Monday, August 20, 2007
she said she's no good with words, but i'm worse
It's not raining right now. How sad...
However, it's cold and I'm sick, so I really should still be sleeping since I have to go back to work tomorrow...which is a good thing because I need the money. Badly.
D&D game. Wanna hear about it? Sure you do.
Got to Hannah's house [her father was the DM] and after about 15 minutes of waiting for everyone to show up, we started. Right off the bat, we knew we were doomed becuase Scott [the DM] made it obvious that we would be fighting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
In the end, we had to defuse an atomic bomb with cadmium rods. It seemed so out of place, it was hilarious, but we did beat Death. Go us.
Alex, one of the other players, wanted to use a ressurection potion to "bring Death back to Life". He was convinced that it would have some deep meaning behind it and that it would destroy Death forever so we'd never have to worry about dying in Scott's dungeons ever again.
We threw dice at him and told him to shut his face.
On another note, I have to get my hands on a passport soon...I mean...I have the forms all printed off, I just need to get them filled out and off to the proper places to be processed. Yeah... this'll be fun. -_-
I had something else to say...but I can't remember what it was... God, I hate it when that happens...
Oh well. I'll remember it later and then do a facepalm and make an edit that no one will catch.
This made me giggle.
plaguexofxmalice [1:36 PM]: hello Kristine
KitaTenchi [1:36 PM]: Hello
plaguexofxmalice [1:36 PM]: How are you this gloomy rainy day?
KitaTenchi [1:36 PM]: Decent
KitaTenchi [1:36 PM]: You?
plaguexofxmalice [1:36 PM]: mer, it's kinda cold outside your window, maybe you should let me inside.
KitaTenchi [1:37 PM]: ...What?
I've got special friends.
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