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under a potato tree with the little pink men who run around in my head.
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corruptor of all that is good
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i can talk, walk, and perform all basic functions. (ok, get your mind out of the gutter)
Anime Fan Since
ummmmmm...since i was younger?
Favorite Anime
you're kidding right? ummm....well, ouran high school host club, prince of tennis, yu yu hakusho, and about a million others
to ... TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!........and to never stop cosplaying
cosplay, pretty much. it incoorporates all the things i love: sewing, crafting, wig styling, acting, and being with nerds for a weekend
acting. watching anime. playing video games. and cosplay (surprise! XD)
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
yes! i'm going to california with faye on the 18th! i'm esited!! i love kinokuniya (it's a japanese booksotre) so freaking much! we're staying at some French hotel, but i really wanted to stay at the tition, triton, wahtever. that's where i stayed last time i went. i'm gonna go to the fortune cokkie factories for some "joke" cookies. XXX fortunes anyone?
anyhoo, i just found this very, erm, interesting site. it has to do with the 6th harry potter book, so if you haven't read it, don't read the URL. it's
it's basicall a therapy site for people all distraught over the fact that person #1 was killed by person #2. it's pretty interesting. do y'all think he's really dead? i don't doubt he's dead, but i'm sure he had a plan. i just don't know what it might've been.
random question:
why are rasberries so funny?
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
yummmmm...caramel frappucino. wakes me up!
i'm going shopping today with a coupla friends, and we're gonna buy, hmmm, i wonder? ANIME! duh. who do think i am.
i'm also gonna take in a couple of job app.s and hope i get a response. i really need o job to help me pay for gas.
i really should start shopping for my ayame costume accessories and fabric. but, i'm probably not going to. i'm not exactly sure what costume i'm gonna do of his. i might have to do 2, cuase we might have to make him be the stepmother in something cinderella-ish. (fruits basket vol. 15. play for the cultural festival in which tourhu is the evil stepsister and hanajima is cinderella. funny shit)
the only 2 people we don't have for the cosplay yet are yuki (we need to find a guy with enough balls to be a fairy godmmother) and haru, who sits in the audience with momiji. but, since we have momiji, we need haru. i'm the one who's pretty much putting everything together for the cosplay, and i just have to pray that people will listen to me.
bad part about this week and next: i have a final health project due on thursday, and i'm in a group with Faye022 and a really cool gamer guy and a guy who doesn't bathe, despite the fact that his hair reaches to mid-back. the grungy guy tried to take over from the start, and he refused to relinquish control. i eventually, um, "convinced" him. so, we ended up doing something about a vammpire who had hagiophobia (fear of holy things) and alliumphobia (fear of garlic). the whole video was about therapy sessions. it ended up being hilarious. i've now discovered that i should NEVER EVER become a therapist. my patients wouldn't live.
well, that's all for now. bye bye!
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
sorry i haven't been on much lately, guys. summer school's been the pits. lots of homework, a project a week. it sucks. i actually have 2 papers i should be writing now. but here i am!!!!
one of my papers is about a hmaster linked to 3 deaths being found in Ohio. seriously. it had some sort of virus that three people caught, and they all died.
i'm sick of hearing the word pokemon. there's a guy in my math class who knows me and my friends like anime (we're the "anime"s, by the way), so he keeps saying things about pokemon. like, "my pokemon beats your yu-gi-oh." we've finally decided to ignore him and quit trying to explain what "uncut" means. we are currently devising a plan to kill him and a couple other guys by giving them poisoned food, since we know they'd eat it.
speaking of potheads(i'm speaking of them now, ok?), i think there was pot in our class room the other day. there was a sweet-ish kind of smell, and it gave me a headache and stuffs. that and the fact that there were at least 2 guys high in my class at the time, has lead me to my conclusion.
guess that's all for now. bye bye!
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
OMG! i just finished HBP (half blood prince) last night and it was so short! only 652 pages!!
but it was really good. can't say any more now, too many spoilers.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
7 hours and 9 minutes left until harry potter and the half blood prince is realeased. i'm going to a midnight release party and am probably not going to sleep mmuch tonight! but that's what coffee's for!
i'm ecited!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
i just applied for a job, and it looks very promising. it's data entry for 10 hours a week at $7.75/hr! i'm pretty hopeful, cause it's so awesome! then, i can afford to buy more anime! yay!
how is it that everything i do comes back to anime? jeez...
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
so much homework...
i have 3 assignments due for helath tomorrow. 2 papers and a 2 1/2 page study guide for tomorrow's test. ARGH! it's frustrating. i hate it. and health sucks.
our school district is one that preaches abstinance, not contraception, which pisses me off. the whole course is very bias, and it seems like every chance they get, the book tells you that pre-marital sex is bad. ENOUGH ALREADY!
oh, and duing math, i got my fingernail bent back, so now i have a bruise under the fingenail of my right index finger. i'm frickin' right-handed!
all that on top of what happened today in London. geez. i swear, it is gunna be WWIII. bush isn't gunna help. he's probably gunna want to go "destroy the terrorists" and "help the british."
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Monday, July 4, 2005
well, it's the 4th of july and everybody here's wearing shirts that have some sort of patriotic/flag pattern on them. my dog is afraid of all the fireworks, and i'm tired. not the greatest holiday this year.
here's the thing: i'm anti-bush, not anti-patriotic. my mom has been giving me grief all day cuz i said "i'm sick of all these cheesy shirts." i think our independence is a great thing to celebrate, i'm just sick of the cheese factor it now has and how the 4th of july is now an entirely commercial holiday, so i don't like to celebrate it the way most people do.
my grandpa got mad at me, too, because i said bush pisses me off. he was all like, "you shouldn't insult our president on the 4th of july. you need to show respect for the troops fighting for us." and then this big argument ensued between me and my mom and grandparents. i kept telling them i support the troops, but i don't support WHY they're fighting. they're not fighting for us, they're fighting for bush.
i'm also not a big fan of the 4th because it's all fireworks. i love fireworks, but i'm not allowed to light any of 'em. i even have to stay inside for most of the time while my family's doing 'em. i'm a bit of a pyro, so i just wanna play with the fireworks and matches and lighters. i guess that kinda scares my family.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
oh, yeah. i jus' 'membered. i'm dragging faye to the play, and it will be her first shakespeare play (aside from romeo and juliet during 9th grade)!
oh, and i just found out that taming of the shrew was presented at the junoir high schools this year, only they didn't perform the same one they're doing at the festival, apparently. so, now i'm slightly confused.
PE is over! never agian will i have to forfeit my summer computer time to physical activity!!! yess! the final was weird. it kinda sucked. i wonder what my grade ended up being....
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*sigh* i'm really tired right now, and it sucks. i'm esited, though! i'm going to go see "taming of the shrew" at our shakespeare festival here. it doesn't start til 8 o'clock (greenshow at 7:30).
it's my favorite shakespeare play, aside from twelfth night. but, my favorite shakespeare character is dogberry from "much ado about nothing"
geez. i really am a hopeless nerd aren't i? YAY! go me!!
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