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If i told you id have to kill you o.o *twitch*
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Been one for a long time but am not as into it anymore.
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Hm none really...But i still like Saiyuki, DNAngel, Naruto and Ghost in the Shell
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Listening to music, Drawing, Hangin out, sleeping and talkin to people =]
Drawing and uhh...>.> hm...Does tieing my shoe count? o.o lol
| scaryperson5
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Wow i havnt posted in so long noww!!!
Well yeah the title says it all lol. ANYWAYY!!! HOW HAVE ALL OF YOU BEEN!?!?! o.o lol well i been good this last weekend I had a party at my houseee it was fun! xD yeah my friend kassi came from bellingham which was awesomeee i love her so much!! >.< i wish she lived here sucks..anyway After my party(saturday oct 29) kassi and i went for a walk and while we were walking this dog comes up and like tackles us happly n shit it was so annoying. It kept following us and playin around so like when it tackled other people they just glared at us..and we had to like explain ourselves lol xD but it kept follwing us till it saw somethin else so we just ran from it and went to my friend edens! But Kassi and i only got to see her for like a split second which sucked >.< So we just lefted and Kassi called Reese(other friend) on my cell..So like we headed over to his house (which is like by QFC) yeah and while we where walking there that dog like fuckin notices us and it run/tackles me -.- so...yeah..when we got to Reeses we're like "It kept following us" yeah so when we were walking back to one of the schools the dog like runs in to middle of the street and causes hella trafic so im just yelling at it to get out of the way but it just ignores mee...>.>; lol. Yeah anyway then Kassi, Reese, and I walked by this one house and the dog sees this little girl and ran over, barking at her and she started to scream and stuff which was then we ran away b4 we got blamed and for the sake of getting that dog away from us >.< lol and it worked. But soon after that Reese had to go and so did Kassi and I because of a party we had to go to. But the only way kassi and i could get back to my house was going pas the dog..but Reese told us to go through the construction site if we didnt want that dog to follow we did and we got our shoes all muddy. lol xD yeah when we got back to my house we washed our shoes and lol blowdryed them which surprizingly worked..then soon we went to pick up Kendra and head to Alexs party which was awesome. at Alexs i saw this guy with awesome pants <333 (was her cousin mikeeyyy <333 ) and like..I like pointed at him and said "i want ur pants!" and held on to the chains xD and didnt let go. Also Kassi and I where handcuffed together so we walked around chained lol Kendra was too xD so we all went to teh haunted house at Alexs and stayed there for the rest of the night :3 yup! It was awesome. xD
well hm who ever read all that i thank youu for listenin to my shit xD LOVE YOUU!!! anyway Ima jet
Leave me a message :]
{+enters snazzy pic here+}
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Woah its been such a long time since I've posted something. I dont know what to say. SO I GUESS I WILL JUST RAMBLE TOU YOU GUYS WHO ARE EVER SO GENEROUS TO KEEP READING THIS!! *thumbs up* :) Haha well anyway My life hasnt changed much, cept that my friends and i made a spork family lol xD they are awesome. Hahaha oh yeah..haha today on the bus i started to liek do a little dance cuz it was friday and like haha Ivy(meh buddeh <3) and she was all "Wtf? o.o;;" and I stop danceing and say "ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!!" lol it was halarious. haha oh yeah..and on halloween nikki, julia, ivy and me are gonna go get some free condoms from the clinic and give em out to little kids! lol xD it will be awesome..or else..we can like give them sporks from Anyway ima jet! xD *hugs all* BYE!!!!!!! lol
[- Inserts flashy picture here -]
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Weeeewt! Lol wow yesterday was like an awesome day. My friends Kassi and Julia came over adn we just walked around holding hands and waving at people in cars. Then Kassi had to go. WHICH S.U.C.K.E.D. cuz shes going to be moving in a while ;__; Anyway..Julia and i where bored so we went to the mall. We saw some people we knew there and we snuck up behind them and scared the shit outta them. hah also Sam n Shelby asked if we wanted to go get a Volcano from that rainforest caffee place so we went there and had one! :3 it was yummy..Then after that we walked aroun in the stores and stuff and then i had this awesome idea...I went around to ask random people to sign my arms! :D lol it was fun i got a security gaurd to sign my arm lol he was kewl! he started to talk to us; also this other guy from the Vans store put his bands name on my arm, FWTB. lol haha also we saw my friend Eden there and she like wrot ein huge letters penis on my arm lol. Anyway thats it for nowww.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
I hope all of you had an awesome weekend. I know i did, lol. Hm my friends Julia and Nikki came over on friday and slept over. Lol we all walked around that friday untill like 10pm, lol. While we were out we went to the school and these guys playing basket ball and sruff but we didnt pay attention to them, but then Julia looked over at the basket abll players and one of them was taking a piss on the fence, rofl. It was funny cuz Nikki was like "PEE GUY PEE" and i was like "HEY NICE VEIW!" lol the guy turned around and we started to run like hell lol...
well I g2g now!
Song of The week: Saliva "Always"
I hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...
it's telling me all these things...
that you would probably hide...
am I... your one and only desire...
am I the reason you breathe...
or am I the reason you cry...
Always... always... always... always... always... always...
I just can't live without you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't get around you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...
I feel... like you don't want me around...
I guess i'll pack all my things...
I guess i'll see you around...
It's all... been bottled up until now...
as I walk out your door...
all I can hear is the sound...
Always... always... always... always... always... always...
I just can't live without you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't get around you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I left my head around your heart...
Why would you tear my world apart...
Always... always... always... always...
I see... the blood all over your hands...
does it make you feel... more like a man...
was it all... just a part of your plan...
this pistol's shakin' in my hands...
and all I hear is the sound...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I pick myself off the floor...
and now i'm done with you...

Obay Ville Valo! >:D
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Wow well yesterday i went over to Nikkis house because it was her birthday and all and like i got to meet this Julia person that my other friend mary has been saying shit about and also this other girl kassi she has been talkin shit about too. I didnt appreciate what mary said because it just pissed me off..i mean she shouldnt judge people like that and all..gah anyway!!! HANGMANS CURSE IS AN AWESOME MOVIE AND IAN SNYDER IS AWESOME!!!!...i had to say that..:] anyway i got bored so yeah i posted...
Well ima go bye
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Monday, May 30, 2005
man my weekend was awesome my friends and i snuck outta my house and went to the old school and egged tped graffited(sp?) and silly stringed was awesome..ohh and we also went on soos creek trail..that was fun we where just walking..but then i took a pice of ice form the ice pack we where carrying with us and put it down mary shirt lol she was mad at me then soo she did the same to me! lol then we both took our water bottles and poured the water on sarah lol it was funny she was like wet...she did the same to the people that where jogging by and walking just like stared at us cuz we where soaked..the bad part for me was that i had a WHITE shirt on and they had blue ones on..soo anyone who was walking by at the time got to see my lovely blue bra lol..anway ima head now bye all
(check out this pic i mad not long ago..please ;.; )
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Im tired of everyone at school..they are so annoying..well except for my friends. like this onefuck cody he is so annoying!! i hate him..he is so stupid.....I WANT TO KILL HIM!!! CUT FUCKING TEN INCH CUTS ON HIM POUR SALT ON ALL OF EM AND SEVER HIS HEAD THEN PUT IT ON A STICK AND FEED IT TO THE CROCS!! D:<..OH AND THIS ONE FUCK NAMED SEAN!! HE SUCKS!! HE FUCKING IS SOME ANNOYING JOCK TYPE PERSON AND BUGS ME ALL THE TIME!! I wanna do the same thing to him...hate jocks..they are so annoying and rude...if they both dont watch it they prolly are gonna get jumped.
well anyway, thanx for reading my rant. i need to go..bye..

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hey!! How are all of you? Gah i bet you people feel better then me...anyway im currently..BORED! yes bored like the rest of the people on here that resort to posting when bored or have nothing else to do..NO OFFENCE IN ANYWAY!!!well could any of you guys sugesst some bands i could download and listen to?
WOoOoOoOoOoOt! well im listening to Tsunami Bomb(<-very awesome band) right now.
..Do any of you guys know where to find some HIM downloads? heh..well i have to go now..seeya.
[inserts picture/icon here]
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
IM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n.n
Hey!! How are all of you?? anyways i had testing for 2 classes where all fucked up it was so annoying..oh and i got a fever on one of the testing weeks..but i still went to school...which kinda sucked. but now i dont have testing and im not sick anymore!!! *throws confetti* Oh and yesterday my friend Nikki came over and we started talking about this halloween and like we thought about getting straight jackets and scaring the shit outta the little kids that are trick-or-treating..and prolly get some free candy too!! okay well anyway..i need to go bye bye!!
^Attack of the kitty o.o' ^

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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Haw haw haw :D

Heck yes :B
hah yeah i had nothing better to post...anyway my spring break has gone by fast.. @.@; all i did was like..clean the house -.-; which..sucked cuz i didnt get payed D':..oh well...okay well ima go now...bye! :D
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