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Friday, June 27, 2008

it's friday, i'm in love

i registered for my classes today, and i also got to see my dorm room.
after going through all of that, i'm not as scared as i was before.

it was funny, since the girl who showed me the dorm adamantly wanted me to join the hall council, since i was cracking jokes about organizing dorm wars [since our hall shares a backyard with two other halls], or a dorm-wide musical.
i was half kidding, but the more i think about it, the more i want to have all of that happen.

i also got my class schedule today, and i suppose it's easy enough.
it's mostly gen eds, and one course that's remotely related to my tentative major.
on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, my classes don't start until 11.
[tuesdays and thursdays, however, start at 8, but whatever, no big deal]

aaaand...eau claire has an anime club.


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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i'll need new contraceptives

say anything...gah. i'm in love with 'in defense of the genre' right now. that album, while not typically what i'd listen to, is sounding really good right now. as is modest mouse.
all of their old stuff is so good, and it reminds me of when i was younger and life didn't seem so complicated. i wish that i would be more consistent in listening to them.

so the last few days have been nothing. just...bleh. stupid, pointless nothingness abounds.

i have to go downtown tomorrow and get somethings faxed, and then walk up to the flowershop to talk about them giving me a job for the rest of the summer.
i really hope they do, since i need the extra money.

the musical's over.
thank jesus.

i still can't add anything to that story of mine.
i'm just...stuck. i keep rereading it, trying to think of what i want to say next, but nothing comes.
i'm starting to wonder if i should give up on it for now...

i want to go sleep outside.
it's really nice out tonight.

my friend ginny is going to california in a few days.
it makes me sad to think about it, since that means i won't be seeing much of her for the rest of the summer, and then we have to run off to college.
maybe i'll have a party before everyone has to go to their respective cities.
sort of a 'goodbye and hopefully i'll see you next summer' sort of thing.

i've been feeling useless lately.

couldn't tell you why though.

i should go to bed now.


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Saturday, June 21, 2008

wishing to be the friction in your jeans

in a much better mood now.
mostly because i went to ross's cast party tonight, and played rockband the entire time.
i am officially the greatest rockband singer...ever.
i suppose, though, what really made me the most happy was that when i went downstairs and declared that i wanted to sing, ross jumped on the drums and said that he'd play 'dead on arrival', just for me, for my first song of the night.
it made me smile that he remembered my fondness for fall out boy, because, believe it or not, most people have no idea what my favorite bands are.

so, to some degree, that made me feel special, but now i've got a terrible headache, and i'm sort of sleepy.
but singing awesome songs totally makes up for that, believe me.

two more shows and i'll be done with this mofo-ing musical forever.
thank god, i am so sick of this goddamn thing...
i just want to move on with my liiife.

so i get to sleep in once more tomorrow, and then perform in the evening.
and if jenny shows, kaleb and i talked about skipping our cast party to chill with her.
how does that sound, huh?

soooo...i think i'm gonna go play the sims and make some popcorn...
and maybe some tea, since my voice is shot from all that rockband.


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Thursday, June 19, 2008

let it go

i just spent a good two hours reading through my archives.

some of them were funny. some made me think of all of the fun things i did during the last few years. some were really emo. some made me wonder if i had been high on something when i typed them out. some choked me up. some made me outright cry.

the one that got me the most, though, was the entry for thursday, november 1st, 2007.
[pre-edit, mind you]

"in other news, we got a new kid at school today. his name is danny. he is emo. he works at the hot topic.
he is damn gorgeous.

but i decided i wouldn't waste my time with him, since i have enough going on right now...i just don't need any more stress..."

i read that, and my heart started to hurt. FROM THE VERY START i had told myself that i wasn't going to care about him, that i wasn't going to bother. i knew from the get-go that involving myself with him would only stress me out.

why couldn't i just listen to myself for once?
if i had, i wouldn't have spent my first week out of high school crying over this kid, knowing that i had found out what kind of person he really was, and that the person he really was, and still is, is terrible.

if i hadn't gotten involved, i would still have an idyllic image of him in my head, and everything would be ok.

but i did,
and i don't
and it's not.


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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

strange magic

the rest of my graduation gift from my neighbor came today.
it was a bunch of UWEC clothes.
now, don't get me wrong. i love this present. i didn't have any clothes from my new school yet, and they all fit and whatnot, but, once again, it's just the thought of college that's freaking the motherfucking hell out of me.

ohmygod, getting to see that guy again, my terrible mood was GONE.
he's just that kind of person, you know?
you could be in the worst mood EVER, but if you see him, and he says hi to you, you instantly are happy.
i love that kid...

oh, yes, i was in a terribly mood for most of the day yesterday. mostly it was because my friend sarah was so sad over this...ah...thing that's happened between her and ross.
her sadness is my sadness, and i hate seeing her so upset.

i really should be cleaning my house right now, but i'm not.
i think i might go and check my email real quick, and then get ready for ghetto perkins tonight.
seeing as...it is dress rehearsal.

tomorrow is opening night.
jenny, are you coming?
you should.
it'd make me laugh.
and therefore happy about being on that stage in that god-forsaken outfit.


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

one track mind, four track heart

i just found the promo cd that someone gave me at the panic at the disco concert.
it's got music by 1997, jamies elsewhere, secret lives! of the freemasons [i feel a distinct panic channeling there...], farewell freeway, and four letter lie.
i know four letter lie does a ton of shows in la crosse here, but i never really knew what kind of stuff they sang.
now i know. lol
and jamies elsewhere is starting to grow on me. they scream.
you all know how much i love that.

i'm actually going to lake wazee today.
i doubt if you recall, but i believe that i mentioned in a [distant] previous post that i went there. I would say that's about a year ago, but with a different group of people.
i think this time will be more fun, so i'm excited.
i hope i burn like a mofo and piss off the musical director.
because i'm bitchy like that.
but she's a bitch too...so it'll all even out.

speaking of the musical, opening night is one thursday.
you're all coming, right?

ok, i'm going to go have some breakfast and then meet up with my posse.
i'll tell you aaaaaall about it when i get back from musical practice tonight.



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Monday, June 16, 2008

a modest proposal

[if you haven't read that, srsly, go read it.]

afternoon musical practices start today, so now i can wake up at 8:30 in the morning and not have to freak out that i'm already half an hour late for practice. it's niiiice.

my parents have mandated that i get a second job.
this is bad, since i hate having one job, i really don't want two, but i need the money. badly. college is so darn expensive...i guess as long as i get a job that's easy and that i like, it won't bother me so much, but meh...i still really don't want to get another job.

marc pissed me off the other day, and although everyone claimed that he was looking for me at kaleb's party, i refuse to get ahold of him.
he's changed so much since he left for the twin cities...and i used to really like him.
however, i don't think i can say i like who he's become...

i should clean my room.
it's a mess.
it's sort of gross.

[hey, would anyone actually read a one-shot between bennie and alex? XD]
[[just asking]]
[[[since it's already half-written]]]
[[[[god, i need more things to write about...]]]]

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

listening to morrisey in my car.

i get to go back to work today.

i won't say i missed it.

slept in today.
it felt marvelous, even though it is almost noon and i'm just now getting a start on my day.
oooh, what a waste of time...
oh well.

i don't have much else to say...mostly that i don't really want to go to work, and that i cannot wait until the musical is over.
i'm getting so sick of it.
at least i have my role at 'the promiscuous nun' to keep me entertained.



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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

love won't exist

'everything we had' just popped up in the playlist, and i stopped to listen to it.
by the end of the song, i was crying.
i don't get it. i've never done that before.

life's on repeat.

julia is going back to germany tomorrow, and i'm worried that i won't get to say goodbye.
i'm going to miss her so much...

i feel sort of...ignored lately.
i don't know. everyone seems to have their own things, and i have yet to settle on something.
until then, i'm left out.

i hung out with cody yesterday.
we went grocery shopping and acted like a couple,
you know the kind: stupid in love with each other, acting like morons because everyone else is invisible when they're together.
of course, it was all an act, on my end.
his, i'm not so sure.
i'm still leading him on, and i feel bad, since i'm not starting anything now, not when i'm going to school in a new town.
why restrain yourself?


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Sunday, June 8, 2008

when you get mauled by a bear, i hope your face is spared, cause you're kinda cute.

oh, if only.

so, today, my parents drove me up to eau claire to see the campus.
it's really nice up there, and i'm looking forward to moving up there, but i'm still a little nervous about it all. now i'm slightly concerned that i'm going to get lost, or fall in the river, or take a tumble down that motherlicking hill.
the hill's gonna be terrible in wintertime...
i don't even want to think about it.

but i did get to see my dorm, which is fabulously old. huzzah. i wish i could have gone inside to see my room, but alas, it WAS a sunday afternoon, and everything was locked.

otherwise, nothing else has really happened.
oh, wait, that's a lie.
i went to a party a few days ago.
it was...well, i guess interesting is the best way to put it.
things happened.
things were said.
i pray that nothing that happened that night is ever talked about ever again.

but then ginny's grad party was yesterday.
and i saw a bunch of people that i hadn't seen in awhile.
especially marc.
but it was weird...
since it was storming really bad, when everyone went outside to watch the lightning, we went downstairs to play rockband together.
after he finished singing his song, we just sort of looked at each other.
this wouldn't be so bad, except that
he was the first guy
i had ever admitted my feelings to
and now, whenever we're alone....it's just not the same.
so there we were, alone in ginny's basement.
luckily graham came down and saved us [me] from whatever would have happened next.

now that i think about it, the reason i can't tell people my feelings for them is because of what happened between me and marc.

i couldn't handle something like that again.


i'mma go take an aspirin now.


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