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Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Yay! (Repost)
I'm just reposting this, because all those photos are making it difficult for many people to access the site. XD
Wee! It’s the long Easter weekend for me! Friday and Monday off! And I don’t have any homework! WOOOO! ^.^ I’m so happy just because I don’t have any homework. ^.~
So obviously I haven’t really been up to much due to all that homework. However, when I was shopping for some anime DVDs I found a box set of Cowboy Bebop DVDs for $60, which is a really good price for anime here. So I’ve just finished watching Cowboy Bebop and it’s awesome! I definitely recommend it, because I don’t think anybody can dislike this anime; Cowboy Bebop has great, unique characters and interesting themes and good music and everything! ^.^ Homework and watching Cowboy Bebop have been the only things I’ve been doing lately.
During the Spring Break I went to Barbados. There’s awesome weather in Barbados and so many Bob Marley fans (that made me happy)! *^.^* I have some photos from Barbados, but I warn you that there are a lot of them:
Also, while I was in Barbados working on a history project and 60 goddamn history textbook questions (yes, my teacher is a jerk at times), I made some fanart! You don’t have to read the descriptions in them, because I sort of ranted about all the history homework in one of them… And how I hate yaoi fangirls on top of it… And about the end of the world… ^.^ Yesh, just ignore it, it’s for your own good! XD

I was on DeviantArt a bit last night, tackling that list of 600 pictures to look at. I’m trying to check out other people’s fanart and stuff, but on TheOtaku it’s a little more difficult because the update thingy is retarded. So if you want me to look at the fanart you have on TheOtaku, I’ll be happy to check it out! ^.^ And I’m going to try to get to all the sites and Worlds that I missed during my last visit. ^.~ Yay for free time! *throws streamers*
By the way, whatever happened to the VersionVibrant Resistance Corps? It seems to me that TheOtaku has been getting worse, and MyOtaku has been deserted. We need to get a bunch of people to start complaining again. -_- This premium membership crap is driving me nuts, and now TheOtaku is just like all those other sites; it used to be unique with it’s friendly and welcoming community and home page news section, but now it’s developed classes and has craploads of advertisements everywhere.
Well, I intend to keep this post upbeat, so I’ll leave it at that! ^.^ Oh yeah! And I’m thinking up a new theme, featuring the dragonslayers from Escaflowne! ^.~ Happy Easter everybody! I hope you’re having a fantabulous weekend! I shall visit sites and Worlds now to see how you’ve been doing while I’ve been gone! ^.^ See Yas!
1. My life’s been rather hectic. Going to Barbados with all that homework didn’t help, and my teachers aren’t too good this semester. Well, my English teacher and chemistry teacher (who was my physics teacher too last semester) are great, but my history teacher and functions teacher are awful! @.@ However, I don’t have any homework this weekend and that’s awesome! Yay! *^.^*
2. My first ever obsession now is Watchmen by Alan Moore! ^.^ As a fan of the original comic book, I disliked the movie though.
3. I like to come on MyOtaku and watch movies in my spare time! ^.~
1. What should I name my new computer? My old one used to be called Famille, but I never gave this one a name! *GASP!*
2. Do you buy anything if it says that it’s on sale? Even if you don’t need it or have never wanted it?
3. Have you met any nice new members on TheOtaku yet? I’ve been meaning to get out there and start making some new friends to make up for the old friends who left the site when VersionVibrant arrived; I’m lonely! @.@
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