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My real name is Maria but I prefer to go by Wolf.
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hikaru No Go, Inuyasha, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Shaman King, Spiral, and Final Fantasy.
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| scarletwolf963
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/06/07:
Would Sasuke date you?(Girls Only)
Result Posted on 08/06/07:
Result Posted on 08/06/07:
Result Posted on 08/06/07:
~what would the naruto characters think of you~(girls only)
glitter-graphics.comkool i got this one to. Team 7...kakashi:she is quietnaruto:she is is rude.i hate her she stole sasuke-kunsasuke: i love her and she understands me. Team 10...asuma: she is strong like the uchihashikumaru: she is not to troublesome.ino: i hate her, she hangs out with sasuke.I HATE HER.choji: to busy eating. Team 8...kurenai:she is quiet and kinda nice.kiba:she plays with akumaru.i like her.shino:she is ok with my bugs.hinata: she is nice to me and helps me alot. Team Gai...Gai: why did kakashi get her.neji:she is strong.rock lee: she is nice to me.tenten:she is kool.gaara:her with the uchihatemari: i dont like her.kankuro: she is hot.orochimaru: i need herkabuto: lord orochimaru wants her fpr something.itachi: i want to kill her to upset my foolish brother.jiriaya: hottsunade:very strong. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/06/07:
Spin the bottle, Akatsuki style!
~.::ITACHI::.~  The bottle landed on Itachi, and he smirked, as if he knew it was going to land on him. He stared at you, searching your face for any change in expression. Whatever he saw flickered more intrest as he waltzed towards you. He touched the tip of his finger from the top of your cheekbone down the end of your chin, leaving a warm trail behind. Despite the fact that his finger was cold. While you were adaze, he took the moment to dive in, and he held your face with one hand, and pulled you closer by pushing you back in with his other hand. When he pulled back for air, a satisfied groan escaped his lips, and you went back for more.Dare to spin again?;D Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/06/07:
Spin the bottle, Akatsuki style!
~.::SASORI::.~  Sasori watched quietly and his expression stayed the same when the bottle pointed towards him. When he stood and gracefully moved over to you, only then did you notice the glinter in his eyes. What was that..? Lust, perhaps?He kneeled down, taking one hand and interlocking his fingers with yours, and pulled you closer. With his other hand, he toyed with your neck using his strings. With tingling sensations running down your spines, you leaned in, eager for more. The corner of his mouth turned up at you coming at him, and he kissed you back. Your eager arms draped around his neck, and he tipped you back gently.Dare to spin again?;D Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/03/07:
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures)
 Your a magical unicorn! As all unicorns go, magic unicorns are amazing with enchantments and can perform spells and all kind of crafts. Magic Unicorns have horns that if drank from can cure blindness, and give immortality. All magical unicorns are very kind and heart-warming, but can get tempermental if a spell goes wrong. Magical Unicorns live in forests where they can practise all there magic in secret. But, if a human befreinds a magical unicorn, they have a friend for life. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/03/07:
Which Role Play Inu Yasha Character are you? (awsome anime pics!!!!)
 You are Slasher. You are strong, polite and brave. You are an assasin who is very upfornt and open minded. You are not afraid of what people think of you, and you are really sweet. Slasher is very popular when it comes to girls, because of his cool, suave attitude. Slasher is colected yet when threatened, he will do anything to protect those himself and those he loves. He is honest and well equiped. He can handle any job and is always prepared for anything. Congradulations! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/03/07:
What kind of Warrior are You?
Result Posted on 08/03/07:
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