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Toronto, Ontario
Member Since
donut eater! ^.~
Real Name
Theresa AKA Spongebob
Taking over the world is still on my "to do" list so it'll be a while until I achieve anything as good as taking over the world ^.~
Anime Fan Since
kindergarten (SailorMoon)
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Heat Guy J, and Wolf's Rain.
To take over the world! Bwahahahaa!
Drawing, Writing, Daydreaming, and LOTS of other stuff! :P
Daydreaming and Being A Total Lazy Bum! Woop!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Summer Time!
It's not a long post! It just looks that way from the questions and answers section, so don't be scared! XD Anyways!
It’s summer time, so I’m back! I’m somewhat busy this summer, but I’m gonna try to come on as often as I can. I’m going to the first wedding that I’ve ever been to next weekend, then the weekend after that I’m going to my dad’s friend’s birthday party at his cottage (no internet). I’ve also come back on DeviantArt, but I’d be happy to check out art on TheOtaku if you don’t have an account on DeviantArt. So just tell me if you want me to take a look! ^.~
I’ve started working at Scotiabank again, but I’m only working there for July. Then I’m hoping to find another job in retail near my house, since my parents won’t let me take the bus to work at a mall. -_- It’s nice seeing all my old friends from work, though. My boss, Sean, got transferred to New York City, and my other boss, Shayne, had his second child. ^.^
How do y’all like the new theme? I hope there aren’t too many pictures. Up above there are 2 AMVs that I’ve made; some of you have seen the first one I think, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could check out the second one! Is it all right that the videos are on Megavideo? I have the first one on Photobucket and the second one on YouTube. So if it’s difficult to load the Megavideo ones, I can change them. I ran into copyright issues on YouTube and Photobucket, but Megavideo doesn’t seem to have any and it’s better quality.
I have a new fanart drawing that includes the characters in this theme that y’all can check out. You don’t have to read the long description or anything; I was just teaching the rules of the card game that they’re playing in the drawing and introducing the characters again.

I’ll start working on my fanmanga, Evil People Will Win (EPWW), on the weekdays after work. Also, I’ll keep working in the VVRC, because I don’t like what I see with the Premium membership and limitations and crap. >.<
I’m sorry that I don’t have a lot of interesting things to talk about. I’ve just been working my ass off in school and I got a 90.5% average to show for it. ^.~ So tell me the important stuff that I’ve missed while I’ve been gone! Has anything major happened to you between the winter holidays and now?
1. Thanks, rabidminpin, for the name for my computer! Franky is a great name, since I just watched the sequel to Donnie Darko not too long ago! By the way, the sequel (S. Darko) sucked, so you should just watch the original! ^.^;
2. Nah, I don’t really buy things just if I see them on sale. However, I have a friend like that. She took up knitting when she saw knitting supplies on sale once. XD
3. I wish they’d let the noobs (I don’t mean “noobs” in a negative way, just to clarify) come on MyOtaku. Like ElvesAteMyRamen said, you can make sites more unique and creative than Worlds, and people comment more here. TheOtaku is becoming more like Facebook and DeviantArt, unfriendly and money-motivated. -_- Maybe I can show a bunch of noobs the wonders of MyOtaku that they’re missing, and get them to put pressure on Adam and followers… ^.^
1. What do you think of modern (year 2000+) movies?
2. In what order do you put on your socks:
- socks, underwear, pants
- underwear, socks, pants
- or underwear, pants, socks?
It’s just a random question, not a pervy question, so don’t flip out! XD
3. What do you think of these 3 careers:
- writer/author
- prostitute
- and hockey player?
Well, that’s all for now. I can’t wait to get back to visiting sites and Worlds! The last time I came on here LGA and DarkWolvesFaith were back, so I hope that more people have returned from their time away! *^.^* See Yas!
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