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• 1990-04-09
• Pennsylvania, U.S.
Member Since
• 2004-11-01
Real Name
• Samantha
Anime Fan Since
• Age of 6 (Sailor Moon)
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, Fruits basket, Gundam
• Gaming, field hockey, DDR, Karate, Drawing
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Guestbook Entries:
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Bakura lover (09/25/06)
Hey whats up! thanks for signing my GB. i really love the background. Anyway really like the site hope to talk to you later.
Dark4893 (09/24/06)
hey thank for commenting on my wallpaper
i appreciate it
but its not on here anymore -_-
anyway i saw that ur b-day is on Apr. 9
which is totally awesome cuz its the day after my b-day!!! :)
well anyway i added u as a friend
hope u dont mind
and ill ttyl :)
miley forever (09/20/06)
hi!!!!thanx for signing my gb .ok well see you!!!!
NarutoBlackmail (09/20/06)
Shpankyuu so much for commenting on my art and site. ^^ I apprecaite it.
Oh, and what use to color my piccies are Prismacolored Pencils. You can probably find them at Micheals or any art store. They're a dollar each, but so worth it. Mine came out to $50. @_@
Well, see ya around. ^^
And here's a gift from me to you!
Guns go BANG, BANG!
.../ --___________---_____]
..), ---.(_(_)/
.../ (.) ), --"
Have a good day... ~takes tophat off and bows~
~The Mad Blackmailer~
sakura-skies (09/19/06)
Thank you so much for commenting on my art and lovely site. Also thanks for signing my gb and to answer your question I color my pictures with prisma color pencils and markers. Also I hope you wouldnt mind if I add you as a friend :D
john3:16 (09/18/06)
I love your site!Your BG is awesome!Thanks for saying that you like alll my Naruto pics.! Do you have any art up??If you do then I'll be more than happy to vote and comment on yours!If you do the same!I'm going to add you and I hope you do the same!i hope that you are haveing a very good day and thamk you for signing my gb!^__^ I always look forward to new people!It makes me happy to know that people like my art enough to want to sign my GB and be friends with me!YEAH!Now we are friends!PM me any time and we can talk and stuff!Well I got to go so see ya later tater!^__^
faithmaker67 (09/17/06)
Nice site!
Cool backround!
your site is very awesome!
Lovin ur site!
See ya later
HitsAndHeartsx3 (09/17/06)
Just wanted to sign this and tell you, Edward Cullen called, he said he wanted me to make some vampire babies with him.
ps. I got the same call from Ryuichi//Haru//Eyes//Tohma.[hehe]
alohajnny2 (09/15/06)
hey sam, my so awesome friend...i would say it in German but then you wouldn't know what i was saying, eh...your still massively cool i love ya!!
TwilightSki (09/15/06)
Geeze, that is wierd!!! Haha, well I'll return the initial signing of the guestbooks! You must sign your entrty? O.o Never did that....hah. Love the new Ten-Ten fanart! Well, be seeing ya around, Sam!
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