Step 1) Put your music player on shuffle
Step 2) Say the question aloud
Step 3) Press Play
1-How Does the world see me?
Getting Off -- Korn
:O_o: Can I blame Vee for this one?
2-Will I have a happy life?
Angry Inch -- Type O Negative
I'm regretting all the jokes me and Peter made about this song...
3-What do people really think of me?
Introduction -- Panic! At the Disco
I haven't a clue how this relates to the question
4-Do people secretly lust after me?
Moon Baby -- Godsmack
*lifts eyebrow* Kutteraine much.
5-How can I make myself happy?
I Like Goils -- Type O Negative
Well then...
6-What should I do with my life?
Survivalism -- Nine Inch Nails
That is, if I survive highschool.. xD
7-Will I ever have children?
Bloody Kisses (A Death in The Family) -- Type O Negative
I don't like kids much..
8-What is Some good advice for me?
I Like Goils -- Type O Negative
WTF? Again?!?
9-What do I think my theme song is?
Pushing Me Away -- Linkin Park
Its good song, but not my current addiction... I think
10-What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Introduction -- Panic! At the Disco
This is getting ridicoulous
11-What songs will play at my funeral?
Ten Thousand Fists -- Disturbed
12-What is my day going to be like?
Decadence -- Disturbed
And so it was..
13-Why am I here?
Throw Me Away -- Korn
Err... No explanation for this one
14-What will people remember me for?
Unsuccessfully Coping With The Natural Beauty of Infidility -- Type O Negative
Well, Danielle will. She HATES that song. And its my fault she heard it. *finds the song... interesting* xD
15-What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Trash -- Korn
My Ipod must think I'm a total pervert or something... and yes, I actually do like this song. Way more then I probably should.
16-Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Numb -- Linkin Park
I guess there is!
17-What will this year be all about?
Camisado -- Panic! At the Disco
Yep. Probably true.
18-If I reached the top of mount Everest, I would scream:
Break Stuff -- Linkin Park
Yes, I would. :nod:
19-The next time I stand up in front of a group of people, I will say:
Tearjerker -- Korn
This is a maybe... I'm quite that depressed or anything..
20-My message to the world:
Faaip De Oaid -- Tool
This song freaks the crap outta me!!! And I do believe aliens might invade Earth.. and you KNOW the government would SO cover it up
21-My deepest secret:
Liar -- Korn
Total pervert? The mystic Ipod Guru thinks so.
22-My innermost desire:
The Beginning of the End -- Nine Inch Nails
23-My older memory makes me think:
The Struggle Within -- Metallica
Okay. At this point it isn't the weirdest answer I've gotten
24-Somewhere in my wedding vows I’ll include:
Eon Blue Apocalypse -- Tool
But there's no words!?!?!
25-When I wake up in the morning, I mutter:
Life is Killing Me -- Type O Negative
26-Right now my feelings are:
The Patient -- Tool
I'm not very patient tho'! I'm just tired!!
27-The day I fall in love will be the day that:
Right Now -- Korn
That I'm super pissed?
28-My scream during sex:
Love Song -- Korn
I decided I would answer this question... now I think I shouldn't have
29-My farewell message to the readers of this:
Meet Your Master -- Nine Inch Nails
My legs are killing me. Its been 90 F degrees. Lunch is like $10 dollars or some thing. My Principles of Art class is so far, but thanks to Melissa I found a short cut behind Norton Gym and Slater Hall. :D I also D-blocked some lunch from her and Steven. French Fries, YUM! My French class is WAY too easy, but I probably could do with a review. My science and math teachers are so kick ass! I find my civics and english teachers boring (funny thing is, my civics,english teachers are female, and math,science are men).
I now desire to do another music quiz. If anyone finds one... lemme know. They're FUN. :D
"This entire opus is respectfully dedicated to those who have loved unconditionally only to have their hearts unanaesthetically ripped out; base not your joy upon the deeds of others, for what is given can be taken away. No hope = No fear." - Peter Steele (1962 - )