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myOtaku.com: SBR666

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

MilleniumRing (05/29/06)

Hi! Nice site you got! The reason I stopped by is because I think you have wonderful art. When I saw the two dragons and yugi & seto, I was truly amazed. You color your pics so well. Good job!! See ya'!!!

krow666 (05/01/06)

one time for see good fanart is now... today no work... I'm lucky and the beers of yesterday round and round...
thanks for your comments and i like very mucho your color in the pics, is better than me... keep up the great job too

LouBlue (02/07/06)

Well, I came here out of morbid curiosity. Your comment on snowfox's picture wasn't exactly what I would call tasteful, but I wanted to see if you actually had talent to back up your claim.

Yes, you have talent. You can draw well. However, I think the thing that seperates you from snowfox is the fact that you are stuck in one style and genre. I see a lot of Angel Sanctuary in your work..so much so that I wasn't sure if you had copied the pictures or not. You've got great potential. I'd love to see you branch out and try new things instead of dissing those people who already do.

Nobody likes a bitter artist.

Good luck, then.