Damn, I seriously wish I was depressed or something. Clincially, yes, I am depressed, but I don't feel like I am. I'm still experiencing pain everywhere, but I'm almost immune to at this point.
I'm feel like I want to eat, but I'm not actually hungry. I haven't been eating much lately. Also my dad thinks that the pain in my kidneys is caused by High Fructose Syrup. He says he was amazed at how much that stuff could mess you up. So now I have "read the ingredients". Pfft! Like I'm gonna.
I feel like bitching people out. Especially after my mother forced me to go to some stupid Confirmation thing. She thinks if I go through this thing, I'll become "Christian". No. I hate religion. I will not be ruled by some invisible force. And I have free will, unlike her. She has to cling to god.
I know how to fix my own problems; its obvious my mother never learned how to do that.
Forty Six & Two
"The Shadow is an Unconsious Complex that is defined as the Repressed and Supressed aspects of the Consious Self. There are Constructive and Destructive types of Shadow." - Carl Jung emphasized the importance of being AWARE of Shadow material and incorporating it into Consious Awareness... lest One project these Attribute onto Others. * The Human Being deals with the Reality of the Shadow in four ways: Denial, Projection, Intergration, and/or Transmutation.
"There are 3 totally different types of humans on Earth, meaning that they percieve the One reality in three different ways, interpreted differently...
The first kind of human has a chromosome composition of 42+2. They comprise a unity consiousness that does not see anything outside themselves as being separate from themselves. To them, there is only One Energy -- One Life, One Beingness that moves Everywhere. Anything Happening Anywhere is Within Them, as well. They are like cells in the body. They are all Connected to a Single Consiousness that Moves Through All of Them. These are the Aboriginals in Australia. There might be a few African tribes left like this.
Then, there is our level, comprising of 44+2 Chromosomes. We are a disharmonic level of consiousness that is used as the stepping stone from 42+2 to the next level, 46+2...
These two additional chromosomes change Everything." - Drunvalo Melchizadek
A few notes taken for The Abstracted Realm.
I plan on making TAR as realistic and yet surreal and abstract as possible.
Roto's tribe and very likely his specie as well, will have 42+2 composition.
Whereas for Rixz, I'm thinking 46+2. I'm still considering ideas for making him (and a few others) completely indepedent of their specie. Like a few details I've already confirmed,:
~Rixz's fur will only stay brown for a 1-2 week period, unlike the normal 3-5 week.
~Fur will not grow on his fingertips, like the rest of the Cariou, or on the bottoms of his feet (which would be a bad thing, whereas the furless fingertips could be good, at some points)
~ Rixz (and the select others) will have three sets of ears, unlike the standard two. The last set will be about 5 cm in length, and usually hidden under the hair.
Rixz is actually supposed to seem like the primitive Cariou. I'll get the details straightened out before I really start TAR.
"This entire opus is respectfully dedicated to those who have loved unconditionally only to have their hearts unanaesthetically ripped out; base not your joy upon the deeds of others, for what is given can be taken away. No hope = No fear." - Peter Steele (1962 - )