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Just north of Chicago
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Smart Ass
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Associate Degree in Management
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A while now
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.hack//sign, Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X. Pretty much all of it
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Monday, May 16, 2005
I really have nothing new to say so I found a decent pic to share.

There may be more later
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Well, here it is. My new job is fun, I really like it a lot. But the thing is, I cant keep working at a place where I get home as late as I do. My average day breaks down to:
8 am- wake up
9-9:30 go to work.
10-10:30 meeting
11-1pm leave for the town of the day
2-9pm- do two demonstrations if lucky, and spend the rest of the time walking streets getting told "NO" about 250 times.
9pm to about 11:00 pm sometimes as late as 1 or 2 AM! waiting in the van until the last guy is done for the day.
In the 2 1/2 months Ive been there, I have gotten home at times of 2:30, 1:30, and even 4:00 AM!!!
I just cant keep doing that for much longer, the sleep depravation is killing me. Plus getting sick twice and now I have a knee problem. DAMN!!!
Ive done enough venting and I apologize for it.
Take care guys
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.
Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention.
Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and
fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional.
Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others.
Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see.
What does your birth month say about you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
my voice is finally back, but it cuts out every now and then. I will go back to work on Monday. Then hopefully I will start getting some damn good sales, and lots of them. Other than that, nothing new in the war room.
And I can still be a smart ass with a bad voice, because my smartassery knows no limits. Be it typed or spoken, I will be heard.
I just needed to say that.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
well, acccording to the doc. I have laryngeites(sp) or more simply an infected voice box. Im taking antibiotics for it, and it is slowly getting better. My voice slowly comes and goes. But I still cant work until it comes back.
On the good side of things, I was looking at movies at the store today, and found Ghost in the Shell movie (first one) on sale. So I bought it. Waiting to watch it until later though. Ive got some chores and other things to do.
Ill probably check it out after [ADULT SWIM].
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Well, tomorrow I will be seeing my doctor to figure out what the hell has been wrong with my voice. I hope nothing serious, I need that voice to work. I cant sell when I cant talk.
Other than that. My PS2 went on the fritz, I had to take it apart and clean it out.
It seems to be working fine now, so I hope that all will be well.
I did win a contest at work for getting two sales last week. I won a DVD player, although I might just get the cash for it.
I will check out sites, then be off for the night
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Actually, I got sick again and decided to do some poking around on the internet. Whatever the hell I got last time came back, my voice is all but gone, coughing, and sneezing.
But work has been good, the people are all good. My only complaint is that the hours are shitty. On a given day, I will work about 10-14 hours. Leaving home at 9:30 not getting home usually until after 10:00 pm.
On another note, my mom is finally turning off the internet here at her house. So the updates will be at my dads and they will be at the very best every other friday.
Speaking of my dad, he was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, its not bad though. He doesnt need the shots, just keep checking it everyday.
Thats enough out of me.
Dont you people have anything better to do than check in on my boring ass.
Get lost, do something productive why dont ya.
Just kidding guys, Ill be seeing you.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Well, so far 21 is all its cracked up to be.
B-Day List
1) FLCL on DVD Japanese with Subtitles. (friend downloaded and burned a copy for me) From Brother
2) Special Collectors Edition of Monty Python and The Holy Grail with movie cell and screenplay) From Dad
3) PS2 Game, MLB 2006
From Dad
4) Original Legend of Zelda for my GBA
From Dad
5) One Hell of a party last night. Filled with lots of drinking and some projectile vomiting.(not me) (^_^)
I believe there are a few more things coming from my mom when she gets back from Louisiana. And on Wednesday, another killer party.
Maybe Ill get some more anime. I hope so. Im gonna have the same friend mentioned earlier burn me Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto and whatever else he has. I just got to buy the blanks.
Ill see you round.

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Friday, April 1, 2005
I played well last night/early morning. I finished just out of the money, in 5th place(out of 12)
We started at about 10 last night, not finishing till about 6 this morning, I didnt get to sleep till about 7 AM!!!!! Waking up at about 2 in the pm. Now I am at my Dad's about to start playing again. My learning experience from last night will help me out tremendously tonight, when I kick all form of ass and bring home some money.
Thanks for the well wishes guys.
Ill talk to you later
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
well guys, it finally happened, I am no longer in the top 500, as of this moment, I am at 501. OH well, I am used to the fact that a lot of people are liked better than me.
On to more bad news, my voice has been gone for about a week now. I am feeling better, just the damn voice wont come back.
The good news, however is indeed good. I was invited to go to a small poker tourney tonight at about 10. It promises to be a great night.
Ill let you know how it turnes out tomorrow.
Im all in
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