Saturday, February 25, 2006
Blegh narg annaphu? Greeblouw dagga doo.
I'm so congested it isn't funny. What is it that I need, sudafed? Anything just so I can hear properly, please!
Gah, well, I have a party to go to tonight and I'm not feeling to good, it's just a silly cold, but I don't get sick often enough for me to just work through it. I wanna sleep! Not party like a drunken fool!
I went shopping, and I bought the Vampire Hunter D book. I'm nearly done with it already, it's very good. It's not the manga, it's the book. Literally.
I'm also reading Catch 22 and Gulliver's Travels. Both are very good, but I'm finding Catch 22 kind of hard to follow. Gulliver's is funny.
Oh yes, an update on my silly Animal Crossing Addiction...
I only need to catch 6 MORE FISH until I've caught them all! I feel like a Pokemon master, or something =^-^=
Well, I shall go now, take some medecine, and prepare...to POLKA.
Fare thee well, my faithful (or not so faithful) lackies. heh heh heh heh heh...*cough cough hack cough*
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