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My real name is Maria but I prefer to go by Wolf.
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Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hikaru No Go, Inuyasha, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Shaman King, Spiral, and Final Fantasy.
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| scarletwolf963
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/25/07:
I got Hiei AGAIN?! Weird...
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Guy is YOURS?(GIRLS ONLY!)
Result Posted on 08/25/07:
~Dude! Let's Play Spin the Bottle with Teh Yu Yu Hakusho Boys!~
 "Wow" was all you could say as the bottle stopped at Hiei. Hiei looked up at you, a smug look on his face. All you said was wow?! That's awkward..."Do I have to?" Hiei asked angerily at his friends."Yup! Now suck it up and kiss her" Yusuke told Hiei.Hiei gave Yusuke a death glare and you felt him also penetrate you with a death glare. Yup...this really was awkward...But surprisingly, Hiei leaned over and kissed you, gently. You cautiously kissed him back then wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Seems that Serious minded Hiei was kissing you and enjoying every minute of it. He bit your lip unexpectantly making you gasp and he then took this oppurtunity to make out with you.Kurama smiled slightly then Yusuke flew his shoe at Hiei's head."Okaaay! This isn't some 7 minutes in heaven game, we can see you guys you know. Hiei, for once, was loss for words and was blushing. You were blushing deeply as well and before Hiei could sit back down, you gave him one last peck on the lips causing his blush to grow.Thoughts Hiei-kun?Hiei: "Hn...."Me: COme on! ADMIT IT!Hiei: Never..."Me: *starts dancing around him* "You like [insert your name here]!"Hiei: *death glares*Me: COme on, tell me your thoughts or I'ma tell Yukina..."Hiei:"Don't you dare..." *evil death glares*Me: *completely unfazed by them, or so I say >.>* "Well, tell her then! Tell her tell her!"Hiei: "FINE! God Dammnit! I LOVE her!" *looks at you* "I love you..." *blushes* Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/25/07:
Which Yu Yu Hakusho character are you?
Result Posted on 08/25/07:
Naruto: 7 Minutes In Heaven[Pics Included]
It Lands On Naruto!  You groan as you enter the closet naruto following behind. Naruto smiles at you and says nervously "i'm going to kiss you belive it!"His face turns red but he leans in and pecks you on the lips. You smiled at him. You felt kinda bad that nobody really liked him so you kissed him back softly. His face turned really red. "Alright!" he yelled after you pulled away from the kiss. Shikamaru opened the door after the 7 minutes were up and naruto kept telling everyone that he got kissed by a girl. The Kiss: Sweet Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/25/07:
Funny Naruto Comics PICK ME
Result Posted on 08/24/07:
Result Posted on 08/23/07:
Would Hiei go out with U?
Result Posted on 08/23/07:
Who Would Take U on A Date? Hiei or Kurama?
 It Seems like ur boyfriend is Hiei. If u be honest with him he will probably like u seeing as i just showed him ur reasult and he likes u, expect someone 2 knock on ur window tonight. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/07:
What YuYu Hakusho Character should you Date? [girls]
Result Posted on 08/23/07:
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