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myOtaku.com: Scarlet Dimise

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

   some poemy thing i came up with
They say the heart is not a toy
Something not to be trifled with.
They say it's like glass
that with a single touch it would break.
Yet the heart can be brave
can withstand an onslaught of poisin words
and stay strong under the fire of loss.
They say the heart is cold
like a snowflake lifted on an icy breeze
staying cold and indifferent
till the warm sent of spring.
They say the heart is warm
a small flame in the dark
a beacken of hope that leads us on
into the arms of love.
They say the heart is like the dark
that drags us into despair
and sings it's song of death
that chills the morning air.
The heart is all these things,
but mostly it is us.

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