she didn't choose this role, but she'll play it and make it sincere
Woke up at a reasonable hour today and went shopping with my mother and sister. Got a few things, saw a lovely emo child, and came home with a headache. Go figure.
So, yesterday, around about 10 o'clock at night, I realized that I hadn't left the house. AT ALL. Now, this might not seem so weird, except that I have, everyday, for the past month and a half, left the house to some extent. I felt very strange. So naturally I wanted to leave, but it was 10 at night. Not gonna happen. Ergo I went to bed a little crankier than usual.
We have the same glasses, Con? Heck, we could be twins.
I'm so sure of it.
I got one question yesterday. XD
Here it goes!
Q: Uh...Uh....What should i ask you? ^^"
A: ...To be honest. . . I don't care. If I don't like it, I won't answer it though. I'll just make something silly up. I'm good at that. XP
You guys are pretty awesome, you know that?
(ooh, ooh, as a side note, I can now dance JUST like Pete Wentz in that one music video. XDD)
I got ONE question! I feel so happy I could just...oh never mind I'll just answer it.
Q. What kind of cheese do you like?
A. I'm not too picky. The only kind of cheese that I don't like is string cheese.
Anyway, my friend came back from Europe yesterday. I really should call her and whatnot. She was gone for about a month and a very seriously missed her. Why the heck am I sitting here on the computer? Because chances are she isn't awake yet. Heh heh.
I feel like I'm going through music withdrawl. Maybe that's a sign that I need to go out and buy some new CDs... I have a couple in mind ("Icky Thump" - The White Stripes for SURE) but really I never go out to get a CD. I usually pick one up randomly, decide I like it, and then run home with it. Yeah. Because I'm cool like that.
Half-way through the emo culture guide (again). I'm such a nerd.
:sighs and goes back to listening to 30 Seconds to Mars and painting her nails black:
Any more questions? Even answering just one was fun.
(by the by.... I un-stuck my /? key on my other keyboard. GO ME. Now I can type questions ALL day. Why I'd really want to do that is beyond me though.)
The computer in my room needs a new keyboard. The /? key sticks for some reason, and sometimes it doesn't even work. Question marks are important! Without them, how would I be able to ask you this question?
Anyway, as a random musing, I've noticed that a lot of people ask for questions from the people who visit their site. I'm wonder how that would go over for me, since I get so few comments. It would be fun to try if you want, ask questions! Or if you don't want to, you don't have to.
I started re-reading my emo culture guide. Since, you know, I'm all into emo culture and stuff.
I try.
That's really all I have for now. Maybe I'll talk at you laaater.
It's 1 in the moooooorning! I'm bored and have access to a camera!
So last night I decided to stop being all childish and give up on that one person who (a few posts back) I was rather torn up over. Then I sat in a parking lot, stalking a guy who works at the Subway in Wal-Mart who I SWEAR TO GOD looks JUST like Gerard Way.
Everytime I see 'im I can't help but laugh.
By now he must think I'm crazy.
So this is what my summer has been like. I've been acting like a 12 year old for a lack of better things to do.
Hello. My name is Krissy. I am 17 years old, a girl (DUH), and I live in Wisconsin. It's so very nice to meet all of you.
Well, now that that's done... my day is already turning out to be too long. I woke up and went into La Crosse to get my senior pictures taken. That was definently something I wasn't used to, but it was fun. After that, went down the park, since Riverfest was still going on. Ate food, saw the band some of my classmates are in, and left. Went out with some friends, picked up my check, got as angry as all get out because SOMEONE decided to come back to work. . . and I really have a great dislike for this person, so I was just generally pissed off.
Then I pretty much came home and started on this. I might hit up Gaia later. . .
Who knows? It's only quarter after seven.
Went to a family picnic, then down to the park in La Crosse for Riverfest. While there, hung out with some friends, got attacked by crazy co-workers, and had my self-esteem lessened to some degree (if that's even possible yet. I mean, my self-esteem can't get much lower, ya know?). But the last thing was sort of my fault, since I pick the people I hang out with. It's just hard, not being the little cute kid of the posse, yeah?
I found out my cousin went to Summerfest. I ish angry at him for not taking me. Grawrs.
Well, I think that going to bed would be the best option for now. Have a nice night everyone.
Ah, I'm such a fangirl. Ick. Went to Best Buy today with a friend of mine and while I was watching Transformers (the ANIME) on one of their TVs, I noticed a list for Summerfest down in Milwaukee. I nearly choked when I saw that in merely THREE DAYS, Panic! at the Disco would be performing. I promised myself right then and there that I would get my rear in gear and see one of their shows. Someday.
In the meantime, it's an important day tomorrow. I get to eat food with the fam and then head down to the river and watch fireworks while everyone gets rained on. I honestly wouldn't mind the rain, since I prefer it to the sun anyway. . .
You know what's fun? Going on YouTube and watching fan videos for "Build God, Then We'll Talk."
Meh, PornoMime. That's bad. And that is the assumed "official" video, too. Makes me want to cry a little, but there was one made by some school kids for a project. I totally could have done better, and not been able to turn it in due to it's excessive "raunchiness". Oh school officials and your limits on promiscuity.
Hm, sorry I haven't been around lately. Things have come up and whatnot. Namely Gaia. I started a new quest, and I feel the urge to finish it before the summer's out.
Well, unless you really don't pay attention to details, you'll notice that I changed my layout. I got tired of my darling emo boys. Now it's just Panic! at the Disco and all...their. . .emo. . .attire and whatnot.
I guess old habits die hard, huh?
Let's see, anything new to report. . .? The musical is over, and now I have time to work. Funny story, though, my workplace doesn't seem to want to give me more hours. Damn them. . . Oh well, more free time for me and my friends, I suppose.
I hope you all have a nice rest of the day and week in case I don't get back to this before that. Away! Gaia calls!
"This is officially the 'Deep Conversation Bench'"
Well, last night was opening night for my school's summer musical (Hello Dolly). It went ok, but the cast party was better.
Had a long discussion with a friend of mine about a relationship that needs to improve. It was deep.
Sort of.
We have another show tonight and two more after that. I'm very ready to be done with this musical.