Birthday 1992-01-16 Gender
Female Location Toronto, Ontario Member Since 2005-03-20 Occupation donut eater! ^.~ Real Name Theresa AKA Spongebob
Achievements Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~ Anime Fan Since kindergarten (SailorMoon) Favorite Anime Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain. Goals To take over the world! Bwahahahaa! Hobbies Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P Talents Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop! sbsp13668
Monday, June 30, 2008
Finally, a NICE Surprise
Well, looky here! I thought I wasn't gonna be on this weekend, but it turned out that I didn't have to go to the island for the whole 5 days after all (instead 3 days, so I have 2 days for MyOtaku). I'm gonna try to make this post short; mostly some videos and questions. In fact, you can just watch the videos and/or answer the questions if you want, I don't care. ^.^
Well, I start my job on Wednesday, woo! My parents are going on a vacation by themselves for their anniversary next Monday (I think...) So I get the house all to myself (brother's at a friend's house) for 3 days, woo! My report card average was higher than my brother's and I wasn't even trying to do well this year (I will next year, since universities pay more attention to grade 11 and 12 marks). I had an 87.5% on this semester's report card, I can't remember what my last semester's was... My dad tried to use my computer this morning, and realized that the thing is falling apart, so he said that he might get me a new computer. Also, I think it's safe to think that the reason I have such a nice job with my father, is due to the fact that my dad wants me to take his position in Scotia Bank when I'm older (my neighbour's father is the same way, since he's the CEO of some sort of sports store franchise). That's my life crammed into an ugly paragraph. XD
As for my dear friend Magnus, you must be wondering why I've asked you about the names. Well, I asked you so I could give a name to the evil exterminator from my comic Evil People Will Win, since she doesn't have a name yet and that part of the comic is dedicated to you ^.^ Thanks so much for the advice on the site fanart picture thing, I think I'll follow your advice and lose the damn thing (I'll keep my fanart crud in my portfolio). As for the rest of my art, most of it I do for fun, such as my comics, that last pictures, and those death pictures (anything else I draw is for practice, usually). I'm not particularly proud of them, I just share them to see if anyone will get as much fun out of them as I did from drawing them ^.~ Also, I love your holiday idea! Woo Neptune! *^.^*
Alright! I shall be posting some funny videos for y'all, since everyone can use a good laugh! ^.^
The Best Way to Parallel Park:
Billy Connolly (one of my favourite comedians):
Balls of Steel, Neg's Urban Sports; Make Them Move (my favourite of his sports):
Phoenix Wright, Boot To The Head:
Flying Car:
An Escaflowne Thing (kinda too weird to describe...):
Sailor Moon On Jerry Springer (Weird Al):
1. Internet Day! Everyone gets to waste a whole day surfing the web! (Or in my case, hanging out on MyOtaku).
2. I would like to go shopping, chillax (watch anime and be lazy), draw, and come on here during the summer! ^.^
3. I'd like to try power kiting, but I dunno if it counts as an "extreme" sport. It's pretty cool, you should check it out on YouTube ^.~
(You don't have to read my answers any time, so just so people don't say "OMG!!!1 Its so long!! Its the longest post Ive ever seen!!!1", ignore parts of the post!)
1. Which do you prefer: Shounen anime/manga or Shoujo anime/manga? Why?
2. What did you get your father for Fathers' Day?
inspired by Magnus' great Fathers' Day gift:
3. What's your Zombie Plan?
for those who don't know what a Zombie Plan is, watch this:
and check out the comments, they've got some great plans! ^.^
That's it! I'll visit your sites! ... Crap is coming up again as I'm typing, but I'll probably still be able to visit late tonight! XD See Yas!