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Thursday, February 28, 2008
bombed reverie
something feels off.
out of place is accurate.
i wanted to tell you something
but my mouth can't keep up with my mind.
i've felt this before
have you?
can you kill my self control?
i can kills yours, if you want.
but don't forget the moon
and don't forget the bed.
you know what i mean
i know what i mean
to d.: we're missing something, aren't we?
thank god he'll never read this.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
let me be the one who calls you baby all the time
have you heard that song? it's beautiful...
anyway... what to report today?
nothing, really, except that my friend whitney's dad came home from his three month tour in iraq today.
it was a terribly stressful thing for her and her family to go through, so i'm happy beyond words that he's home safe.
what else...?
today, in senior sociology, we talked about adulthood and old age (as part of our psychology unit). my friend jonathan and i had a depressing talk about growing old and how we aren't looking forward to the changes it brings. when i look back at that conversation and everything that we said, it really is a scary thing to think about...i mean, having kids, your own house and taking on the responsibilties you were so used to leaving with your parents...it makes me feel really inadequate, like there's no chance in hell i'm going to be able to handle all of the new pressures that i'm going to get.
and then he had to break out the comment of 'what if it turns out i can't have kids?'
that's all too realistic and frightening in and of itself as far as i'm concerned. sheesh. life kinda sucks.
but whatever. there was funny talk amongst some chums of mine after band:
me: i don't think i can say that, even to megan. it's too awkward.
danny: you can never be too awkward.
me: good point, son. hey, megan! i want you to bite me until i bleed.
megan: no, i leave that honor for greg. only. greg.
danny: maybe i was wrong...
as i've said before, and will say again...
midwestern kids wrote the book on awkward.
it's what we're good for.
laterrr homies.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
why don't you just drop dead?
i feel much better than i did yesterday. maybe because i actually went to school and was semi-productive.
at any rate, 30 days to go.
moving on!
i have nothing else to say. except maybe i should wash my hello kitty tote. it's sort of dirty...
i noticed that during 7th hour, and it's been bothering me. maybe i'll switch to my panic! tote for the time being... or whatever. it's all good.
ok, well, i apologize for the boring post, but i'm off to take more cough medicine!
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
the lives we live are only golden plated
want to die.
or just fall asleep.
maybe will have
a better post tomorrow.
or the next day.
depending on the mood
and my state of mind.
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Friday, February 22, 2008
we're all dressed up and ready to play
our play was yesterday. it went better than i thought it would. i was really impressed with the cast.
so afterwards we went out to eat at TGI Friday's. much amusement was produced, since we came in about an hour before they closed, and i felt bad for the cooks. but according to our awesomely awesome server cory, we were the nicest group he'd served all day, so he said it wasn't really a big deal.
i stole cody's sweatshirt. i wonder if he realizes that i still have it. :]
it's so waaarm. tee hee
i have my quiz bowl competition on saturday.
central is going to hand our butts to us on a platter.
and i'm not even kidding.
there was something else i wanted to mention but i cannot, for the life of me, remember what it was that i wanted to say...
maybe it was about my promise to graham, THAT I ACTUALLY KEPT!...
or maybe it was about danny...
i can't remember.
maybe i'll think of it later...
oh well.
laterrr my lovies
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
so what's it gonna take, silver shadow believer?
i can't stop shaking at the moment, it's THAT cold.
we perform our play tomorrow. once for the school, and then again at night, at 7:00, i think.
i just can't wait for it to be over with.
i'm so sick of being exhausted.
on saturday, i have to go to a quiz bowl competition and pretend to be smart. that's something i'm good at, believe it or not.
this one's gonna be on tv.
but no one ever watches it, so i don't worry about it too much.
still cold.
really cold.
i just can't seem to build up enough energy anymore.
i'm not looking forward to crashing.
then again, when have i ever?
oh, and the new theme.
an artist named mark jenkins does this pop art stuff with these figures made out of tape and saran wrap.
they're so interesting, but sometimes they're kind of scary...
regardless, i really like his work, so i'm using one of his projects as a background, obviously.
i just love the horses...
lookit all the pretty ponies....
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
we must be tired, this shouldn't be this funny
i got to school at 7:20 in the morning today.
i left school at 11:00 at night.
there's something wrong with that picture, but not really.
in retrospect, it was a [dare i say it?] fun day.
so i had regular school, blah blah blah.
after the normal day, i had play practice until 9:00 at night.
play practice went fine, we ran through it, ate supper together, ran through it again. me and my friend ginny took a ton of pictures, so i'll post a few of my favorites later on in the post.
after practice was over, jonathan asked me to stay and keep him company while he worked on the school paper. it's so weird being in the hallways when they're empty... but no one around means krissy can fly down the hall on a wheely-chair.
i have video of that too.
i also got video of us walking out the door, talking about our school and whatnot. it's sort of like a mini-tour.
unfortunately, as soon as i stopped taking video, the funniest [not really] thing happened.
the passenger side door on his car was frozen shut, and we laughed and tried to get it open for five minutes.
it was all the proof you needed to prove that we're exhausted.
so here's those pictures i mentioned.
hope you enjoy, or something.

ross and whitney and the fog chemicals. delicious.

ginny, adrian, and cody. something funny had happened. like i remember what.

ginny and the fog. spooooky.

me and mah boy cody. we were practicing our emo picture-taking skills.
laterrr homies.
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Monday, February 18, 2008
this is our favorite song, why don't you come and listen?
strangely exhausted.
five hours at a speaking competition
and one scene boy later,
all i want to do is crawl into bed.
can't though.
have a presentation to prepare for.
shoot me in the face.
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
if this is a crime, let's keep it secret
responses to comments, since i have things to say to them.
casseh: well, my involvement WAS secret until you read the post. >.>
jenneh: of course you may have one of our adorable children. XD
hopefully he won't mind. tee hee.
yojimbo: oh, my mother knows. the only thing is, she thinks i'm kidding.
we got a broadband connection for our internet, but that means that half of my images don't show up for half of my sites. it's frustrating. however, youtube loads faster than ever, so that means endless music videos and nonsense. huzzah!
so i had to work yesterday, and it was boring.
more boring than usually so i have nothing else to say about it.
since we didn't have school on friday, it feels like yesterday should have been sunday.
ok, so if you go and dig through my quiz results, you'll eventually stumble across a video that i found hilarious.
you should watch it, just because there are some pretty adorable scene boys in it.
laterrr playas.
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
gravity plays favorites
so today.
yesterday, more accurately.
i had practice for my acting group [the kids in the picture yesterday] in the morning, since we didn't have school. it was fun, and actually pretty productive. afterwards, we were all going to go out to eat, but half the team had to leave, so it was just me, sarah, matt, and ross. we went to wendy's and comforted ross, the retarded asshole that he is, since he broke up with his girlfriend [ON VALENTINE'S DAY. what a douche]. however, to his merit, he did say that he felt really bad about it, so i forgave him, to some degree.
after that, we went back to sarah's house for a drunken orgy.
not really, we just played the wii and talked about how stupid we looked while playing and how ross sucks at the game we played.
after that i went home and did a whole lot of nothing.
which leads up to now.
isn't my life so boring?
anyway, we perform our play on thursday... i cannot wait for it to be over with. i'm so sick of the directors and their overbearing ways. raaawr.
i'm still trying to convince my mother to let me go to the cities to see panic.
she knows how badly i want brenny's babies.
she knows that this is a life/death situation for me.
she'll give in, eventually.
i hope.
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