Wednesday, May 28, 2008
'oh wait...that was greta. fuck, that was the hush sound. we should have asked if they wanted to play uno.'
i'm going to type as fast as i can so i can go to bed.
i'm finally getting sleepy.
so, we left at two, and we got to the venue at about, oh, 4:45? the line was already INSANELY long, so we plopped down and played uno. got the girls behind us involved and ended up hanging out wiht them for the entire night. they're awesome girls, really.
so finally we get in at 6 and we weasel our way towards the front of the pit and end up on the far right side about 10 feet from the stage. a good place, really, since i got some awesome pictures. after standing around for an hour, carefully bracing ourselves against the odd shoving match the entire pit seemed to be having, phantom planet came on.
they were alright, not a band i'm going to try and follow, but decent. ryan came out and sang and played with them for one song. then the hush sound came on, and i liked them before, so i was excited to see them.
they were excellent, as i knew they'd be, and we were all still kicking ourselves for not realizing it was them when they walked past us in line.
anyway, after they were done with their set, motion city soundtrack was up, and megan had said that they're really good, and she was right.
i absolutely adore them now.
i mean...srsly. they're just that awesome. so they played their set, blah blah blah and then we had to wait like half an hour for panic to come on, and their set was amazing, as expected. i was in a bad position to get pictures of ryan and spencer, but i think i got one of everyone...somehow.
i was a little sad that they didn't play 'she had the world' or 'from a mountain in the middle of the cabins', but i did get 'northern downpour' and 'but it's better if you do', so i can't complain.
and i will say that 'lying' is far sexier when sung live than it is recorded.
that's all i can say about that one.
after the show our little posse ran to the merch table and i had [luckily] brought along enough money to splurg and get myself the fancy hoodie.
[[thank you, graduation money]]
so yeah, all in all it was awesome, and i have decided that i will be going to see them again when they pass through the area on their next tour.
who's with me?

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