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Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
I've missed y'all soooooo much! *hugs* Yay! It's the holidays and I don't have much work to do! ^.^ The only work that I have is for this extracurricular thing that I joined in school; a Mock Trial Tournament. In the Mock Trial Tournament schools choose 8 students to try out and play the roles of witnesses and lawyers in a team for the case their given, then these teams compete against each other as if it were a real trial and a judge decides which team did the best job (sorta like a debate team).
How is everybody? Look! A new theme, sharks! I'm really in the holiday spirit there. XD I have time to visit sites and Worlds now! I'll also be on DeviantArt, so if there's any particular art that you guys want me to check out just let me know (since I have 400 art submissions to check out anyways! XD Haha). ^.^;
Sorry, I sorta feel like babbling/ranting, so you can ignore the next few paragraphs. Well, I'm sure that y'all have heard of a comic book called "Watchmen" by Alan Moore (the dude who wrote "V for Vendetta"). I just finished reading Watchmen about a week ago. I was making some fanart for it on Friday-Tuesday, which is why I wasn't on here earlier (I haven't submitted it yet, but it'll be up in about a week).
Watchmen is an AMAZING book! I know you're thinking "it's a comic book, kid. Calm yo' ass down." But this book isn't like all those other lame ass comics like Superman and Spiderman! The "superheroes" are all normal people who have just worked out a lot and only one character has super powers (1 of the 5 or 6 main characters). All the characters are unique and well developed and the plot is... well, when I read the end of the book I was like "WOW!!!!" So yesh, the plot is great, and there are many good themes as well.
The problem with Watchmen is that it's so good that it makes most other comics look bad, so good luck trying to pick up something else for a while. ^.^; Also, when I was reading it, I told some of my female, school friends about it. (Here comes the rant). My friends laughed at me and said, "Pffft! Isn't that a comic?! You HAVE to read Twilight!" After my friends said that, I self destructed, because Twilight is a Mary-Sue fanfiction that somehow was able to get published into a book series, and Watchmen is fantabulous (I actually like Watchmen more than To Kill A Mockingbird; that's how good it is).
Therefore, my friends, please read Watchmen! It's a great book and just because it's a comic book, doesn't mean that only guys can read it. Now, on with the rest of the post! Here's some fanart I've made:

1. The worst Christmas present I've ever received would have to be a giant set of Prisma pencil crayons. I know you're thinking that that's a nice present, but when my little brother gets an Xbox and I get pencil crayons, it's really not that great. T.T
The best Christmas present I've ever received would have to be my awesome walkman that I got last year for Christmas.
2. I really want a new set of good quality headphones, because my old set broke and now I'm stuck using really lousy headphones.
3. I think my mom said that we're having lasagna tonight. ^.^
1. What are you doing for the holidays? Visiting any family members, going to a party, travelling, etc.?
2. How do you get coloured font in comments, now? (Sorry, these are just out of my own curiosity).
3. What is your New Year's resolution?
Here's some cards for y'all! ^.^ :

Sorry for the lousy cards; I only have MS Paint! ^.^; Merry Christmas! *^.^*
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