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Toronto, Ontario
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donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My World
Well, the title says "My World", but I don't actually have a World yet. I went through my entire friends list on here, adding y'all to my subscription thingy if you had any art or a World last Friday. So if you've just made a World after Friday, can you tell me so I can subscribe to you as well? ^.^ I just wanna keep in touch ^.~ I'm STILL getting used to Version Vibrant (so much to explore! ^.^), I've been wondering whatever happened to the quizzes and cosplay sections...? There's a few downsides to the Worlds feature that I'm sure many of you are aware of: 1 picture, no music, only 10 new things come up on the subscription list (anything old gets bumped out), and people have been leaving MyOtaku.
At first I thought the subscription thing was a great idea because I thought it was similar to DeviantArt's where all new things are kept on permanent record (like PMs) until the user has checked them out or crossed them off the list themselves. However, the subscription only gives me 10 new things and deletes old things from the list, if there's no room and leaves me not knowing who's stuff I still had to check out. -_- (This is one reason I haven't been able to visit many Worlds, because they keep leaving that list everytime another person updates).
I think ElvesAteMyRamen has had the best approach to the Worlds so far. (She's been rather tolerable of the 1 picture, no music bit too! XD) ElvesAteMyRamen is posting on her World AND on MyOtaku, it doesn't take much time to do it, she just copies the post and puts it on both sites. This way people who are still on MyOtaku (or are having the same subscription problem as me) are able to keep in touch with their friends *^.^* Way to go Elves! *applauds* So this is just a tip for those who may be divided or trying to decide which site they should do their blogging on, stick with BOTH sites! *^.^*
TheOtaku and MyOtaku should stay united! It really feels like MyOtaku might get the axe in the end of all these changes... T.T And as I pointed out before, there are still many flaws to TheOtaku's new features that MyOtaku doesn't have. Also I have some friends on here that don't have Worlds yet or are taking a break, so I don't want to lose them if this site gets chopped! Y'all may have noticed that I've got a badge just above my post reading: Version Vibrant Resistance Corps. Sounds all big and militaristic doesn't it? Well, it's not. The Version Vibrant Resistance Corps have been created to help save MyOtaku and unite it with TheOtaku, if the circumstances should become extreme. The VV Resistance Corps are mainly sending out suggestions to Adam and the team working on TheOtaku's changes on how to make both sites better and to keep MyOtaku going. If MyOtaku were to get the axe, then the club members would go into a resistance and complain to get MyOtaku back. For those interested in the VV Resistance Corps go talk to darkeangel to join or for more information.
Before posting this, I was looking through my old guestbook signings (there haven't been any new ones lately). Most of my friends I've met through guestbook signings, so they brought back some great memories for how a lot of us have met ^.^ After doing so I noticed how much I *love* it here on MyOtaku! It's like a home to me (and I'm sure it's the same for other people as well). At school I'm bitchy and everyone else pretty much is too. On other forum sites I don't feel welcome or I'm just bored. On other art sites (DeviantArt being the best example for this) it feels lifeless, since the members only talk about their art and never their own lives. And I haven't even found a better anime site than MyOtaku that I can be a member on! XD So the idea of losing MyOtaku is unbearable and what makes this whole situation worse is that a lot of people have been leaving TheOtaku and MyOtaku for good...
The most recent member to depart from MyOtaku is lordsesshomaru (but I could be wrong since I haven't been to anyone's sites yet). He's got a terribly sad farewell post up on his site, which sounds odd since we all know him for being probably the funniest person on MyOtaku. T.T I'm not blaming Version Vibrant for this, he obviously left for other reasons, but I had to say something to help get his message across. A lot of members are under-appreciated on here. Lordsesshomaru would always try to make his posts sound funny, despite what was going on in his life. He'd spend hours writing his hilarious fanfics, funny picture captions, and personal posts, but he never really got thanks for it. In fact, a lot of people would just skip over the posts about his life and just check out the captioned picture or fanfic. He even had to start putting summaries of his posts for the lazy to be interested in his life. o.O; It's obvious that some of this unfair treatment was the cause of his departure from MyOtaku and TheOtaku. So to those who are reading this, if you know people that *clearly* put a lot of time and effort into their posts to make them enjoyable or do anything similar (art comments, fan Worlds, whatever), thank them. They may already know that you like their services/kindness, but just say it anyways, it's always nice to hear ^.^
With that I'd like to thank: all of you! All of my friends put effort into the wonderful and interesting comments they leave me! My friends who have those really detailed layouts on their sites or simple ones that are still interesting, thanks for spending time on making your sites so beautiful! My friends who include long captions about their artwork (about inspirations, challenges, materials used, whatever...) and give long comments on other people's artwork in areas of success and improvement, thanks your comments and captions are really helpful to those trying to improve their art! My friends who make videos and playlists for their site visitors, thanks it makes things more interesting and enjoyable as well! And all of you have very interesting posts with details about your lives presented in your own, unique, fascinating manner (and unique vocabulary), thanks! Thanks! LOL! Has anybody heard of this movie called "Scrooged" with Bill Murray playing a Scrooge-like character? It's hilarious, but I feel so fucking enlightened like Bill Murray's character did at the end of the movie, now! So enlightened I had to use the f-word to bring me back down to Earth. XD I'd thank everyone personally if I could, but that would make this post more massive than it's turning out to be... ^.~ So tell people how thankful you are of them; it'll make them feel great and yourself as well! (I was grinning as I was typing all of that ^.^)
After all that thanking, y'all must think I'm on the wrong holiday! XD Well, it's not Thanksgiving (I wasn't here for that holiday), but it is Easter for me! ^.^ Happy Easter and Spring, y'all! I've got a zillion cards for y'all because I think you'd like to choose your card, it's one of the benefits of MyOtaku (more pictures), and I had too much time on my hands (actually I didn't want to work on my Careers Studies' project today so yeah...) XD Here you go:

As for my life outside of MyOtaku, which isn't much, I've learned self defense stuff in gym class last week. Now, I know how to break a person's wrist by using 3 different methods, I know a variety of kicking styles, I know how to break a person's collarbone, and I know how to flip people by using 2 different methods. My class also learned how to effectively play dead in a mass hostage or school shooting situation too! *^.^* It was so much fun learning all that stuff! I'm not very good at flipping people, but I'm pretty good at wrist breaking and using pressure points in the arm to subdue people! XD Lots of fun and the instructor guy was just great, he was really funny and helpful! *^.^* By the way, I have a new drawing up in my portfolio, so if anybody would like to check it out it would be greatly appreciated! ^.^ Well, I'm off to visit sites now! See Yas!
My Answers:
1. My first word was "light"; apparently I was with my babysitter and said it as I was staring at the ceiling light in the basement or something... (I never liked my parents enough to say their names! XD Haha, just kidding, I have no idea how much I liked my parents at that age!)
2. I like Raina's idea of just hinting that my best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on them ^.~
3. I think my favourite names are Henry and Oliver. I don't really have any favourite girl names, but I haven't met any Olivers or Henrys so I'm assuming they're nice people with nice names! ^.^
1. What's your World like? (TheOtaku World or "real" life world?)
2. What's your dream world like?
3. Have you got any chocolate? ^.^
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