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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
too much too late, or just not enough
almost moreso than the holiday season. everyone gets really bitchy and picky and whiny during inventory. at least everyone's stress is masked by 'oh, it's christmas, let's be nicey-nice.'.
goes a little something like this:
'it's 20million degrees in the fucking store and someone just moved that rack of picture frames. BWAAAAGHAAARAAAWRAFASDFHA! i'm gonna eat the face off of the next person who asks me a question! rraaaarwersjkhfsaf.'
other than high tension, i had a plesant surprise today.
i am sure NONE of you were around when i first mentioned this person, but that's excusable.
his name is jared [if i remember correctly, and if you think you remember me talking about a jared previously, this isn't THAT jared. he's dead. or something. idk or care where he is, really. so whatever.]
and this jared looks oddly and strikingly like ryan ross.
i am not kidding.
i think jared's a little shorter, and a little heavier [but not by much], but the resemblance is there.
but now, fake-ryan got a haricut and grew a beard so i almost didn't recognize him, but i still was very pleased to see him.
ah, that's so random and really creepy.
i'll go to bed naow.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
it is an owl.
last night was entertaining.
the horrible movies...really were horrible.
i wish we could have finished watching 'a boy and his dog', but sarah refused to let us finish.
so what if it's a softcore porn?
vic was a cutie and all porn ever did to me was make me laugh, so i would have been ok with it.
but whatever.
maybe it was just the mood i was in.
i'm still tired, even though i did manage to actually get sleep. i'm sure i'll wake up by 4:30 though, since work ALWAYS wakes me up.
yeah, right.
i think my mom is driving me to eau claire tomorrow so i can see the campus finally.
i'm getting less and less nervous about college, and more and more ready to just get started.
i'm gonna go take another nap now.
maybe i'll feel better?
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Monday, June 2, 2008
i don't really feel anything
last few daaaaays....
i have nothing.
no material to work off of at all....
but i did figure some stuff out.
i'm shallow as fuck.
i don't give a fuck.
somehow... idontcareabout anything anymoreandim curious astohowthissummerwill pan out.
hopefully the trip to chicago works out.
hopefully i get to see cassie.
hopefully i get to go and meet charlie [finally].
hopefully i don't get caught.
hopefully i won't OD.
hopefully i learn what i like and dislike.
hopefully i get over him [forrealthistime]
hopefully i live up to everyone's expectations.
...i won't die.
are those valid wishes?
i'm staying at sarah's tomorrow...so we can all watch horrible movies as a team.
we can fake get along one last time before we're out of each other's lives forever.
but maybe... we really did learn to like each other.
because at that last competition, we all cried together.
that was new.
i'm talking like i do on dls.
what the hell is wrong with me?
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Friday, May 30, 2008
let's get fucked up and die
it's raining.
it sounds beautiful.
so today.
yesterday, sorry.
i sat around some more, and then finally got my ass to musical practice. which, in the end didn't do me any good since i just sat around and was bored for about two hours.
after that kaleb and i went to get supper together and we talked about stuff we'd done last summer.
it made me sad to think that my childhood is really coming to an end this summer.
i don't think i'm anywhere close to mature enough to handle next year.
i do think i might very well die up there.
anyway, after supper we went to the mall and i ended up seeing danny for the first time in almost a week.
it wasn't as awkward as i thought it should have been, seeing as i flat out told him that i missed him and that i knew he really loved me even though he seems incapable of truly loving anyone besides himself.
i really do miss school sometimes, even if it's just because i got to talk to him every day.
...i hate myself for saying that, by the way.
anyway, sorry to those who were expecting story.
tomorrow. i promise.
since i don't have anything going on until my sister's promotion ceremony [she's gonna be a freshman. weird...], i can type all day and then post before i go.
i promise.
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
this is for real
oh jeeze.
a whole lot of nothing happened yesterday, so i have nothing to report except that i'll be updating my cutesy little fanfic [[soon]].
i would guess tomorrow night, since i need to write a few more pages to make two chapters and i might have guests tomorrow...
they'll be helping me eat hot dogs. :]
so be excited, but only if you like my story.
otherwise...i'm sorry.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
'oh wait...that was greta. fuck, that was the hush sound. we should have asked if they wanted to play uno.'
i'm going to type as fast as i can so i can go to bed.
i'm finally getting sleepy.
so, we left at two, and we got to the venue at about, oh, 4:45? the line was already INSANELY long, so we plopped down and played uno. got the girls behind us involved and ended up hanging out wiht them for the entire night. they're awesome girls, really.
so finally we get in at 6 and we weasel our way towards the front of the pit and end up on the far right side about 10 feet from the stage. a good place, really, since i got some awesome pictures. after standing around for an hour, carefully bracing ourselves against the odd shoving match the entire pit seemed to be having, phantom planet came on.
they were alright, not a band i'm going to try and follow, but decent. ryan came out and sang and played with them for one song. then the hush sound came on, and i liked them before, so i was excited to see them.
they were excellent, as i knew they'd be, and we were all still kicking ourselves for not realizing it was them when they walked past us in line.
anyway, after they were done with their set, motion city soundtrack was up, and megan had said that they're really good, and she was right.
i absolutely adore them now.
i mean...srsly. they're just that awesome. so they played their set, blah blah blah and then we had to wait like half an hour for panic to come on, and their set was amazing, as expected. i was in a bad position to get pictures of ryan and spencer, but i think i got one of everyone...somehow.
i was a little sad that they didn't play 'she had the world' or 'from a mountain in the middle of the cabins', but i did get 'northern downpour' and 'but it's better if you do', so i can't complain.
and i will say that 'lying' is far sexier when sung live than it is recorded.
that's all i can say about that one.
after the show our little posse ran to the merch table and i had [luckily] brought along enough money to splurg and get myself the fancy hoodie.
[[thank you, graduation money]]
so yeah, all in all it was awesome, and i have decided that i will be going to see them again when they pass through the area on their next tour.
who's with me?

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Monday, May 26, 2008
here's the nights we felt alive.
that's it.
i am an alumnus.
it's so strange, really. i mean, it hasn't really sunk in yet, i think. maybe tomorrow will be a different story, since my little sister will have to be at school, and i won't.
no, i won't be at school, but i will in fact be in the twin cities watching PANIC AT THE FUCKING DISCO.
i'm ok. i promise.
so, last night. or yesterday, i guess.
the ceremony wasn't too long, and not too terribly boring like i thought it would be, since our valedictorian and saludatorian gave excellent [SHORT] speeches. after that i prance across the stage, grab my diploma, and prance back to my seat.
then i had my fancy little party, and more people that i expected showed up. it was great, and i got to see a couple of friends that i hadn't seen in a long time. it did rain on us, though, but i was ok with that. however, my hair got gross afterwards, so after the party i had to run home and shower again before going to johnnie's party and then to the lock-in, which was more fun than i thought it would be.
i won lots of crap, so i was happy. i ended up not sleeping at all [like a good majority of my classmates], and when i got home at 6 in the morning, i went to bed and slept until noon.
it's great.
and now begins my summer.
it'll be awesome, since i'll be eating hot dogs for the majority of it [leftovers from my party], and sleeping in [unless my underclassmen friends decided to drop by and help me eat the hotdogs].
chaos will ensue.
ok, i have to go get ready for work now [yeah, i know. 'work on memorial day?' well, yeah. time and a half baby, time and a half.]
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Saturday, May 24, 2008
photo dump
of doooom.
photos from yesterday.
[senior sing out]
mostly me+[some other person]
in my class.
so you get to see the people that
i chill with on a daily basis.
lucky you, since we'z all hotties.

bestfriend ginny and me. on the bus. listening to my ipod.


myself and sarah alva

me and the adorable johnnie.

we were in the dance studio, and since one wall is a
huge mirror [kinky, i know],
i saw it appropriate to take mirror pictures.
that's julia, me, and ginny
behind all of those notes
written on the glass.


my favorite corbin and myself. :]
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
'stand up, child. i can't hold you forever.'
even though i would have liked to.
so, today was my last day of classes.
it was really strange, since we just turned stuff in and sat around. all of the underclassmen were sort of sullen, and i was sad too, since i'm going to miss all of my friends...
graham, laura, whitney, nik, jenna, mara, and myself had our last group picnic today.
graham brought us sushi, which was delicious.
i really will miss that bunch.
in band i was talking to megan and whitney about home much i'll miss them, and danny walks up. i said something like 'i'll miss danny too', and he just turns to me and gives me a hug. it was by far the sweetest thing, since he didn't let go even after the obligatory three seconds and then proceeded to lean on me.
[that's were the title comes in]
later in the day, i had gotten a few of my senior pictures back, and i didn't want them, so when i was getting my sign-out sheet signed, i saw mr. danny again, so i bopped over and threw one at him, saying he could stare at it lovingly before he goes to sleep and do obscene things while looking at it.
he laughed at me and said he'd miss me.
oh yeah, take that skanky freshman girlfriend.
ok, that was spiteful of me. i take it back.
i have to get ready for work now.
have a good night, everyone.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
one more for the slaughterhouse
it was the last tuesday of my high school career today.
it's so surreal to think that everything i've come to love and know so well is going to be ending in a few short days.
it's even worse though, since i just started to get close to a whole new group of people. but don't get me wrong, i do not regret starting relationships with these people, i love graham and megan and danny all too much to ever say that i wish i hadn't bothered with trying to be friends with them. sure, those friendships won't be as concrete as, say, my friendship with ginny or whitney, but what's there is there. and i do have all summer. :]
but on to less depressing topics as graduating.
what happened today...?
i finished my pop art project. i'll have to get a picture and show it to you guys some time.
i tried to steal megan's purse today. she squealed in an adorable fashion, then summoned danny to help her.
danny then sexually harassed me in the form of a 'tickle fight'.
yeah, riiiiight. tickle fight my ass. more like grope fight.
[don't think i'm complaining. lmaoooo. i'm a whore]
but he did get me to let go of the purse.
there are so many freaking graduation parties this weekend...grrr....
i don't know how many i can make it to.
but i feel extra crunchy special since corbin invited me to his party.
tee hee.
mmkay, i'm gonna go...do other stuff now!
like dance around to some british music.
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