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Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
To be or not to be: that is the question...
Okay, last time I posted I got to post on a day that I didn’t think I was going to be able to. This time I’m posting significantly later than I intended, because some more unexpected family crap came up (my family is trying to ruin my life, those bastards). XD I’ve finally set up a World! It’s called “Be All My Sins Remembered” and it has a Bando theme as well, but it’s obviously not as good as on MyOtaku.
So how does everyone like the new theme? My other Elfen Lied theme was about Lucy, Mayu, and Mariko, but I read the manga recently and now I’m a huge Bando fan! ^.^ While I was watching the Elfen Lied anime I kinda liked his character, but he wasn’t developed enough, so I chose Lucy, Mayu, and Mariko to be my favourite. I definitely recommend Elfen Lied to everyone, if they like tragedy and science fiction… unfortunately, the manga leans a little more to the pornographic side than the anime though. -_-
Next week is my last week of work, and I’ll be happy for the extra time, but I’m definitely going to miss the nice atmosphere that there was at my job. Hopefully, during my last 2 weeks of summer before school/Hell starts again I’ll be able to come on TheOtaku and MyOtaku some more! ^.^ School starts for me on September 4th and I’m probably not going to be able to get on MyOtaku until next summer again (and only on the weekends).
I’ve done quite a bit of shopping, since I have money from my job. Here’s a list of stuff I’ve bought:
Hellsing OSTs
Escaflowne the Movie OST
Claymore volume 12
V for Vendetta (the comic book)
Helling Ultimate (the OVA) 1
Hellsing whole anime series
Saliva- Back Into Your System
And I plan on buying Loco Loco- Planet Loco and some Elfen Lied mangas (I read it online, before I decided to buy it myself).
I’ve put up some new fanart and a new chapter/part to my fancomic (it would be VERY much appreciated, if you would check out my fancomic and give me some constructive criticism)!
Fanart: < Spoiler warning to anyone who hasn’t seen past episode 35!!!
Well, I’ll be off to visit everybody’s sites and Worlds today and tomorrow! *^.^* I’m going to see Dark Knight tonight, so I won’t be on all the time, but most of the time! ^.~ I still have to set up some of this new computer too!
1. You already know my answer to the “Is it alright to kill?” question, but my response there is only to an ideal situation. If it were something like a hostage situation or something, then it’s just fine with me if someone sends in a sniper as a last resort or something ^.~
2. I hate religious people who try to force a religion upon me or others (Christians and Jehovah Witnesses are notorious for this). It's even worse if somebody tries to convert a person who ALREADY HAS A RELIGION! A Christian friend of mine pissed off a Budhist friend of mine by doing that to her... That particular Christian friend of mine is racist as well... why the Hell am I friends with her?! I also hate sluts. I have nothing against prostitutes as long as they're not carrying STDs, but sluts (who don't do it for money, but for popularity and personal happiness) piss me off to no end. I hate people who all think the same; "great minds think alike, but weak minds seldom differ." Basically I hate people who dress like all their friends, listen to the same music as their friends, and act/think exactly the same way as their friends. Most of the popular kids at my school are like that, and my brother is like that. -_- So I hate a lot of people, but I don't normally hate them without reason. I usually try to give people a chance before I say I hate them (the only people I really hate are my brother, mom, and dad) like with Natalie.
3. All life holds value, whether it be human, plant, animal, insect, or fish. =^.^=
1. What characteristics do you admire?
2. What's one thing you hate about yourself and one thing you like about yourself? (I don't want any false modesty or angst in this answer! XD)
3. If you had one wish what would it be? (Sorry for the uncreative question. XD)
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