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Monday, December 13, 2004
Hello and Welcome to the Cave of Complete Lunacy! *heh heh *twitch twitch* heh heh*
Hi everyone. It's only like, 11 days until Christmas. Cool huh? Well...
Nothing really happened today. I'm sorry my life is so boring.
To make it interesting, imagine me dancing around my house to "Dancehall".
God I love that song.
Well, like I said, my life is boring, so urm, goodbye for now.
Oh yeah, 4 days until my birthday ^_^
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
Hello everyone, I'm back.
Let's see...what to talk about....
I was just recently (five seconds ago) looking through my artwork here on the Otaku, and I noticed my overall rating. Now, I have said multiple times that I am a BAD artist and I don't expect much, but my rating was 68%, down from 80%. A little depressing yes, but when I thought about why people would say they didn't like the art work, it got me thinking. WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE BASE THEIR JUDGEMENT ON? Do they go by if their work is better, or do they go by a professional's work? Or do they say "no" to spite someone or just be an asshole? I'd love to know why the people who vote no say no, and what they base their vote on. Personally, I don't think anyone is bad (except me, I suck). The people who vote no based on thier work are self centered, and those who base judgement on professionals work, lower your standards. And to all you assholes out there... I'll have a talk with you later.
OK. I'm done with that little rant. Now that I think about it, this won't be seen by a bunch of people, so I'll post it again tomorrow, OK?
I haven't much else to say, so I guess I'll see you all later, ok?
Oh, if any of you are bored or maybe you even care (really? *puppy eyess*) I worte an article. Maybe you wanna read it, maybe you don't. Whatever. I don't care what you do. It's your life, not mine, I won't live it for you.
Bye! (again)
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Watching new anime is a beautiful thing.
I just watched Full Metal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell, and, while not "new", they are new to me, and FMA is cool, GITS is cool cuz they all have guns (scary). Anyway. I have a question. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE WALLPAPERS? I'm clueless, so yeah. I have to go order a pizza, then eat some spicy food (hahahaha Ryo). Does anyone know how long it'll take me to finish my math homework (FOREVER!) AAHH!! I LOVE ATHF!! WHO DOESN'T?! My birthday is in 5 days. Isn't that cool? I'll be 15. Even (kinda) cooler. Don'tcha think? I think that we should give everybody a big hug. Let's play a game. End every sentence you say with "in my pants". Example:
I'm gonna stop ranting in my pants.
Goodbye everyone in my pants.
(you see how wrong this game can get? (in my pants))
Bye! (in my pants)
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
When the time comes, the earth will shake.
I'm almost positive none of you know what "the time" is. It is when the 2005 Zelda comes out. Zelda fans around the WORLD will stampede to the nearest video game outlet, stand in line for HOURS in the COLD (possibly), finally get in just to find there is ANOTHER line and when they get there, get the game, take it home, play it for about four days, beat it (Extreme fans- it'll only take you three), and get bored with it. They'll let it collect dust on the shelf, in the case, on the ground, wherever it is being kept. Five years later, something will spark their interst once again and they will beat it again. The process will repeat until the disc breaks or a parent sells it on E-bay(r) for three dollars (they lose money on that deal, it originally cost them $50). The child(ren) will come home from the university, college, community college, work at McDonald's, find the disc missing, claim it to be their favorite game and get very pissed at their parents. The parents, feeling bad, will buy them a new game, which is now out-dated anyway, and the child will beat it again. THE PROCESS NEVER ENDS.
My rant is done. Thank you for listening. Bye.
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Kasuto,net has a Hylian School if you want to learn how to speak, write and type like a Hylian. (The typing part was about a Hylian font download ^_^ very interesting)
Hey all. How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine. Today was pretty boring, but yeah, almost everyday is. Oh well.
Um, only a week until my birthday.
I'm tired, so *yawn* I'll be leaving you now fair people. All right, I am off!
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
....8 days people.....
This is an interesting Zelda site full of VERY interesting information (i.e.:It's all about glitches, hints, and interesting (have I used that word before?) cheats)
Anyway, 8 days until my birthday. Yippee.

I spent all day yesterday (which we had off due to senior exit projects) playing Zelda. Those who know me will say. "Why am I not surprised? That's just something Krissy would do." Yeah. All day. Then went to curch, came back, played some more, did some of my homework, didn't finish all of my homework (>.<), now I'm going to school early (it's 6:36 right now people, and I'm ready to leave) The rest of my family isn't up yet and....I've run out of things to say.
OK. Well I'll see you all around sometime.
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
As Life Gets Longer, Awful Feels Softer, Well It Feels Pretty Soft To Me. And If It Takes Shit To Make Bliss Then I Feel Pretty Blissfully.
Yeah, well, um that goes to my life's song. I'll explain later.
*If life's not beautiful without the pain, then I'd just never ever even see beauty again*
Slightly depressing but oh well. We should all get over it. Ok, yeah...hm, well... ah, er, um...
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
....Tra la laa!

I like this picture ^_^
Well, 13 days until my birthday. There isn't much else to say. OK. yeah, see ya all.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Hi Hi Puffy Yami Yumi is Based Off Two Real Japanese Pop Stars (in case you didn't know)
Hey hey hey all!!
How's it going? I saw a wicked awesome singing group today, and I get to go back and hear them again! I don't know if you'd know them, but they're called BC3.
Heard of 'em? Maybe. maybe not. (Sarah, Ginny, Tammy, I know you have ^_^)
Well, like yeah. Urm, only 14 days until my birthday if anyone cares. Well, I hope you guys have a nice weekend. See ya later all!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
...Laa di doo!
Hey everyone. It's 16 days until my birthday. Yippee. I'm happy. Can't you tell?
Anyway, there is not much going on. I had auditions for band the other day. They went horribly, so I will probably be last chair. Doesn't that suck? Oh well, I never have to worry about messing up solos, right? The glass is half full.
Or the glass is half full of emptiness.
Whichever you like better.
Hm, yeah, well, that's about it. See ya around everyone.
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