Tuesday, August 28, 2007
will they ever let you out? i miss my mister so...
I posted a picture of that shirt that I got at Torrid. Check the MySpace or my last post to see it. I do believe that it is one purdy shirt. :D
Well, I'm happier than I've been in a long while. Earlier this year, my very good, very close friend Nella had to move down south due to her father losing his job. It was truly very devastating to me, since it was the first time I was faced with the possibility that I would NEVER see someone that I cared for very much ever again.
However, that isn't the fact.
I do believe that she is in town right as I type this.
She's up here for a week or so, and in due time, she will move back up here [since she's a legal adult and all]. I really can't explain how happy I feel, because Nella is like a sister to me, and it felt like a part of me died when she left.
[Yeah, that sounded cheesy, but it's the truth]
I get to spend all of Thursday with her, too.
On another note, Julia, my friend Ginny's foreign exchange student, should be here tomorrow around five. I might get to go with her [Ginny] and meet her [Julia] at the airport. I'm excited about that too. :D
Mmm, what else? I'm so mind-numbingly bored... let me find something pretty to show you...
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/274808119.jpg)
![Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com](http://pic60.picturetrail.com/VOL1760/8853751/16352900/274808118.jpg)
mmm... Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione.
They're my new obsession.
For now, at least.
Night, my sweet pieces of saturated fat-ridden pastries.
That one wasn't so good.
Oh my goodness, I mentioned this in a comment I left on a site, and I nearly forgot to do it. However, I'm not going to tag people. I would really only be re-tagging the majority of them.
My eight random facts:
1. I love to lay on my back on the floor in dark rooms.
2. Not once have I considered suicide. I have, however, considered jumping in front of a moving car, just to see how bad I would get hurt.
3. I am the only one among all of my friends [who live near me] who finds Spencer Smith [of Panic! at the Disco] attractive.
4. I used to hate Pete Wentz [yes, it's true]
5. It scares me when people don't answer me when I talk to them.
[only in face-to-face conversations]
Don't ask me why, but it does. Like, for example, if I ask one of my parents a question, I need to hear their response or I freak out.
6. I can swing dance.
7. I don't like mushrooms, but I like mushroom-pepperoni pizza. Go figure.
8. I'm scared of not accomplishing everything that I want to before I die.
So there. I did it. I never promised that they would be interesting...so I'm sorry.
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