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My real name is Maria but I prefer to go by Wolf.
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Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hikaru No Go, Inuyasha, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Shaman King, Spiral, and Final Fantasy.
Don't really have one
drawing, writing, reading
see above
| scarletwolf963
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Result Posted on 09/14/07:
Result Posted on 09/13/07:
Result Posted on 09/08/07:
Coool. I'm gonna go start one, right now. I'll tell you guys when I'm finished
Result Posted on 09/07/07:
Result Posted on 09/05/07:
Result Posted on 09/05/07:
Akasuki Spin the bottle plus naruto cast GIRLS ONLY
 The bottle spins spins and spins and it lands on...Itachi!You look at Itachi he looked away not even noticing.Quickly you get up and walk over to him.He finally looks at you and grabs your arm.Shocked he kissed you passiontly.Enjoying it you kissed him until you were making out with eachother."Damn Itachi always gets the hot girls..."Sasuke said pissed off.Finaly you pulled away and went to your seat blushing.Later Itachi asked you to go for a stroll in the moonlight.There you kiss him on the cherry blossom path near a waterfallDare to spin again? Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/05/07:
What's Your Label (pics)--BOYS AND GIRLS
Result Posted on 09/05/07:
Funny Bumper Stickers 2!!
Result Posted on 09/05/07:
omg this is my fav quiz result!
The REAL seven minutes in Naruto heaven. Pics and LONG results.
 "Why would someone's favorite color be black?" You thought as you pulled your paper of choice from the hat. Black always seemed to you to be melancholy and void of vibrance. But you decided to question the deeper meaning of colors later and focus on the task at hand. "Black!" you called out with enthusiasm. You wanted to show your excitement at playing this game. You excitement utterly dispersed though when you saw Sasuke stand up. "Uhhgg, emo boy," you thought to yourself as he stood up and looked over at you broodingly. You two walked into the closet in comoplete silence and remained that way after the door closed. You were about to question his color preferances when you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. You looked up and were suprised to se Sasuke's face mereinches from yours. You stumbled back at his unexpected closness, and fell into a hanging coat, pulling the unfortunate coat down with you as you crashed ungracefully to the floor. You could hear Sasuke chuckle at your embaressing display, and you shut your eyes tight and wished you could just stay under that stupid coat forever. But Sasuke changed that. He queitly kneeled down next to you and pulled the coat down just below your lips. Unbeknownst to you he leaned in and kissed you. You're eyes shot wide open at this, as you were not expecting any show of emotion from him. He smiled and pulled away, to look at you. You tilted you head to the side, confused, but smiled back. Without warning, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him back down. You closed your eyes tight and really concentrated on the sensation of the kiss. His lips were so soft and the way they fit perfectly against yours gave you chills. You placed your hand on his head and ran your fingers through his soft hair. He pulled you up so you two were sitting, with you on his lap, as this was a more comfortable postition. He tightened his hold on your waist and you mirrored him. Then you decided to make things more passionate. Slowly you opened your mouth and ran your tongue across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth too and gently roamed just inside your mouth. You flicked your tongue against his savored the new feeling this brought you. He brought his hands up to your face and sweetly cupped your cheeks. He smiled and he pulled away to look into your eyes. Your face was flushed and your heart melted at his gaze. Ever so softly, he leaned into your ear and whispered,"You're beautiful." You're heart skipped a beat from the feeling of his hot breath against your skin. His lips grazed your ear and he moved to your neck. He pressed his lips against your neck and you sighed at his touch and leaned your head against his shoulder. He wrapped his strong arms around you and you felt insurmountably safe. You nuzzled against his neck and placed a kiss there. He rested his head on yours and you two just sat there; so happy and so loved. Take this quiz!
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