Tuesday, August 7, 2007
my heart could take a chance but my two feet can't find a way
It seems pointless to be posting again so soon, but I need something to do.
So I was on Gaia the other night and I came across one of those survey type things [like on MySpace, good LORD they are FOLLOWING me] only it was one where you set your iTunes [or whatever you have] playlist on shuffle and then fill in the survey with song titles. It was actually rather fun, and I wish I could find more things like that.
The only thing is, when I looked at the titles I filled in, I realized how...limited my tastes in music are.
Most of it was FOB, Panic!, MCR, and Modest Mouse. For how much AFI I have on my tiny 1 gig shuffle, none of it popped up. Surprise, surprise.
Oh, my Tamagotchi is operational again.
If you are just joining me for this lapse in maturity, I'll tell you that I'm a Tama junkie. I'll play it anywhere I get the chance, including school, during class.
To date, it has not been taken away from me. I am soooo sneaky.
Like a ninja.
Kaleb and Brittney are going to be picking me up in a few hours to go do something before I go to work...
OH! Maybe I should mention this.
This Thursday, I'm having surgery done on my leg.
Nothing major, but I might not update for a few days after that. I'll try to, but if I dissapear for the weekend, that's what was occupying my time.
The Raconteurs.
Any opinions?
I figure anything with Jack White might be decent, but you can never be too sure, huh? I mean, look at Cute is What We Aim For. I'm starting to regret purchasing that CD.
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This is my finger puppet Giraffe. His name is Gregory. He's an elusive little bugger.
Thought you might like to meet him.
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