Used to be as cool as all hell. Now he's a TOTAL dork. What the hell happened?
Now, that I think of it, he was always dorkish. Specially with his lack of intelligence. I don't think he can tell the difference between a shark and tuna fish. I don't imagine its that subtle of difference.
So many people hate Veran anyways. He's so out've it. Honestly.
(Excerpt from the RolePlay he originates from: )
(She sat down in the far back and scowled at him. "Don't eat any body eaither!" She snorted and picked up a menu. "You can read.............Can't you?" She looked worried.
"Uh, um OH COURSE!!" he answered. He picked up the menu backwards and upsides down.
Yasha sighed and sat next to him and fixed the menu up right and pointed at things and said, "I would think you want meat right? Or do you want some thing else?"
"Yeah.." he wached her finger pointing to all the blobly things called words. He followed it back and forth.
"Do you like chicken or cow. Oh I know what you may want! Stake. Red jucise hot stake! I gonna have chicken pow lin with noodles. What do you want to drink?" She smiled and added, "I need to teach you how to read."
"Uh...uh...I don't care!" he said, seemingly unused to a choice.)
(Second Excerpt:Caden shrugged. *It's fish. Fish is always better. Nice necklace, by the way.* She stood and strecthed shaking water off her fur, and extuinguishing her flames simultaneously.
"It don't LOOK like fish..." Veran looked at her cluelessly.
*Just think big fish. Big big fish.*
"Okay.."His mouth began to water.
Caden knew that tone, too. She was on her feet in a second.
*What. You won't eat me. I'm no fish.*)
>.>; He's slightly less violent now. Except when Vee starts swearing out of nowhere. He gets all freaked out... and then imitates him. :no:
Nature boy....
"This entire opus is respectfully dedicated to those who have loved unconditionally only to have their hearts unanaesthetically ripped out; base not your joy upon the deeds of others, for what is given can be taken away. No hope = No fear." - Peter Steele (1962 - )
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