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I am now a proud member of the fangirls of otaku club!!! click the button to join Comments (0) |
Sunday, February 4, 2007
i married gaara today!
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Gaara Teenager and wolf_gurl were married on February 04, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
hi! sorry i haven't posted anything in a while. i was finally able to put some artwork up. its in naruto so if you want to see it go there. the names are: Milk, Naruto+paint=big mess and we scream for ice cream. Comments (0) |
Monday, January 1, 2007
new years!
hope everybody had a happy new year! i stayed up till 2 am on new years so im kinda tired. well i'll probably put a vid later since i can't put up fanart (my computer is retarded). so here's the video! my cousin knows the guy who made this video ^_^
hey ppls
hey! sorry i haven't been on. i've been with my cousins most of the time and with them around i can't get to the computer. so to make up for it i'm gonna put up a funny video i saw!
sorry i haven't posted in a while. mid-terms are next week so i haven't had a chance to update. well, yesterday i went ice-skating. i didn't even know i could skate! except now i have a cut on my hand cause the front of my friends skate hit it. so that is what i did yesterday. i'll probably put some videos up later if you want to see them. Comments (0) |
Saturday, December 2, 2006
hey people! sorry i haven't been on in a while. my parents were freaking out cause i got more b's than a's. yeah my parents are freaks. so hows your day? Comments (0) |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
OMG! I LOVE this SOng. this amv is really cute. by the way i didn't make it.