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Friday, February 15, 2008
your eyes are the size of the moon.
highly uneventful week.
quite possibly one of the most boring period of time i've ever experienced.
ergo, i have nothing to really talk about.
oh, except that i watched "across the universe" yesterday and it was amazing, danny told me i was awesome and threw the "fangs up" gang sign back to me when i gave it to him, and that valentine's day didn't totally suck.
moving on, i think that i'll post a picture of me and a few compadres of mine.
just so you can get a glimpse of the freaks that i hang out with.
[kidding, KIDDING. i freaking love these kids.]

[[left to right, it's me, betsy is on top of ross, sarah alva and then the other sarah, my dear matt and the lovely emily]]
we're awesome.
oh, and i uploaded those late countdown comics. huzzah and whatnot!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
danny had some interesting things to say after i commented that the theater's main room walls were covered with mirrors and that they made it "kinky".
so yeah, that theater was in iowa, since i went and saw stomp with a few other band geeks. it was fun, and my band director's son, james, came with. he is just so cute. we kept giving him candy, and he evidentially didn't get to sleep until two in the morning. oops.
yay for lame fangirl-ish-ness.
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Friday, February 8, 2008
i got a copy of my friends matt and ross's movie today, and i was watching it again. it's so lame, but so terribly funny. plus, if they ever become famous, i've got some potentially valuable stuff on my hands. XD
so, yesterday i mentioned the deluxe edition of pretty. odd. that i pre-ordered, and cassie asked what all came with it.
if i remember properly, it comes with the cd, the vinyl, art book, making-of documentary, jigsaw puzzle [and is it just me or is there some irony in that...? goddamn puzzles :grumble grumble grumble:], and some other random, highly entertaining things. yaaay!
school was boring today, more boring than usual, actually, but i finally used my senior privleges [which means that during my free period i can leave school] and since my free period is the last hour of the day, i left school 45 minutes early.
but that's just because i have to go to work in about half and hour. ickyyy.
and tomorrow, i get to go to iowa to see stomp [you know, that one show that has the music totally made up from various items, like brooms and trash cans...? yeah, that]. since there aren't very many of us going, we're only taking two vans. it will be fun, i'm sure. :D
tee hee.
i just realized that i have a hole in my sock...
and i promise to post the countdown comic on tuesday. in fact, i'll post both of them, since the one from last week [which i missed, oops] is done.
yay for sucky art!
<3 krissy
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
guess what i have in common with 9,999 other people.
a pre-order for the deluxe edition of pretty. odd.
that's right.
anyway, school was boring today.
i just wanted to flaunt my lame-ness for a second.
i have to work tomorrow, so woo-hoo, or whatever.
later, gators.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
this is screaming photo op
cassie, that was for you. XD
so my mother bought me the "nine in the afternoon" single off of itunes today and it's been on repeat since it finished downloading. it's going to be the next "i write sins not tragedies" i swear to god. it's slowly getting more and more annoying, but i just can't bring myself to stop listening to it. it's just...too...cool...and plus, knowing that the strings on that track were being tweaked in london the same time i was there makes me feel all connected with it. lame, i know. XP
so i was snooping about the internets and i found pictures from their new video [metioned in the previous post] and hence the new theme. i haven't decided if it'll stay up until the release or just until the video is out. it depends on if i like it tomorrow.
speaking of tomorrow, we have a late start, so i don't have to be to school until 10. which means i can sleep in a little bit tomorrow, which means that i'm staying up far later than i should. oh well. i can handle the lack of sleep. hoo-rah!
and speaking of the release, i didn't get the new comic out. oops.
i have an idea for one though, so if i wake up early enough, i'll draw it tomorrow and have it up before i go to school.
goodnight my dearies, i'm going to listen to some old panic! music. tee hee hee. how retro.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
sunday, feb. 10th. 9 in the afternoon
find your mtv channel and watch a video at the indicated time.
you [probably] won't be dissapointed.
in other news, i don't have to work that day but i work tomorrow aaaand we have a late start.
oh bby.
how amazing.
it's wonderful.
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you
i worked yesterday, and it was surprisingly slow for a friday night. however, a lot of high school girls ran through, since there's the state poms competition today.
my school is competeing, but i don't care if they win, since they're all skanky hoes. >:D
my friend gave me some new music, and two of the songs were panic at the disco songs that i'd never heard before. one is something like a remix of "camisado", and the other is "boys will be boys", the demo version of "time to dance".
i freaking joygasm'd and sat on iTunes all night listening to them over and over again.
brenny's voice sounds really different on the "camisado" one...and i'm not even sure how to describe it.
maybe he sounds really young... maybe that's it...
so i have nothing to do today since i don't work for once. [omg]
i think i'm gonna go see "little shop of horrors" at my school, since a couple of my friends are in it. plus, i'd totally get to hang out with ginny's boyfriend and his weird-ass friends.
ah ha ha ha.
i think today will be a good day.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
this mark remains, it will never, ever go away.
it was really cold again today. i really miss not icy roads and warm weather.
i stayed after school today with my friend whitney to work on my art project. it was surprisingly relaxing, since we were the only ones in the room. i need to do that more often.
since i have nothing else to say, i believe i'll share some endearing photos from a few days ago.
maybe they'll entertain you.

my friend matthew, eating a cheese curd... i think.

my eighth hour commons table buddies.
[me, kaleb, emily on top, gail on the bottom]

my dearest kaleb.
i'm sure i've mentioned him many times before.
aaaand finally...

a picture of a waterbottle and my purse. in black and white.
how artsy.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
how do i address a letter to my generation?
the from first to last stint is taking my mind nicely off of the fact that panic's concert tickets are probably sold out.
so we got a snow day today.
i was just about to get up and get ready for school when BAM. my mother walks in and is all 'don't bother getting up. you don't have school.'
for a second i was all, 'damn, i sort of wanted to go to school today.' then i fell back asleep until nine.
it was marvelous, believe me.
otherwise, i've got nothing.
i think i'm gonna go play some video games or something else distracting, since i have nothing else to do today and the internet is already boring me.
oh, and i did post the second countdown comic thinger if you want to go look at it.
[keep in mind that i never promised that they'd be funny.]
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Monday, January 28, 2008
i can't wait for you to fuck me up
no news is good news, right?
so that's the case with today. nothing. happened.
i suppose now would be a good time to mention [however briefly] Logan.
who is he, you ask?
i'm not too sure myself.
he sits with our group during art.
he makes for interesting conversation.
he's funny.
he's polite.
he's...well, he's pretty freaking amazing.
but that's all i can say about him for now.
draw your own assumptions and whatnot since i have none of my own yet.
i hate puzzles.
especially those of the logic variety.
EDIT: does anyone wanna buy me the LIMITED EDITION Pretty. Odd. package? come on, you know you totally want to. think of it this way, you won't have buy me christmas/birthday/easter/random presents...FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
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