Birthday 1992-01-16 Gender
Female Location Toronto, Ontario Member Since 2005-03-20 Occupation donut eater! ^.~ Real Name Theresa AKA Spongebob
Achievements Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~ Anime Fan Since kindergarten (SailorMoon) Favorite Anime Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain. Goals To take over the world! Bwahahahaa! Hobbies Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P Talents Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop! sbsp13668
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well, I just had my first 3 days of work (from Wednesday to Friday). The first day went terrible and the second and third days weren't too great either. T.T I suck.
First Day:
My first day of paid work for Scotiabank was Bad. Unfortunately/Fortunately (depending on the circumstances) my manager, Sean, was away. So I didn't really have any work to do, because Scotiabank doesn't hire high school kids usually (mostly college/university kids), so it was rather unplanned. Most of the time I spent just sitting in my cubicle dying of boredom.
However, the computer expert for the section I work in, Bruce, called me over to show me how one of the bank's computer programs worked. Does anyone remember that post I made about a year ago about that time I almost fainted or something while standing in line to get my timetable and such? It's in the archives with a title saying "Well..." Well, that happened to me again with Bruce. And it was worse this time, since I was dry heaving too. I didn't lose my vision or my hearing like I did the last time, but like I said I thought I was gonna puke (nothing came up luckily). I freaked out Bruce quite a bit.
I wish I knew what starts these incidents; I'm sure that it wasn't hunger or lack of sleep this time, because I wanted to be ready for anything, since it was my first day. I think it might be because I've been so nervous. Lately, I've become extremely anti-social, like a schitzoid, and on top of that I've also been nervous about screwing up on the job (tada!), so maybe being around all those people at work just fried my brain or something... T.T
Day 2 and 3:
I met Sean, I don't know if he likes me or not, but at least he wasn't there for the weird fainting-ish thing. That's another thing, everyone at my job is so nice to me, but I dunno if they're faking it! I mean, how can so many people in one place all be so nice? None of my co-workers have said anything to me, other than "hi, nice to meet you." (Nor have I spoken to them much either).
Anyways! Sean gave me some work. He told me to read some business guides, so I can learn from them and ask him questions and stuff, and he gave me an MS Excel file to work on some equations and reorganize some tables. But reading business guides (which is all I did for day 2 and half of day 3) doesn't seem like work for me, I'm learning stuff and getting paid for learning. Does that make sense? I don't feel like I deserve any money I'll be making and I don't think I deserve to even be working for Scotiabank (I'm a clueless high school kid!).
After reading those business guides, I realized how very little I know about business. I understand some parts, and the parts I don't understand I ask Sean questions about. On top of this overwhelming sense of ignorance, I can remember my business class grade from first semester, and it was the lowest mark I've got on all my report cards for the past 5 years. So I'm currently feeling rather worthless, and I'd like to go crawl under a rock and die. T.T I have work again on Monday...
The other intern, Natalie, in my section of the bank is in college or university, she sits in the cubicle behind me. She's proven that Rogers phone/cable company employees don't even provide decent customer service to their own children. Natalie's mom works for Rogers, and has been giving Natalie a really hard time over an error made about a replaced phone Natalie's bought a plan for. She's had other employees from Rogers talk to her as well, but they weren't any more useful than her mother. I know all this because she keeps freaking out at Rogers' employees while sitting behind me in the office. Judging by how much Natalie talks on the phone while she's working to friends, family, and (of course) Rogers, she needs the cheaper service plan too. Natalie reminds me a lot of those girls with their ears glued to their cellphones who I'd see at school. I hate those girls and I don't like Natalie. But Natalie actually gets work done and earns her paycheque, whereas I'm being paid to learn. So now I've sunk even lower by disliking a person who's more productive than myself. I mean, at least she's always yapping on the phone while doing work!
Sorry if this is long and annoying to people. I got the most comments I've got in a long time on my last post, thanks everyone, so it's obvious y'all like happier posts. I'm so sorry, I just really had to get this out, my parents don't know anything about all this. I just hope I'm not a terrible inconvenience for Sean and my co-workers. They only hired me because my dad is very important to the company and has a high position, and I think the only reason they're trying to be nice to me is so they don't get fired themselves.
Well, enough about that. I'm going to work on a new theme this weekend. It's going to be a morbid theme. But it's not because I want it to reflect my current mood or anything, I've been planning this theme for a long time now. Who knows, if the theme turns out alright, it might cheer me up a bit ^.^;
I'll try to get to everyone's sites. I might work on my comic a bit and excercise a little, that might help me shake off this depression. As for those who know me on DeviantArt, I'm also checking out everyone's art on there. My dad said he's gonna take me to buy a new computer too, so hopefully I'll be able to go on TheOtaku more to check out Worlds and fanart too. ^.^ See Yas! And Happy Belated Fourth of July, to my American Friends! ^.^
1. I prefer shounen (for guys) anime because the artwork is more realistic, the story is more interesting, and the characters are more intelligent. Well, to be fair, I don't like how all anime in general makes women look stupid. Shounen seems to be more extreme on making female characters stupid in contrast to male characters though.
2. My brother and I gave my dad an iPod Touch with a case, a docking station, and the new Coldplay CD. Obviously my mom bought it all though, because my brother and I could never afford that stuff.
3. My Zombie Plan can hardly be considered a plan. My Zombie Plan is to grab all available items and use them as weapons against zombies while I run through the streets. I've always wanted to kill a zombie, and anyone who's play Dead Rising knows how much fun it is to kill zombies with random objects. By the way, I loved everyone's plans though, they were all much more efficient than mine! XD
1. What are you craving?
2. What are you listening to?
3. If you were on vacation and could go anywhere you wanted, where would you go?
Finally, a NICE Surprise
Well, looky here! I thought I wasn't gonna be on this weekend, but it turned out that I didn't have to go to the island for the whole 5 days after all (instead 3 days, so I have 2 days for MyOtaku). I'm gonna try to make this post short; mostly some videos and questions. In fact, you can just watch the videos and/or answer the questions if you want, I don't care. ^.^
Well, I start my job on Wednesday, woo! My parents are going on a vacation by themselves for their anniversary next Monday (I think...) So I get the house all to myself (brother's at a friend's house) for 3 days, woo! My report card average was higher than my brother's and I wasn't even trying to do well this year (I will next year, since universities pay more attention to grade 11 and 12 marks). I had an 87.5% on this semester's report card, I can't remember what my last semester's was... My dad tried to use my computer this morning, and realized that the thing is falling apart, so he said that he might get me a new computer. Also, I think it's safe to think that the reason I have such a nice job with my father, is due to the fact that my dad wants me to take his position in Scotia Bank when I'm older (my neighbour's father is the same way, since he's the CEO of some sort of sports store franchise). That's my life crammed into an ugly paragraph. XD
As for my dear friend Magnus, you must be wondering why I've asked you about the names. Well, I asked you so I could give a name to the evil exterminator from my comic Evil People Will Win, since she doesn't have a name yet and that part of the comic is dedicated to you ^.^ Thanks so much for the advice on the site fanart picture thing, I think I'll follow your advice and lose the damn thing (I'll keep my fanart crud in my portfolio). As for the rest of my art, most of it I do for fun, such as my comics, that last pictures, and those death pictures (anything else I draw is for practice, usually). I'm not particularly proud of them, I just share them to see if anyone will get as much fun out of them as I did from drawing them ^.~ Also, I love your holiday idea! Woo Neptune! *^.^*
Alright! I shall be posting some funny videos for y'all, since everyone can use a good laugh! ^.^
The Best Way to Parallel Park:
Billy Connolly (one of my favourite comedians):
Balls of Steel, Neg's Urban Sports; Make Them Move (my favourite of his sports):
Phoenix Wright, Boot To The Head:
Flying Car:
An Escaflowne Thing (kinda too weird to describe...):
Sailor Moon On Jerry Springer (Weird Al):
1. Internet Day! Everyone gets to waste a whole day surfing the web! (Or in my case, hanging out on MyOtaku).
2. I would like to go shopping, chillax (watch anime and be lazy), draw, and come on here during the summer! ^.^
3. I'd like to try power kiting, but I dunno if it counts as an "extreme" sport. It's pretty cool, you should check it out on YouTube ^.~
(You don't have to read my answers any time, so just so people don't say "OMG!!!1 Its so long!! Its the longest post Ive ever seen!!!1", ignore parts of the post!)
1. Which do you prefer: Shounen anime/manga or Shoujo anime/manga? Why?
2. What did you get your father for Fathers' Day?
inspired by Magnus' great Fathers' Day gift:
3. What's your Zombie Plan?
for those who don't know what a Zombie Plan is, watch this:
and check out the comments, they've got some great plans! ^.^
That's it! I'll visit your sites! ... Crap is coming up again as I'm typing, but I'll probably still be able to visit late tonight! XD See Yas! Comments (0) |
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hopes and Dreams
Sorry I wasn't on last weekend, my parents pulled another surprise on me and dragged me up to that island >.< I don't think I'll be on next weekend either, because we're going to a friend's cottage for Canada Day (kinda like the 4th of July for Canadians).
I'm happy to say that school is pretty much finished for me! ^.^ I only have to go in this Thursday to get my report card, and I'm gonna have some icecream with my friends afterwards. So now my friends on DeviantArt know why I've been on there so much lately, now that I have time and stuck at home. I'm going to start my first job at the bank my dad works at next week too! I can't wait! So much business experience and money! ^.^ (Unfortunately being at work might limit my time for going on MyOtaku, but we'll see...)
I'm really really REALLY hoping to get a new computer this summer, and I want to beg my parents for one... but I don't think they want to get one for me. T.T If I had a new computer, I could come on here more often, make AMVs, go on TheOtaku (maybe make a World for all my worldly friends to go to), and all those other things I've always wanted to do, but have never been able to because the computer I have now is dying. I think it's starting to crash, because it's been having a lot of trouble starting up and opening programs (it's more than 10 years old, so it was a pretty good computer anyways though). T.T I don't ask much of my parents, and if they get me a new one I probably won't ask for anything from them for the rest of my life... but they don't want to get me one. T.T
This weekend's had a few surprises, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get to your sites. My brother's birthday was on June 9th, so we're having his birthday party this weekend. We went paintballing with his friends this morning (I suck so much, but it was fun and gave me some excercise). I think we'll be going to see a movie tonight or tomorrow, and I dunno if we're doing anything else. ^.^;
Sorry, I think this is turning out to be a long post now... -_-; I've been working on my fancomic for a while, it's going a lot faster now that I don't have school. I might be able to put the second chapter up by the end of this week or the next week. I might put up a new theme on here some time during the next 3 weeks, not sure what to do yet though... ^.^; I did some more fanart, and it took me forever to draw this, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could check it out. ^.^
By the way, I noticed that I still have some PMs, which I haven't read in over 2 or 3 months. So I think it's safe to announce not to PM me unless it's really important, because I don't really have enough time to get to them. XD And if I start a new theme should I keep putting up that damn drawing saying "check out my fanart and blah blah blah"? To be honest, I hate that thing; I don't like my drawings and I find it redundant to say "check out my portfolio, if you want." The only benefit of it would be that it keeps me in practice for drawing anyway. ^.^;
Alright! Lastly, thanks everybody for your support about my friend. I think you're right, I'm gonna just stop doing stuff for him all the time until he proves that he deserves it. ^.^ You know, whenever I imagine my future I always see myself living all alone, because in real life I'm rather anti-social and cynical. However, I can always see myself keeping in touch on MyOtaku, so I promise y'all (< first time I've said "y'all" in a while, that's a good sign) that I'll be here until the day I die. If I'm gone for more than 1 year, you're free to assume that I'm dead and that Light Yagami is my murderer (hehe, just kidding I like Light).
1. The most important thing in life is... hmmm... hmmm... is... music. I like music, not many people can live without it like oxygen ... so maybe oxygen is also the most important thing, but that's not as cool. ^.^;
2. I still watch Spongebob Squarepants (the old seasons anyways), Jane and the Dragon, Pinky and the Brain (if that counts), and probably some others that I can't remember...
3. Going to work, going on MyOtaku, and enduring whatever misfortunes my family places upon me.
1. If you could make up a holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate it?
2. What would you like to do this summer, or whenever you have a break?
3. Do you ever want to try any extreme sports, such as bungee jumping or sky diving? If so, which sports would you like to try?
Oh yeah! I did okay on my fitness testing. I mean, I really improved in some areas, but I also disimproved (if that's a word) in other areas. Well, I'll try my hardest to visit y'alls sites! Probably some time late at night, like 2:00 AM but whatever! ^.^ See Yas! Comments (0) |
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Paradise is Lost
Nothing new again. I have a very dull life. XD I've got exams and such coming up soon. So I might be away a while when those come around, but I'll probably be able to come on more during the summer ^.^ Well, I feel like writing another miserable and boring post for y'all again (my apologies for wasting your time).
I think I know why I've been acting so "miserable" now. MyOtaku has sorta lost its touch; it's lost most of its members and become inactive. -_- And this was sorta the only place I'm able to show my nice side, so now that it's fallen apart here my real personality is showing. So my friends, here is the cynical bitch that I really am. I'm sorry that I can't find that nice side of me any more ^.~
More bad news, which is really only bad to me I guess. I have this terrible feeling that I am being used by one of my school friends. We met 2 years ago and I think I may have mentioned him on here, since he was one of my best friends at that time: Andrew (the guy who's in my fan comic). I used to sometimes make copies of anime DVDs and CDs that I own, since it's really hard to find anime products in Canada and I didn't want to make the guy go on a mad hunt for rare anime in this country. XD ...
Lately, he's been asking me to BUY a lot of anime stuff that HE likes, so I can pretty much give it to him or copy it. CDs and DVDs aren't cheap dude! He's never done anything for me really. We were gonna go to an anime convention this summer, since he's able to get some free tickets, but I think he gave all the free ones away to his other friends or something (so I'm stuck buying something again). Maybe I'm just being paranoid or something, I don't deserve much better treatment anyways. I don't even deserve such good friends like you guys on MyOtaku; I'm so sorry for any troubles I've caused you, and when my disgusting personality shows don't think I'm attacking you; I just suck.
I remember this time 2 years ago, when he was nice to me though. Grade 8 really sucked for me, so it was just nice of him at that time. Can't remember what we were talking about, but he said I was a good friend or something. I wish I could remember the circumstances he said it, so I could tell whether he was lying or not.
1. It's probably still gotta be MyOtaku ^.^;
2. My room.
3. My favourite type of sunscreen is Coppertone Sport and I'm not wearing any socks (I used to be wearing grey socks with little pandas on them though). *^.^*
1. What's the most important thing in life? < Heard that question in a movie or something my dad was watching (I think the answer was love, but I'm a love hater). Try to be creative with your answer, cliches aren't allowed! XD
2. Do you still watch any little kids' shows, if so what are they?
3. Do you have any plans for the summer?
I'll probably be able to get to most of your sites. I've got to excercise a bit this weekend too. I have fitness testing in gym class on Monday, and apparently the results of this test are 15% of my final gym grade. ^.^ Well, See Yas!
Not much to talk about again. Looky! The new theme is Alucard from Hellsing! ^.^ It's okay, but not good enough for ALUCARD (the most badass character ever invented)! Also, I've got some new fanart:
I'm probably not gonna be able to get to everyone's sites this weekend, but I'll get to y'all some other time. Not so sure about next weekend, but I really hope I can next weekend. I'll try my hardest to stay at my cottage (with the computer) instead of going to the shitty island. Gods I'm in a bad mood a lot now aren't I? Sorry to bother you.
1. I already told you in some other post... funny ones ^.^
2. Hmmm... a really boring song... Mad World by Gary Jules, because this truly is a Mad World ^.~
3. Sometimes I think I want to be all alone, when I'm older and other times I'm totally terrified at the concept of living the last bits of my life alone. So I'll wait and see how things play out in high school and university (if I get that far) and determine whether I want to cut myself off or be somewhat active in the world. I want to live in an apartment or a mansion, but not a house or a condo. And coroner seems like the most suitable profession for me; you get to learn a lot and deal with dead bodies, fun ^.^
1. What's your favourite website?
2. What's your favourite place to hang out?
3. What's your favourite type of sun screen and what socks are you wearing? XD Random fun ^.~
Here's a funny video to make up for the lack of spirit in this post:
See Yas! Comments (0) |
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Can Someone Motivate Me To Live?
Uuhhg. I haven't felt like doing ANYTHING lately... Sorry for my absence last weekend, I didn't go to my cottage (with the only computer that works on TheOtaku/MyOtaku) that weekend. I might not be here next weekend as well, but I'm not sure yet. I don't have much to say, so lucky you! XD
I would've came on yesterday night, but there was a blackout (2 blackouts in 1 night actually) and it was all stormy (yay!) There was a third blackout this morning for some strange reason, but there doesn't seem to be any more coming...
I put up one more new fanart, so if you haven't seen it yet it would be greatly appreciated if you could check it out ^.~ :
I posted some concerns about MyOtaku and the changes up on OtakuBoards, so here's a link if anyone's interested in the replies it got:
It got a reply from Adam, so I'm gonna try PMing and e-mailing him later today to (hopefully) find out about what changes are going down in the future. ^.^;
Well, that's all I have to say... Don't worry I'll visit your sites and Worlds ^.~ See Yas!
1. I'm not talented at anything. I'm just kinda good at a few things, not talented at anything though. It's a rather boring way to live, unfortunately. ^.^;
2. The best day of my life would be the day when everything goes the way I plan it to go, so I can get a lot of stuff done. I'm not used to relaxation any more, so the best day would have to involve some work... meh ^.^
3. Don't Drink the Water (I think that's what it's called) by: The Dave Mathews Band, it's a great song *^.^*
1. What languages can you speak?
2. What's one thing that is making your life more difficult at the moment?
Well, I tried getting some answers on MyOtaku's future by leaving a comment on the Official Features World (or whatever it's called), but I haven't recieved a reply (I don't know if they've even read my comment, since they posted again on the World without any answers). I'll try again today by some other means than a comment. I'm apologizing in advance that this post is probably going to be a boring one, since I don't have much to say (it's gonna be short though! ^.~) If you want to read a more important/interesting post my last one is the one you should be reading! XD
I've added 2 new fanarts (one of which I mentioned in my last post). I drew one of them in a bunch of my classes and the other on the halfday I had on Thursday (Thursday I had my Literacy Test too, easy). So here's the fanart:
By the way, tell me if the last one isn't showing up because it hasn't been on my computers...
I had a really good day yesterday, if y'all wanna hear about it ^.^ (You don't have to read this if you don't wanna). Let's see... I went to English class and didn't learn anything as usual (English teacher is a dope). Then I went to my Careers Studies class (pointless class, but mandatory for graduation) and did a presentation on coroners, which was rather successful because people were interested, asked lots of good questions, and thought it was kinda funny *^.^* (I suck at presentations, so I was happy that it went well for me). After that it was lunch time, and I saw my old friend Andrew. We babbled about random crud for 45 minutes, had a good time, then ate some lunch. I had science and didn't get much homework, but I have a unit test on Monday (eep!) Lastly, we got to play badminton in gym class and that was fun too ^.^ It was a nice day!
1. My world is very boring and kinda busy in "real" life. And I don't have a World on TheOtaku yet, but I might be forced to get one if TheOtaku doesn't connect with MyOtaku better.
2. My dream world is strangely similar to the real world, since it's full of tragedy and wrong doings. The difference is that people have magical powers and has lots of anime stuff in it! XD
3. I've gots lots of chocolates! ^.^
1. What are you most talented at? (drawing, writing, singing, sports, etc. ...)
2. What would the best day of your life be like, or what was the best day of your life like?
3. What song do you have stuck in your head? Do you like that song at all, or does it simply annoy the hell out of you? XD
That's it for today, I'll visit your sites, try to get some information about MyOtaku's future, and I'll try to do some drawing today. See Yas! *^.^* Comments (0) |
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My World
Well, the title says "My World", but I don't actually have a World yet. I went through my entire friends list on here, adding y'all to my subscription thingy if you had any art or a World last Friday. So if you've just made a World after Friday, can you tell me so I can subscribe to you as well? ^.^ I just wanna keep in touch ^.~ I'm STILL getting used to Version Vibrant (so much to explore! ^.^), I've been wondering whatever happened to the quizzes and cosplay sections...? There's a few downsides to the Worlds feature that I'm sure many of you are aware of: 1 picture, no music, only 10 new things come up on the subscription list (anything old gets bumped out), and people have been leaving MyOtaku.
At first I thought the subscription thing was a great idea because I thought it was similar to DeviantArt's where all new things are kept on permanent record (like PMs) until the user has checked them out or crossed them off the list themselves. However, the subscription only gives me 10 new things and deletes old things from the list, if there's no room and leaves me not knowing who's stuff I still had to check out. -_- (This is one reason I haven't been able to visit many Worlds, because they keep leaving that list everytime another person updates).
I think ElvesAteMyRamen has had the best approach to the Worlds so far. (She's been rather tolerable of the 1 picture, no music bit too! XD) ElvesAteMyRamen is posting on her World AND on MyOtaku, it doesn't take much time to do it, she just copies the post and puts it on both sites. This way people who are still on MyOtaku (or are having the same subscription problem as me) are able to keep in touch with their friends *^.^* Way to go Elves! *applauds* So this is just a tip for those who may be divided or trying to decide which site they should do their blogging on, stick with BOTH sites! *^.^*
TheOtaku and MyOtaku should stay united! It really feels like MyOtaku might get the axe in the end of all these changes... T.T And as I pointed out before, there are still many flaws to TheOtaku's new features that MyOtaku doesn't have. Also I have some friends on here that don't have Worlds yet or are taking a break, so I don't want to lose them if this site gets chopped! Y'all may have noticed that I've got a badge just above my post reading: Version Vibrant Resistance Corps. Sounds all big and militaristic doesn't it? Well, it's not. The Version Vibrant Resistance Corps have been created to help save MyOtaku and unite it with TheOtaku, if the circumstances should become extreme. The VV Resistance Corps are mainly sending out suggestions to Adam and the team working on TheOtaku's changes on how to make both sites better and to keep MyOtaku going. If MyOtaku were to get the axe, then the club members would go into a resistance and complain to get MyOtaku back. For those interested in the VV Resistance Corps go talk to darkeangel to join or for more information.
Before posting this, I was looking through my old guestbook signings (there haven't been any new ones lately). Most of my friends I've met through guestbook signings, so they brought back some great memories for how a lot of us have met ^.^ After doing so I noticed how much I *love* it here on MyOtaku! It's like a home to me (and I'm sure it's the same for other people as well). At school I'm bitchy and everyone else pretty much is too. On other forum sites I don't feel welcome or I'm just bored. On other art sites (DeviantArt being the best example for this) it feels lifeless, since the members only talk about their art and never their own lives. And I haven't even found a better anime site than MyOtaku that I can be a member on! XD So the idea of losing MyOtaku is unbearable and what makes this whole situation worse is that a lot of people have been leaving TheOtaku and MyOtaku for good...
The most recent member to depart from MyOtaku is lordsesshomaru (but I could be wrong since I haven't been to anyone's sites yet). He's got a terribly sad farewell post up on his site, which sounds odd since we all know him for being probably the funniest person on MyOtaku. T.T I'm not blaming Version Vibrant for this, he obviously left for other reasons, but I had to say something to help get his message across. A lot of members are under-appreciated on here. Lordsesshomaru would always try to make his posts sound funny, despite what was going on in his life. He'd spend hours writing his hilarious fanfics, funny picture captions, and personal posts, but he never really got thanks for it. In fact, a lot of people would just skip over the posts about his life and just check out the captioned picture or fanfic. He even had to start putting summaries of his posts for the lazy to be interested in his life. o.O; It's obvious that some of this unfair treatment was the cause of his departure from MyOtaku and TheOtaku. So to those who are reading this, if you know people that *clearly* put a lot of time and effort into their posts to make them enjoyable or do anything similar (art comments, fan Worlds, whatever), thank them. They may already know that you like their services/kindness, but just say it anyways, it's always nice to hear ^.^
With that I'd like to thank: all of you! All of my friends put effort into the wonderful and interesting comments they leave me! My friends who have those really detailed layouts on their sites or simple ones that are still interesting, thanks for spending time on making your sites so beautiful! My friends who include long captions about their artwork (about inspirations, challenges, materials used, whatever...) and give long comments on other people's artwork in areas of success and improvement, thanks your comments and captions are really helpful to those trying to improve their art! My friends who make videos and playlists for their site visitors, thanks it makes things more interesting and enjoyable as well! And all of you have very interesting posts with details about your lives presented in your own, unique, fascinating manner (and unique vocabulary), thanks! Thanks! LOL! Has anybody heard of this movie called "Scrooged" with Bill Murray playing a Scrooge-like character? It's hilarious, but I feel so fucking enlightened like Bill Murray's character did at the end of the movie, now! So enlightened I had to use the f-word to bring me back down to Earth. XD I'd thank everyone personally if I could, but that would make this post more massive than it's turning out to be... ^.~ So tell people how thankful you are of them; it'll make them feel great and yourself as well! (I was grinning as I was typing all of that ^.^)
After all that thanking, y'all must think I'm on the wrong holiday! XD Well, it's not Thanksgiving (I wasn't here for that holiday), but it is Easter for me! ^.^ Happy Easter and Spring, y'all! I've got a zillion cards for y'all because I think you'd like to choose your card, it's one of the benefits of MyOtaku (more pictures), and I had too much time on my hands (actually I didn't want to work on my Careers Studies' project today so yeah...) XD Here you go:
As for my life outside of MyOtaku, which isn't much, I've learned self defense stuff in gym class last week. Now, I know how to break a person's wrist by using 3 different methods, I know a variety of kicking styles, I know how to break a person's collarbone, and I know how to flip people by using 2 different methods. My class also learned how to effectively play dead in a mass hostage or school shooting situation too! *^.^* It was so much fun learning all that stuff! I'm not very good at flipping people, but I'm pretty good at wrist breaking and using pressure points in the arm to subdue people! XD Lots of fun and the instructor guy was just great, he was really funny and helpful! *^.^* By the way, I have a new drawing up in my portfolio, so if anybody would like to check it out it would be greatly appreciated! ^.^ Well, I'm off to visit sites now! See Yas!
My Answers:
1. My first word was "light"; apparently I was with my babysitter and said it as I was staring at the ceiling light in the basement or something... (I never liked my parents enough to say their names! XD Haha, just kidding, I have no idea how much I liked my parents at that age!)
2. I like Raina's idea of just hinting that my best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on them ^.~
3. I think my favourite names are Henry and Oliver. I don't really have any favourite girl names, but I haven't met any Olivers or Henrys so I'm assuming they're nice people with nice names! ^.^
1. What's your World like? (TheOtaku World or "real" life world?)
Yay! Version Vibrant's up! It's really great, has a few bugs that need to be worked out, but still great! ^.^ I'm going to start going around and subscribing to all my friends stuff, after this ^.~ I'll have to subscribe to those categories while I'm at it too... But don't worry I think I'll have time to visit all the sites as well! *^.^* By the way, does anyone know how to get the avatar thingy's caption changed? Mine is an avatar of a half dead Nana from Elfen Lied, but the caption still says "Kilala! =^.^=" from my last theme. ^.^;
All that subscribing stuff reminded me of DeviantArt. I don't like DeviantArt as much as TheOtaku, but I have an account on there. So if anyone wants to be friends on DeviantArt with me (and isn't already), drop me a line, okay? ^.^ (I think I drank too much rootbeer, kinda thinkin' crazy here! o.O) Speaking of my cruddy art accounts, I added another page to my fan comic "The Adventures of Gata". Here's a link (since it's not showing up in my portfolio thingy for some reason):
I'm planning on working on my other fan comic "Evil People Will Win" (EPWW) again sometime... I hope to do some drawings too, I've been making this list of all these drawings I wanna do and so far it's just been getting longer! @.@; I've been a bit busy with school work again (nothing too huge though I think I'll still be able to come on here more often than before).
I'm on Spring Break at the moment, but I still had tonnes of work to do. I went to San Francisco though! (That's where I was last weekend, so I couldn't come on here unfortunately). It's so nice and warm in San Fran! No Snow! *^.^* The only part of the trip I really enjoyed was going to San Fran's Japantown and buying some mangas (that I couldn't find in Canada). San Fran is kinda like Toronto from a tourist's point of view; there are a few attractions with a little bit of appeal to them, but nothing "wow" like in Rhome or London. The people in San Fran seem really great though! I love how San Fran has such a large gay community and that most people are fine with it (I must sound so stupid by saying this...) In Toronto (but Mississauga more specifically) there isn't a lot of gays, but that's probably because there are a tonne of homophobes in Toronto, which really bugs me... (hell, my family is homophobic, so yeah). Also I like San Fran's taste in pets! I saw a lot of people with really beautiful dogs and a few cats in windows, even saw a lady take her pet bird out with her too! =^.^= I mean the people didn't have those awful little yappy dogs or those kinda ugly pug-like things. XD (Eep! I hope no one takes offence to this, just me yapping here).
I have no promises if I'll be able to visit all your sites next weekend because I've left a school assignment rather late, since I've been working on other assignments. I'll try really hard to finish it during the weekdays though ^.~ (hopefully we'll get some in-class time). I haven't the slightest clue how I'm going to get on here next year though. Next year I'm going into grade 11 and the courses I chose were: university chemistry, university biology, university physics, functions (university math), university English, Canadian law, history in the 16th century, and accounting (business studies). So I might get buried under all the work... o.O (hold me, I'm scared! XD) Well, I'll go visit the sites now... and as promised I'll give y'all some questions with my posts now! ^.^
1. What was your first word? (like the first word you said when you were a baby and stuff...)
2. If you had a friend who's boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on them, but they were unaware and somehow you knew that their boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on them... what would you do? (Hopefully you've never been in this situation, my business teacher from last semester was once...)
3. What are your favourite names? (Sorta like: if you had kids what would you name them? What names do you like?)
I suck at making up questions, I hope all of those were understandable. ^.^; Well, TTYL See Yas! Comments (0) |
Saturday, March 1, 2008
This is Probably Going to Be a Long One, BUT I Have GOOD NEWS!
First and most importantly: I am so sorry everyone! I've been such a lousy friend, disappearing for so long and such. I'm sure that you're all sick of the excuses I have. Well, the last time I was here it was during the Christmas holidays. After the Christmas holidays I had my semester 1 exams, but after the exams my internet died at my house and it's still dead. v_v It doesn't really matter if it's dead at my house though because I couldn't get on MyOtaku there anyways, since Firefox messes up on this site and my Internet Explorer is also dead.
As for the good news!: I'm in semester 2 now, and I have a tonne of easy courses with barely any major assignments! So I'll be able to come on more on the weekends. Also once the internet is fixed at my house (and I don't know when that'll be), I'll still be able to reply to PMs and go on other website, such as DeviantArt, Community Lounge message boards, YouTube, and all those other fun places ^.^
Summer time is looking pretty good for me as well! My dad got me a job at the bank he works at, so I can start preparing for university! *^.^* I'm so happy I got that job! Also my parents have agreed with me now that since I have a job with my dad I won't have to go up to our island/dad's friend's cottage all the time (maybe 1 or 2 times though), so I'll be able to spend my weekends still on here! *^.^*
I hope everyone likes the new theme! I know I wasn't very active during the Sango one, maybe I'll put it up again sometime, when I run out of theme ideas. ^.^; So the new theme is Elfen Lied sorta, it has my 3 favourite characters from Elfen Lied in it (Mariko, Mayu, and Lucy). Actually Mariko and Mayu are my favourites really, but I also like Lucy's tragic story and the killer side of her, Lucy's stupid side (Nyu) really bugs me though. XD A lot of people don't watch Elfen Lied because they think it's too violent and that there's too much nudity. Yesh, that's true there is a lot of violence and nudity, but it has a wonderfully sad story. The only reason I wouldn't recommend Elfen Lied to someone is if that person doesn't like really sad stories, other than that it's great! I really like the anime for the characters' stories, but there are a few missing links in the anime series as a whole. But the manga seems to cover everything, so if you like to start with the manga by all means please do (I dunno if it's finished yet though). Also the anime has some really beautiful music, the song Lillium really is great but it has a few other nice instrumental songs as well.
My friend, Nhi, bought me a really good manga for my birthday called "Claymore." According to a review I read the Claymore anime isn't very good, but the manga is brilliant. I've only read the first manga and I love it! The artwork is okay, but the story/plot is really cool and it's only 13 volumes long (so it won't take up too much space on my bookshelf, unlike the wretched Inuyasha mangas... -_-) By the way, I heard that the last Inuyasha movie (the fifth one) is supposed to be the official ending for the anime series, so what else does anyone know about it?
As much as I hate to admit it, I've sorta begun to like Death Note. Here's what happened: I have a bunch of friends in my school that love Death Note. So one day at lunch while they were reading the manga, they commented on how similar I was to one of the characters. (I don't want to sound full of myself or anything, but generally anybody who is strange in at least one of the ways I am, is pretty awesome to me). Well lo and behold, L and I are freakishly similar, I swear the author must've taken a vacation to Canada and decided to study me while he was there to base this retardedly weird character on me. @.@ L stole the way I sit (I was sitting in the way he was in the manga when my friends showed me it too, with the knees up and everything), he loves candy/sugar and DONUTS (okay, a lot of people do, but if I could I would marry a donut... or sell my soul for one like Homer Simpson), he sticks his fingers in his mouth (I stopped that habit in grade 6 though), he's childish, and he's UGLY (I mean not only is the artwork bad for this series, but that is one of the ugliest anime guys I've ever seen!) So yesh, I like Death Note for the characters L and Light (yes dammit I said Light too, he is so awesome and psychotic like a friendly sociopath!)
That's really the only thing I think anyone can like Death Note for, the characters and the music. I mean the plot is full of holes (like CSI), all the other characters don't do their jobs which makes L and Light look like the only smart guys, Misa is beyond annoying (an insult to women in a way), the artwork is bad, and episodes 26 to 35 are apparently useless. Meh but the music is okay, not the singing that much, but the instrumental themes and stuff ^.~ I really like how the characters have set personalities, so fanfiction writers have no way of screwing up the series without looking dumb (some do it anyways though, grr!) Also I like how Light's character develops, you notice in about the first 5 episodes thathe goes from a sweet, dedicated high school student to a manipulative, sociopathic, killer that for some reason wants to make the world a better place. Now, that's what I call real madness, sociopaths generally hate the world and everyone in it, but Light wants to save the world without any regards to how many people he's killing to make it safer. Madness I tells you ^.~
Lastly, I was wondering if you guys wanted me to start putting questions in my posts because I notice people really like that ^.~ It won't bother me if you go straight to the questions in your comments either because I know my posts are long. So would y'all like me to start having questions at the bottom of my posts?
I know I have no right to even ask you guys to check out my fanart, since I've been gone so long. But if you'd like to see what's new here it is:
I drew them after my exams but before my internet broke so I could stick them up, I mainly drew them in classes and on snowdays (we had 2!)
Well, I'm definately going to try to visit all your sites now and tomorrow. I'm leaving my cottage tomorrow and going back to my internet-less house. ^.^; See Yas! And I missed y'all so much! Comments (5) |