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Thursday, August 16, 2007
feed me my own denial and call it a merciful death
I'm a selfish, selfish girl.
But I don't need to talk about that because it was stupid to subject myself to that in the first place and maybe I'll talk about it later but for now I need to settle down and realize that other's happiness can come first sometimes.
A boring day today, a lot of sitting around. Went over to a friend's house, played video games and sat around [some more, that is]. I learned very quickly that playing Wario Ware on the Wii is hilariously degrading.
Ah... the "Big Cheese"...
I finally got around to charging my cell phone again.
[yeah, I know that's a pretty random fact]
I lost track of the darn thing and it ran outta power on me. Go figure.
Since I have no other news really... I guess all I can say for the rest of this post concerns my first few statements. I read something on myspace tonight and it upset me and it was terribly selfish of me to get that shook up, and I know that she was only trying to find out what was wrong but when she sort of part of the problem you can't help but get suspicious.
I'll get over it.
I'm resiliant.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
talk to the mirror, choke back tears and keep telling yourself that
I feel like I've used that one before. However, I'm too lazy to check.
Um, interesting day, I suppose. Went out to lunch with Darryl and Lindsey at Old Country Buffet. While there it was decided that if I'm good at anything, it's incoherence.
I'm really good at incoherent statements and observations.
Yeah. Anyway.
Also went to Wal-Mart for the first time in ages.
Of all people to see there? Jeff.
You remember Jeff.
He's the interest.
After that...interlude...I went back to Lindsey's to start reading Eclipse.
GOD was it GOOD.
She wouldn't let me take it home though.
After that I came home and putzed [ha, that's an old person word] around the house and did nothing.
My mother then accused me of talking like a grandmother when I couldn't find a pen and all I kept saying was "oh dear" and "goodness".
What's wrong with trying to cut back on my potty-mouth tendancies?
Also today, I watched a video for the song Backstabber by The Dresden Dolls. My friend Ginny had shown it to me awhile ago and I just now remembered it. It made me laugh so hard... and for some reason it got funnier and funnier the more I watched it.
Please remember that I am also still on pain medication.
If you want to watch it, hit up YouTube and type in something like "Dresden Dolls vs. Panic! at the Disco" and "Backstabber" [obviously].
What else can I mention...?
Well, I put up some new art.
[I'm on a roll here. XD]
I changed the background.
[I'm so hard to please as far a background images go]
I might be going to London after Christmas.
I think that does it.
Good night, my darlings.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
the hospice is a relaxing weekend getaway where you're a cut above all the rest
I went to a movie today.
Overall, it was pretty good, but it seemed to jump from the beginning to the main part of it waaay too fast. I mean, one second you got the chick and the dude and the wagon and all of a sudden you've got dude's kid and rejection and AUGH.
By the end, I couldn't stop laughing, but that might have been because everything started to seem really corny and/or cheesy [or are they the same thing?] but somehow it all was ok. Maybe the guy behind the concession stand slipped something into my drink...
Moving on.
I spent the rest of the day reading and/or drawing.
I didn't finish Harry Potter [because I was reading Catcher in the Rye, gawdammit].
I submitted some art, but, hey, as usual, it isn't very good.
[I is a baaaad draw-er. :B]
[[As a note for Jenny, Intermission is sort of for you. The thing is, I'll color Spencer's eyes and THEN send it to you.]]
[if you want it, that is]
[if you don't...it's ok]
It's thundering and lightening again!
But that means I can't watch round two of the meteor shower.
Yeah, you heard me right. According to my uncle, you can still see shooting stars tonight, if the sky isn't OBSTRUCTED by CLOUDS.
Oh well, I saw my fair share.
I got an email from a friend of mine today, and he was talking about his schedule [he starts high school this year].
His email made me think about how different things are from three years ago [ZOMG THREE YEARS] to now... I mean, everything he mentioned and worried about is no sweat to me... and I felt really old.
But then I realized I have three weeks of summer vacation left and I sort of panicked since I haven't done much of anything yet.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the attention
Well, I woke up feeling ok, and I actually left the house to go to the grocery store with my dad. Came home, tried to write those letters I promised, but I couldn't think of anything to say. If you still want a letter, tell me what you want me to say to you. I'm in a slump...
Then after lunch I felt shitty again. I went in my room, finished one of the many books I had started [I think it was Revolution on Canvas that I finished] and took a very short but highly beneficial nap. Got on the internets and found out that I'd be able to watch a meteor shower tonight. That made me sort of happy, somehow.
And it just so happened that two of my friends, Ginny and Cody, stopped by and so I had a regular little PARTY to watch my stars with. At first all we did was sit in my backyard, in the dark, taking pictures and probably annoy the neighbors with the camera flash. When I actually saw a shooting star, the other two were more keen on actaully watching the sky.
In the end, everyone did see a comet, and many silly comments were made.
[like when Ginny asked how the stars showed up in the sky, like if they blinked or left a trail, and I said something to the effect of "Well, some streak, and some flash..." I stopped talking after I said that.]
I think that'll do 'er for now...
[I found Gregory...!]
[I've got a little less than 100 pages left on Harry Potter.]
Later daaahlings.
I'm finding it more and more difficult to make a Spencer and Jon two seperate people... GAH I need a decent reference photo. I might have to resort to making Jon cuddle with some dolls and Spencer a pouty-faced cutie pie [yeah, he's that adorable.]
[oh, and I took the pics down. They were getting annoying. :D]
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts
For some reason... I'm feeling rather sick. I think it might be because I didn't really eat anything when I took my painkillers, but I also am starting to feel feverish... So I hope that if I go to sleep soon, it'll all wear off.
ANOTHER dull day. I drew a picture... but I only liked how half of it turned out [the left half, to be precise].
I think I really will write letters today.
If you want one...just tell me.
Hell, I could break out the Hello Kitty notebook paper if you asked nicely.
I watched a show about spring break. I decided I never want to go to Florida for that shit.
It was really scary, and disgustingly degrading. Why do people do that stuff to themselves? They just end up looking like morons. Or worse. D:
Bad news. Can't find Gregory. I'm sure he couldn't have gotten far, but still...
As a parting shot, I did accomplish something today. I managed to take a good chunk out of the seventh Harry Potter book. I should have it done by tomorrow or the day after that at the latest.
I'm going to go find something to try and settle my stomach, and then finish watching Blood+.
It's better than I thought it would be.
Oh dear, the storm is over... I'm going to miss the sound of rain pounding on my window. :sigh:
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
i keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type
I've been wandering away from my darling Panic! the past few days so as to listen to FOB. I had forgotten how much I really like them...
Yeah... ok. Let me think about where to start this one...
I woke up.
I decided that it was faaar to early to be getting out of bed [pfft, it was 10 in the morning, for goodness sake].
Went back to sleep for a grand total of six minutes.
Woke up for reals because I realized my leg had begun to hurt a little.
I panicked.
I stood up and realized it didn't hurt anymore.
Decided that this was going to be a loooong week.
At around 5 in the evening, after I had exhausted my usually abundant supply of entertainment and my patience for watching videos on YouTube, [I watched "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me" for the first time in a year. When I realized Brenny was in it, I went into some sort of shock. Why hadn't I realized that before? I'm a terrible fangirl...] I sat in my room and stared at space.
I ran out of things to do... and I still have a week of sitting on my ass to overcome... WHY ME?
[I did draw a few pictures...all of them suck, but they're on MyO for everyone's veiwing
Can anyone think of something for me to do?
Maybe I'll just start watching every movie my family owns... ugh. Maybe not. I'm the only person in my house who watches decent movies...
[Like "Lost in Translation" and "Amelie". If you haven't seen them, go watch those movies.]
Meh, I'm getting hungry again... I'm going to go gimp off and find something to quell the rumbling of my tummy...
Oh! I know... I'll write letters.
To who? I don't know. Maybe I'll write them to myself...
That sounds sad.
EDIT: Screw letters [for the time being].
I'm gonna go draw me sum pick-churs.
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Friday, August 10, 2007
progress report: i am missing you to death
Well, the surgery went fine [as you all said it would, and by the way, thanks for the well wishes ^-^] and I am currently in no pain. Thank you painkillers.
So, here's the story, since you might be curious. I had an imperfection on my lower right leg's muscle casing. This imperfection, a little tear in it, caused me great pain whenever I walked or marched, or basically moved my leg for an extended period of time. As you know, muscles expand as you use them, so here I had my muscle trying to squeeze through this little hole. Much nastiness, much pain. Anyway, they just went in and made the tear bigger so that there won't be so much pressure when I do all of those lovely moving motions.
Oh, and get this. My mother brought my iPod in for me while I was waiting to go into the operating room [I ended up having to wait for two hours with all of my IV stuff hooked up. Much uncomfortable], and the first song I hear when I turn it on?
If that wasn't a sign, I don't know what is.
Out of boredom, I got some pictures of Gregory. XD
Oh, I hope the medication NEVER wears off...
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270795667.jpg)
Gregory. XD
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270795672.jpg)
Gregory is love.
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270795671.jpg)
Gregory in mah pocket. [heh heh, long legs]
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270795669.jpg)
Gregory on mah computer [the kitteh doesn't have a name...and check out that sexy desktop image XD]
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270797053.jpg)
This is Gregory and the larger giraffe is Gustav. My parents got him for me today. Isn't he cute? X3
OK, now that you all have evidence of me not having a life, I'm going to slowly gimp my way to bed. Night all, I love you guys.
EDIT: if you all come back in about an hour... I'll tell you about the first of many boring days recovering from surgery! Exciting, huh?
Oh, and I'll only mention this once, since I don't like my art...
Cassie - I drew Brendon from Wentz in Wonderland and posted it a few minutes ago. Maybe you wanna see it, maybe you don't, but I'll warn you now... it's not the greatest.
OK, see you guys in, like, and hour or so.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
I may be ugly, but they sure love to stare
I have to be at the hospital at 9 in the morning.
The surgery is going to happen around 11.
I'm starting to really get nervous.
I mean, I know it's nothing, it's an outpatient deal [evidentially the operation only takes 45 minutes].
But still... the thought of someone cutting my leg open makes my stomach turn.
My friends tried to distract me from that fact by taking me out. I told everyone I met that I was going to die tomorrow. They laughed. I tried my best not to.
Barnes and Noble's doesn't carry books specifically on giraffes.
Gregory and I were dissapointed.
Well, I should get some sleep.
I'll try and get on later today to give you an update.
Or I'll post late tomorrow night [to make it a Friday post].
Either way, I'll let you all know that I'm ok, somehow.
EDIT: I'm alive and in no pain. Thank you for all of the well wishes. I'm sure they're part of the reason I didn't pass out before getting to the hospital. ^_^
I love you guys.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
a rainbow never smiles or blinks, it's just a candy-colored frown
Gregory might become the next theme. I do love that little guy.
Work was boring.
[not surprising]
My satellite connection is dead.
[it's annoying]
I almost bought a CD.
[but I can't remember who it almost was]
I have to prep for surgery tomorrow.
[I start taking stuff for swelling already]
I bet you just can't keep up with
[keep up]
with those fashionistas.
I had a discussion with my mother about the lengths she would allow me to go to procure tickets to various concerts. She wouldn't let me skip school to wait in line, but she would sit there for me. What a trooper.
C'mon, someone good PLEASE make an appearance in LaCrosse. I could almost be gaurenteed a front row spot with my mother's gaul and attitude for getting what she wants.
Which would be my tickets.
In other news, I need more manga.
I'm running out of things to do.
bye darlings.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
my heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find a way
It seems pointless to be posting again so soon, but I need something to do.
So I was on Gaia the other night and I came across one of those survey type things [like on MySpace, good LORD they are FOLLOWING me] only it was one where you set your iTunes [or whatever you have] playlist on shuffle and then fill in the survey with song titles. It was actually rather fun, and I wish I could find more things like that.
The only thing is, when I looked at the titles I filled in, I realized how...limited my tastes in music are.
Most of it was FOB, Panic!, MCR, and Modest Mouse. For how much AFI I have on my tiny 1 gig shuffle, none of it popped up. Surprise, surprise.
Oh, my Tamagotchi is operational again.
If you are just joining me for this lapse in maturity, I'll tell you that I'm a Tama junkie. I'll play it anywhere I get the chance, including school, during class.
To date, it has not been taken away from me. I am soooo sneaky.
Like a ninja.
Kaleb and Brittney are going to be picking me up in a few hours to go do something before I go to work...
OH! Maybe I should mention this.
This Thursday, I'm having surgery done on my leg.
Nothing major, but I might not update for a few days after that. I'll try to, but if I dissapear for the weekend, that's what was occupying my time.
The Raconteurs.
Any opinions?
I figure anything with Jack White might be decent, but you can never be too sure, huh? I mean, look at Cute is What We Aim For. I'm starting to regret purchasing that CD.
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/270261505.jpg)
This is my finger puppet Giraffe. His name is Gregory. He's an elusive little bugger.
Thought you might like to meet him.
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