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Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Life's Boring, so Find Something Interesting!
^ Yeah my life is still boring and nothing has happened really so I'm gonna find something else to babble about ^.~ ... like ALIEN BIRTHING! Bwahahahaa! Seemed like a few were interested ^.^; Well, I wouldn't necessarily say it's kinky... disgusting.. maybe... XD Honestly I'm not an expert or anything on it, I just sorta sum up all that alien birth stuff you see in the movies! ^.^; Anyways! On with the Alien Birthing Lesson!
Technically the alien itself doesn't give birth to its own offspring. An alien can impregnate anything and anyone by what seems to be any form of contact or ingestion of something from the alien, so basically a little scratch or if an alien in disguise kisses you, you're pregnant! Despite whether you're male or female. ^.~ Lucky you! Baby shower! *^.^* ... well actually you're not really lucky... because when you give birth to that beautiful, little alien you'll experience excrutiating pain. Most likely that pain will be caused by the baby alien trying to pry its way out of you through your chest cavity, breaking your ribs and tearing its way through your flesh until it reaches the surface. *^.^* Lovely ain't it? XD If you're still alive by that point the baby alien might decide to try feeding off your half dead body or cry out for the "alien mother/father" which will kill you and allow the offspring to feed on your corpse then ^.^; So that's the end of you and the aliens get to continue impregnating other unintelligent humans, shame you probably didn't have time to name your baby alien either T.T Any questions? XD
Honestly if there are "aliens" out there, I doubt they would attack us and instead we'd probably attack them in some foolish attempt to take over their civilization... seems like it's in the human nature to do that...
I got some of that stuff I ordered now ^.^ My Escaflowne DVD came in and the Wolf's Rain soundtracks came in! I love them soooo much! Some great episodes of Escaflowne and fantastic music from Wolf's Rain! Forced my family to listen to the music ^.~
I think I've finally found sorta my personal/one-of-a-kind art style now! *happy dance* Yay! I just love drawing sad/morbid pictures. Particularly with everything black and white except the blood, the blood stays its beautiful dark red colour! *^.^* I love how blood looks! Whenever I draw this type of picture I feel kinda happy and relaxed too so they're good to draw ^.^ Here are the 2 pictures in that style that I have up already:
 Luc's Mad World Hosted By
 Fallen Slayer Hosted By
Okay, one last thing! I know everyone told me this a while ago but some said that half of my posts have been cut off when they visit. So can anyone tell me in a PM or something how to put up one of those post boxes, like those ones with a picture to the left of them or in the background of the post. ^.~ Thanks, it would be really appreciated! *^.^* Well, thanks for reading I'll go visit your sites some more! ^.^ See Yas!
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