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Just north of Chicago
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Smart Ass
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Associate Degree in Management
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Thanks for saying that my Naota Pic was good. It was submitted, and posted on the fourteenth.
And now on to the fun part.


I will be going to games on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully to see the White Sox continue to win and keep the best record in the Major Leagues.
And I got a new Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon T-shirt.
So its been a good week.
Go outside, you're starting to look pale.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
This is my first posted attempt at fan art. If you guys think its good, then Ill submit it to the main site.

What do you think?
Keep on Rolling
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
It doesnt feel like Sunday.

And tell me that isnt funny.
I noticed that a couple of people had a question or two about my painting. It went to the Kenosha County(Wi) school art show and would have taken a prize if I had let them take it for an extended period of time for the state show. They discriminate against the ones that the students want back right away. I dont know why I didnt let them take it, a ribbon for that would have been nice now that I think about it.
Someguy: It was originally just another art class project, but a couple of weeks into the actual painting, the teacher noticed how well it was coming along and said that I could pretty much phone in the rest of the projects and focus on just the painting.
Shin-chan: The reason that I havent posted fan art is because well, at simple drawings like cartoons. Im not that good. Or at least I dont think that they are very good. If you ask me really nice, Ill try to draw one.(Just nothing too hard @_@) ^_^!
And thanks for the compliments on the painting guys.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Well, I have nothing new to report. And I cant really think of what to say about the last couple of guys at the poker table, seeing as they are friends of my dads. So I will give you this.

That is a painting I did in the 8th grade. Sorry about the glare. Its framed and Im lazy. It took me 6 months out of the 9 month school year to complete. At least an hour and a half every day. What do you guys think?
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
What the hell, no one came by yesterday! What did I do to offend you guys this time?
Im watching Inuyasha now, on [AS] Inuyasha is fighting the half bull-demon, its an ok episode.
Im off to bed after FMA and GITS: SAC.
See you in the morning
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Monday, June 6, 2005
First off, what do you think of the changes?

And now to add a couple of the other players.
Matt: Big Jock looking guy. If you have seen Travis Hafner of the Cleveland Indians(baseball)that is pretty much what he looks like.
His sense of humor can best be described as sophmoric, seeing as his favorite shows and movies are all the same. But cool to hang around anyway. As far as his poker and D&D abilities, below average. Always finds his way out of the poker game first or second. And in D&D, takes too long to decide what to do to in the adventures.
Davey: Now Mike here doesnt play poker with us much. He works with Alex and Eric and I have known him since elementary school. He comes up with some amazing things for us to do when in the DM role(SG, I know what it meant)
There are a few more left, Ill leave them for another day.
So Long Suckers!(JUST KIDDING)
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I finally thought of something to talk about. Instead of telling you guys of what has been going on(nothing) Ill tell you all about some of the people I play poker with every other Saturday.
Eric: My twin brother, he likes oldies rock, like Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, etc...
Also like me, a smart ass with a pretty quick wit. As a poker player, average, but its always fun at the table. Eric also plays D&D with the rest of us.
Alex: Lives here with my dad and Eric, Listens to the same music as my brother does, and is pretty good at reading the players at the table. Also a very good wit and sense of humor. Makes it really fun during football season because he is a Green Bay Packers Fan living in a Chicago Bears dominated house. We get along on most of the other sports though. Another D&D player, really good at coming up with adventures for us to go on.
Frankie: Again, same taste in music, same sense of humor. A little more laid back than the rest of us, he just tends to chill out. Really good at baseball, hell of a pitcher. Also one of the D&D guys, his characters are really fun to play alongside.
Ill fill in the rest of the poker and the D&D table at another time

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Friday, May 27, 2005
If I had anything new to say, I would update more often. But alas, nothing new to say.
My brother is borrowing some anime from a friend of ours. Tenjo Tenge, DN Angel, Yu Yu Hakusho, and some One Piece Manga, he had Naruto #1 last week and I read that, pretty good.
So thats about it.

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Saturday, May 21, 2005
court was fun. 2 and a half hours of total driving for a grand total of 20 minutes of court. What a bunch of bullshit that was.
That is all I got.
Sorry, It was either guilty or not guilty. I pled guilty, got court supervision, and now have to pay $132 fine(which the boss gave me). I got 150 from the boss, so 18 dollars for gas. The court shit is over.
I was just really tired when I posted earlier and needed some sleep.
So there is the complete update.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Well, the news is that I have a court date on Friday because my boss didnt pay a ticket that he was supposed to. Ive just about had enough of the runaround and the bullshit. He assured me that I would no be going door to door, and POOF, there I am knocking every day. He also assured me that appointments and money were guaranteed, and its not. They have lied to me since day 1 and I think Ive had enough.
Back to the ticket, I got it like my second or third week on the job. My boss told me to give him the ticket and he would pay it off. He never did and now I have to drive 120 miles to get to court and try to explain it all. And you can believe that I will be compensated for my time and gas, at 39 cents a mile.
I just cant stop bitching, can I?

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