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myOtaku.com: SBR666

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First of all...HI all!!!

How should I start...ehm...well yeah, to begin with, this site is great, there are soooo many artists here...most of them are unknown for me, but I promise that I will search for every single talent on the site....but to be honest there are soooo many cheating idiots as well, SNOW FOX for instance... man, you just can't image the way I hate that sucker..

Anyway, that would be the only disadvantage of this site, since artists can receive a lot of consctuctive comments...a lot of thanks for those who have ever commented my works ;) It means to me so much to know the weak points and the way to correct them....ty

I hope you are enjoying your time on Otaku just like me....
So cheerio everyone for now, I hope I will see you again ;)
(Don't read the further, hungarian introduction...I won't understand it :D)

gondolom ezt a részt azok olvassák csak akiket ismerek....nekik is szia
Remélem sokat rajzoltok ide ti is...ja igen ott a friendlist felül ha érdekelne valakit a társaságom...csak kötélidegzetűeknek...na mind1 ennyi lenne..Rajzoljatok, chateljetek, postoljatok sokat...Na meg utáljátok a kémiát, de nagyon és oltsátok le az idióta Snow foxot aki egy tehetségtelen csaló.....
Na ja még valami az Usteam-s magatartásomért 1000x kérek mindazoktól elnézést, akik netán nézik az oldal...

By now....Hali mindenkinek!!

SBR666 a.k.a. StormbladeR