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Friday, August 15, 2008
only minutes till sundown
well, hours till sunrise, i suppose.
so a few of my friends and i went to see mamma mia yesterday. it was really good, and at the end we got up and danced around in the aisles. the thing is, we were the only ones in the theater, besides these other two people, but i don't think either of them cared.
afterwards, sarah, tina, and i were dropped off at kwik trip and we walked home along the highway. it was funny, since there was really no one around, we took a bunch of pictures and whatnot. good fun was had by all.
once i got home, i spoke with jenny and cassie, which is always good for some lulz.
i admitted that i am, in fact, a real life hooker, but i won't repeat what i said about the tickets. go ask cassie's site about that one, lawl.
now that i think my phone has caught fire, i should get some sleep, or something.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking
i got this urge to get ahold of danny yesterday.
i wanted to tell him everything, and then finish off with a 'let's fuck'. needless to say, that didn't happen, and boy howdy am i glad it didn't.
also yesterday i wrote something depressing, and i almost hate myself for even thinking about that stuff. i love my characters too much to have them really go through things like that...
i'm such a pansy. i could never write a story like slow motion [the one that belongs to cassie]. it's just depressing. i need my happy endings.
there really isn't much else for news, unfortunately. kaleb and maybe brittney are coming over tomorrow to raid my itunes and whatnot.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
in rainbows
this album really is amazing.
one of you, i don't know if you read me anymore, you would probably tell me 'i told you so'.
nothing's really happened, up until last night.
i've been working, sleeping, eating, working, sleeping, eating, repeat, repeat, repeat.
tonight though, i went shopping with kaleb and brittney, and got that radiohead cd, while brittney got the movie camille. we went back to her house to watch it, and on the way we picked up our friends sarah and tina. while we couldn't get into the movie, we decided that we wanted to take a walk to the kwik trip for some cookies. so sarah and i took off ahead of the others to get some money, and we decided to be ninjas and try and hide from the others. since sarah's house is so close to mine, we ended up sneaking through backyards to avoid them. they founds later, though, but we decided to play a similar game on the way to kwik trip.
so basically we slunk through backyards at 10:30 at night. i'm sure we all seemed like creepers. lol
once we got back to brittney's, we were all so tired...i near fell asleep on the floor when kaleb pulled me off the couch. he's such a cuddly little blighter...
so that's that.
later, kiddos.
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Monday, August 11, 2008
i've been counting on this countdown
i feel a little sad tonight.
usually i get to talk to graham every night, through whatever medium, but tonight i didn't, and i feel sort of empty, like my day isn't complete, really. god, this is bad. i'm becoming so attached to him.
i leave for eau claire in 17 days. i cannot wait to just get out of here and start over. this is going to be amazing.
i finally got to see ginny again, since she got caught up with houseguests and couldn't make it to my party. i was so, so excited to see her. also, she's begun using myo again, so if you feel so inclined, you could take the time to drop her a line and whatnot. she's under the name 'tepocoora' on my drop-down friend list over therrre to the left.
she's the one who introduced me to this site, a little over four or so years ago.
good times, goooood times.
i also worked the last two days, which was sort of odd for me, but also rather nice, since both days went by very, very quickly. yesterday though was great, because i was working with steve, karlie, and tage, and whenever it got slow, tage and i tried to get steve and karlie to spar with us, so we could have our own shopko fight club. they didn't really think it would work, but we all had a good laugh in the end, and tage and i discussed chris [his boyfriend, one of my better friends] and his maturity issues. also, steve and i pretended we were pirates. XD
steve the pirate, lol.
after a day like today, i really think i'm going to miss my coworkers. they are so epic, every single one of them.
as a last note, i spoke with my friend lindsey today, and we discussed getting together with hannah and getting shitfaced before i leave. while most of you who know me know that i am a fairly hardxcore straightedge, this idea appealed to me, simply because i want to know what it's like, and there's not better way to find out than to find out firsthand.
in all likelihood, it won't happen, but still. i toyed with the idea, and that has to count for something, just because i am such a resolute straightedge.
that's all for tonight.
i'm sick of waiting around,
and i'm actually really sleepy.
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
i'm on the verge of self-destruction
so i thought it went well.
graham was the first to show up, and surprisingly greg and megan were soon after him. i totally expected them to show later, but whatever. so we sat and talked awhile, and i sort of found it surreal that a year ago, if i had been doing what i was with greg [sitting next to him, casually talking about hating the elderly], i probably would have had a heart attack or something of the like.
i really liked him that much.
now, though, i'm just glad we're friends.
after them, everyone else sort of came within the hour, and matt, who i was CONVINCED hated me, came, even though he was relayed information of the party not by me but by greg and megan. not like i care, it's just that i really thought he didn't like me, and we never talked during school or anything, so i never expected him to show, or even want to come.
overall, it was a lot of fun. we played rockband and soulcalibur IV all night, and after about half of the people had left we played fluxx, which was hilarious.
i think everyone had fun, but i'm really tired now, and i have work in about twelve hours. maybe i should go to bed...
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Friday, August 8, 2008
the lives we live are only golden plated.
for once, i'm posting and going to sleep before 3 in the morning.
so i'm watching this show on whatever channel about jenna jameson. it's actually really interesting, and i'm getting mad at the people who are calling her evil.
i'm one of those people who lives by 'live and let live'.
so what if she wants to be in porn?
it's her life, not yours.
you don't have to watch that stuff if you don't want to, whatever.
god. seriously.
as i said earlier, and somewhere else,
anyway, the party is today.
hopefully it goes over well.
i'm thinking it will, since a lot of my bestfriends will be there. maybe i'll take pictures, if i think of it.
alright, i'm actually really tired, since i was busy at work yesterday, so i think i might either just go to sleep or try to finish pre-writing the ending to the fanfic or some more side stuff.
i should write that one scene with ryan and...
you'll never guess who.
no, seriously, you never will.
you won't have seen this coming.
or, if you paid attention, you might be able to figure it out.
i thought it was sort of obvious.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008
ich will jeden herzschlag kontrollieren
i think i want to try and learn german.
so i went with graham and jenna to get sushi yesterdy. it was highly delicious, and quite hilarious, only because the rule at sushi is everyone orders something different and then everyone has to try everything, and graham ordered tempura shrimp sushi this time. and see, these bits of sushi wern't small. they were a mouthful and a half.
so when i told them i couldn't eat it, they started cheering me on in obscene fashions.
'sometimes it helps to just close your eyes and pretend it's something else'
'just put it in your mouth.'
'swallow it, don't spit it out'
haha. i felt like such a whore.
mostly because he was the one saying things...
then we went to the candy store and bought sweets. that was also rather hilarious.
our math was so off. xD
after that i had to go home and then go straight to a meeting at work for something or other.
after that i went shopping with my mother and saw greg at hot topic.
i'm proud of myself, since i had the guts to ask him to come to my party in person, rather than over facebook. it was easier than i thought. i'm thinking that maybe we really are friends, and he's not just friendly to me because of megan...
that makes me happy, actually.
also, there was an incident of me and jenna screaming 'danny's a douchbag' at the cars we passed as we sped down the highway, but that's an adventure all on it's own.
i'm going to try to learn how to sing 'ich will' in perfect german now.
him: i'm considering collecting peoples' teef
him: the problem is covert extraction
me: aaah, i would give you my wisdom teeth, if i still had them... i think i finally threw them away though...
him: it's ok, you have many more
me: but i want to keep those.
me: please stay away from my mouth
i think i need more sleep.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
who could love me, i am out of my mind.
i'm starting to think it might be him.
so yesterday was shit. i was in the worst mood ever, and work was, again, made difficult by thoughts of that fucktard danny. however, as i was walking home, i was told that i had brendonxkrissy fluff waiting for me. that made the walk home a little better. later, when i finally got on the internet, graham appeared out of nowhere and made me laugh for the first time that day. i really, seriously love that boy. here's a little snippet of the conversation that made me laugh. this is what he and i are all about. lol.
him: thank me for not making the joke i started typing
me: ....thank you?
him: you're welcome.
him: i feel like i just won something
me: my false gratitude.
him: hooray!
him: that's good enough for me
him: it's like pity-sex, but different
him: and now you feel unclean...
me: haaaa. not really.
him: and now i feel odd
i'm getting sushi with him later today.
that makes me really happy, actually. i like being around him, a lot more than i give myself credit for. he's also coming to my party on friday.
why the fuck am i so happy about all of this?
maybe it's just him.
tee hee.
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
i traced your shadows on the wall
i barely remember working.
i was so...out of it, thinking about other things, mostly danny. i don't know, you guys. one part of me is screaming 'stay the fuck away from that motherfucker' and the other is trying to reason that it'd be ok to try with him again.
i do miss him, more than he'll ever know, but i don't miss how shitty he made me feel, sometimes.
i don't know if i should hate him or what.
fucking kid. he needs to jump in a lake.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
you could sew your mouth shut, kiddo.
i think he should give it a try.
danny, that is. i guess it’s been that long since i’ve seen him, because i was trolling picture on facebook from warped tour, and i saw one of him and he had piercings i hadn’t seen before. here, take a look at that shit.

his eyes look really pretty in this picture too.
i really, really should try and talk to him again. as much as i hate to admit it, i miss him. a whole lot.
i have work in a little while, which makes me angry. i really don’t want to go, but i need the money more than anything.
but really, i should be cleaning for the party on friday. hopefully it won’t rain….errrr…..
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